View Full Version : Remington 788 30/30

05-20-2012, 02:25 PM
I have a good lead on one at a reasonable price. I've had less than stellar results out of 30/30 in the past but I know I just had a problem jiving with that particular rifle. Does anyone shoot a 788? I know little to nothing and information isn't all that abundant. I know they are supposed to very nice rifles, they look great. Weird though with six rear locking lugs. Must be solid.
I bet the 30/30 would really shine being able to use a spitzer. I have a 168g gc 'pointy' boolit that I'd probably start with.

05-20-2012, 02:29 PM
I've never seen a 788 ( in any caliber ) that wasn't a nail driver.

I understand that the only possible problem with the 788, 30 - 30 is the potential of the extractor to break on the rifle. If you buy the rifle, I'd do a little reading on the subject. You may want to pick up a spare while they are still available.


05-20-2012, 02:39 PM
Good to know. I wonder where the flaw is that causes them to break? I'll have to look into this.

Thanks Ben.

05-20-2012, 02:53 PM
The 788s where good cheap rifles, that is why Remington discontinued them.

I have heard of people breaking both the extractors and bolt handles, how they manage that I don't know, but this is a complaint some people make about all of Remington's rifles not just the 788.

Jack Stanley
05-20-2012, 04:09 PM
Ben is right , mine is a nail driver . When I got it , I had now clue how many rounds it had seen as it had been in service to a large department . The ejector did break on me and I hadn't been mishandling it , I was able to get a replacement from Jack First .

On a different 788 I did manage to break a bolt handle and that was my fault . A local gun doctor fixed it for real with a heli-arc torch and heat sink . He recontourd the weld and blued it so you'd never know unless you knew what it should look like . The lessong learned was , if ammo can't be chambered while sitting at the bench , something is wrong with the ammo so look at it close .

If you can get a 30WCF in a 788 I really doubt you will be sorry about the buy .


05-20-2012, 04:15 PM
I have 2.
A 308 win and a 6mm rem. Never broke an extractor or bolt handle.

The factory trigger comes 'non-adjustable' but I did see an article about changing the trigger spring. There is a company make replacement trriggers for the 788. My triggers are original and I have no problem with them.

05-20-2012, 04:30 PM
I have a 788 in 30-30. The ejector was broken when I got it, and after I tried to chamber a round that had been fired in a Marlin I managed to break the extractor. Both are available from a fellow who is making them, don't remember his name but I found him on a Google search.

It was a fairly good shooter as manufactured, but I can't leave well enough alone so I installed a new barrel with 1:12 twist and chambered it with Dave Manson's 30-30 cast bullet match reamer. Pillar bedded it, refinished everything, EGW 20 MOA rail, good scope, and a Timney trigger. With the 1:12 it can run normal gaschecked grease groove boolits at full throttle and makes a passable highpower silhouette rifle for 500M shooting.

If you can find one at a good price, I would get it since they are fun to shoot as well as appreciating in value every year since they are considered to be fairly collectable.

05-20-2012, 08:38 PM
I have two 788 one 308 one 44 mag love them both. both are tack drivers

05-20-2012, 09:46 PM
I had a 788 in 22-250......super accurate ! Not much to look at but a seriously accurate rifle. From what I can tell the 788 series are uniformly good shooters.
If I every come across one in 30-30 I would jump at the chance to buy it.

05-21-2012, 09:41 AM

If you don't want it let me know where it is at so I can buy it.


05-21-2012, 01:35 PM
The reputation of bolt handle breaking comes from the rear locking lugs. When you get to the high end of the pressure range in the 308 size case, the bolt will spring a little (like the Marlin and Winchester lever guns) the case expands, increasing head space and then when the pressure drops, you have a longer case in the chamber.

People usually use a mallet to to open the bolt and brake the silver soldered or brased join. I had it happen to mine but, because I'd seen others brake theirs, I took more time to get mine open. the ones that I saw broken were at CBA matches where they were in a hurry.

Best thing to do if it happens is to loosen the barrel but, you have to do that before anything happens because the barrels are Lock Tited in.

I never had a 30/30 so, I know nothing about the extractor breakage

05-21-2012, 06:13 PM
mags are not cheap guy on feebay had one listed last week , dont use in COLD and rain to where it can freeze as that what tends to lock the lugs

05-21-2012, 08:58 PM
I had one when I lived in Michigan. Was a 308 Win left hand bolt. Very accurate. I was very dumb for getting rid of it. Never gave me any problems in the cold.

I have a Rem 581 22lr LH bolt that is very similar in appearance and has the same style bolt.

Only issue I had is the magazine in the 788 liked to rattle.

05-24-2012, 10:48 PM
I have one of each caliber in the 788 except for the 7mm-08, buy it you wont regret it. The 22 calibers are all tack drivers, my 222 has 2 different loads that you can cover a five shot group with a penny at 100 yds, 223 will shoot ragged holes all day long. Just started working with the 308 so I have some more development to do. For the 30-30 with cast, try the 31141 over 15 g of 2400. From what I have read the issues with the bolt handles come from hot loads and over expanded brass being removed from the chamber. If you find it necessary to do anything with the trigger, Timney makes one as well, my 308 came with one.


05-29-2012, 03:23 PM
I also had the 788 in .22-250 and 6mm, both very accurate guns. The locking lugs are a bit rough when new but smooth out with age. Never broke anything on them.

05-29-2012, 05:29 PM
I have repaired the bolt handles on two of them. 1 in 222 and 1 in 22-250. The handle popped off the 222 by just lifting the bolt so it was a bad braze, the 22-250 I could not tell you what happened. Neither of these were mine, but I was present when it happened on the 222. I have had 5 of these rifles and have a 30-30 and a 22-250 currently. Don't think you will be unhappy with the way it shoots cast.

greg gremlin
05-31-2012, 10:54 PM
I have a Rem 788 in 30-30. I shoot Lee 150 gr. rf gc. Over 10.5 gr. of Unique it is very accurate. I traded a Savage 340 (30-30) for the remington + 70 bucks. [smilie=w: Will be a keeper. greg

05-31-2012, 11:23 PM
They seem to be going up in price too. Guntrader has a few and they are going for close to $500 now.