View Full Version : found another one !

05-19-2012, 07:10 PM
Been thinkin about going to a gun show lately ,, haven't been in quite a while .
While at work a friend handed me two VIP tickets to the local Reno gun show ..:-)
and haven't had a saturday off in a while ...( the planets were lining up )

Went in and picked up a batch of primers and didn't really expect anything else.
As I thought .. prices were higher on everything.
One table had some used reloading Items , which surprised me as one does not see that much of that nature at these shows....
On the table was a Lyman T-mag, tagged at 30 bucks and a lyman 45 at 47 bucks.
Limited buget here ... ignored the mag but looked at the 45 closer ....
Sadly neglected for quite a while.. the slider frame was bent a little on the bottom half and the shafts had a little rust , every thing was there including a 452 sizer and top punch , handle was in good shape including the wood, no crack at the set screw hole but it looks like some kid got carried away while painting the shop and got parts of the sizer .... hope it's water based paint ..

Offered the ol boy 15 dollars and we settled at 20 bucks ,... she came home with me to keep company with a brother 45 and a meepos ...;-)
With a little TLC I am sure things will work out ., heres the pics ....



05-19-2012, 09:03 PM
MAN !!! how do you sleep at night?

05-20-2012, 12:25 PM
Sleep pretty good now that I have found a roommate for my other Lyman 45 , .. it was getting pretty lonely out there with just the Meepos for company ...;-)
A little less guilt now ...[smilie=6:

05-28-2012, 05:15 PM
update: .. the little beastie looks like it still had the original dark/black colored lube in it .
Cleaned it all out and proceded to go to work .... and the results ! ...look at the pics...
Bit of a contrast ....:bigsmyl2:
Will pick up another shaft and seal from Lyman as the original is a little buggered up

The only thing I wish I could come up with is the original decal , couldn't save it
Looks good next to it's brother ....

05-28-2012, 05:37 PM
update: .. the little beastie looks like it still had the original dark/black colored lube in it .
Cleaned it all out and proceded to go to work .... and the results ! ...look at the pics...
Bit of a contrast ....:bigsmyl2:
Will pick up another shaft and seal from Lyman as the original is a little buggered up

The only thing I wish I could come up with is the original decal , couldn't save it
Looks good next to it's brother ....

I couldnt tell anything from looking at all those letters and numbers

05-30-2012, 09:45 PM
Yeah , got a little carried away with the pics .....[smilie=1:

05-31-2012, 10:49 AM
It looks new.

06-01-2012, 11:27 PM
Nice shape. Quite a bargain.

06-02-2012, 10:53 PM
i use a lil darker orange on mine , chevy orange to be exact ,hi-heat ceramic type they call it , it's not quite a close of match but ... i love the color :P your's looks great !!

06-02-2012, 11:20 PM
Thanks guys ... I enjoy "restoring" some of the old stuff so to speak ... color was a tad lighter than original .
Walked in the hardware store with the top piece and compared .... came up with Krylon Mandarin orange , figured it would probably darken a tad with age ( like me with all the liver spots ..:oops:)
Maybe a bit anal about these but enjoy the hands on with the two 45's now , the Meepos and the 10 seaco pot , seem to have a working "antique" collection .
All ways fun.

06-03-2012, 02:32 PM
Wow , ordered the new shaft and seal/piston from lyman Wednesday and it was in the PO box Saturday.
With the original cap on the machine having a hole too small for the new shaft ,... drilled it out to size for the new one ... "wa la" ! ready to go .
Now to fill it up with a batch of Carnuba red , the other 45 has Ben's red in it currently.

It works !
125 gr , sized to .357