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View Full Version : another one! House Bill 760 Pennsylvania

04-16-2007, 03:49 PM

Another bill that they're trying to sneak in here in PA.
I can't beleive this one. :confused:

Forward to every Pennsylvania gun owner you know. Make sure they call/email their state Rep. and Senator. I emailed both of mine. They both responded and are totally against this bill. If we don't speak up now, bills like this will pass. Email address's and phone numbers at the link below.


04-16-2007, 07:57 PM
If this bill passes, I'll be moving. Again, punish (charge) the law abiding to attempt to stop the criminals. It's insane.

04-17-2007, 10:46 AM
The word is, it has ZERO chance of passing - it was introduced by Reps almost exclusively from the Philly area.

Remember now, PA has the US's largest rural population(almost 3.5 million), issues the most hunting permits(over a million), and has 2700 FFL holders.

They really REALLY like their guns, and any Rep who votes for it outside of a "blue zone" is not going to get reelected.


04-17-2007, 12:26 PM

what is status of this bill? I heard from some (not sure how reliable) that it was dead in committee.

If I am wrong let me know and I will continue action
