View Full Version : new toy today

Lloyd Smale
05-19-2012, 05:12 PM
went in the local gunshop today and he had a brand new saiga 12 on the rack. Some guy bought it and died of cancer before he could use it. His wife had it for sale there. traded even up for a 06 ruger that has been a miserable sob to get to shoot well so i sure wont miss it! Shot about a 100 rounds out of the saiga today. Its sure a ball to shoot. Hardly any recoil even with buckshot

05-19-2012, 10:09 PM
I've been seeing a lot of these lately...never could get past the fact that it just doesn't look like a shotgun. I may pick one up sometime in the future as everyone that owns them seems to like them.

05-19-2012, 10:57 PM
One of Range Officers where I shoot hates them because people go nuts with shot shells at close range and destroy the wooden uprights for the target stands.

05-22-2012, 06:39 AM
Envious! Got a pic? Been wanting one myself, with the conversion to p/g stock and all the 922r compliance parts. A 25 round mag will let you put 2 pounds of shot downrange quick!

05-27-2012, 04:27 PM
How hard would rebarreling to a rifled slug unit be? I've always wondered about doing one.

Lloyd Smale
05-28-2012, 07:12 AM
just put a retractable ar style stock on mine yesterday. It was allready an arsonel legal conversion but i detested that shotgun style stock.
Envious! Got a pic? Been wanting one myself, with the conversion to p/g stock and all the 922r compliance parts. A 25 round mag will let you put 2 pounds of shot downrange quick!

Lloyd Smale
05-28-2012, 07:14 AM
end of the barrel is threaded and they sell choke tubes for it and even sell rifled choke tubes. Problem is the gun is allready on the large side and adding a 5 inch choke tube would make it just to big to be practical.
How hard would rebarreling to a rifled slug unit be? I've always wondered about doing one.

05-31-2012, 09:22 PM
So, have you shot it much yet? Was it modded to be reliable with "low brass" loads? Inquiring minds want to know.

Lloyd Smale
06-02-2012, 07:07 AM
ive shot the snot out of it pipehand. Ive put well over 500 rounds through it in the last two weeks but havent shot any low brass loads yet. 99 percent of the rounds ive put through it were buckshot loads between 1oz and 1 1/4oz and its funtioned well with all of those loads. I did order a reliability kit for it that is suppose to help with the light loads. Its a 5 position gas adjuster a new recoil spring and a new gas puck. But bottom line is it has fed every load ive put through it even at the low setting on the gas block. Only jams were caused by overzelous crimping of the buck loads that swelled the cases. they worked fine in my pump gun but took a little more effort on the pump but wouldnt run through the saiga without manualy pushing the bolt the last inch. With good ammo though it doesnt miss a beat.

06-03-2012, 07:08 AM
Been buying a box of Rem Gunclub or GameLoads every week to stock up and have the reloadable hulls on hand. A Saiga is definitely the current wish list gun for me, and I have a friend who does the conversions. He's currently running about 20 ak/ar builds behind though.

Gonna have to buy another gun safe, also. This one's full.

Have you seen the YouTube videos of the Saiga with the SlideFire stock?

Lloyd Smale
06-03-2012, 07:23 AM
Yup and i bought it considering putting one on mine. Ive got a bumpfire stock on one of my ars and its a ball. I dont know if i have the money right now though to buy another for this gun. Even without it you can uleash a hell storm of lead with it.

Rattlesnake Charlie
06-21-2012, 03:57 PM
I've had one for a couple of years now. It has a SureFire adjustable stock. I have good luck with the SurFire 12-round magazines. Tried another brand, but they just didn't work. The gun is a real hoot to clean off a line of tin cans set on the ground about 10 yards out and using cheap #4 or #6 high brass shells. Brings a smile to everyone's face that tries it. It now has a flashlight mounted under the barrel. At night, if it is centered in the light, ....

Rattlesnake Charlie
06-22-2012, 11:16 AM
Someone PM'd me that in stock configuration, you are limited to a 10 round magazine. When I bought my shotgun it already had the adjustable stock and pistol grip. I wanted to ensure I was compliant with those changes so changed to American made trigger group and gas piston. This is good to get out as others may not be aware of the continually tightening restrictions on these types of shotguns.

The Siaga 12 website is useful for this specific shotgun: