View Full Version : Swedish Mauser Bore Disc meaning

05-15-2012, 12:17 PM
Looking at a Swedish Mauser stamped 1907. I can't read the brass disc in the stock, but the seller states that the bore disc is marked 6.51. What does that mean?


05-15-2012, 01:09 PM
6.48 was new condition 6.55 was the measurement when the barrel was supposed to be replaced. It is all nonsense if the stock serial number does not match the action #. See link below for details for everything on the disk


05-15-2012, 01:16 PM
I believe it means the bore (not groove) diameter was measured at 6.51mm ( approx. .256") when the disk was attached. Many years later, and possibly decades out of Swedish service, it means almost nothing now. Often, stocks are switched (once in the USA), and disks with them. They are mostly a curiosity now.

05-15-2012, 08:36 PM
There are a couple ways that the stock disc can be authenticated and determined to be valid.

Rifles fresh from military storage had one of two characteristics:
1- grease/cosmoline in every nook & cranny.
2- a piece of white tape stuck usually over the comb of the stock with a two digit number, i.e. 79, which indicates it was last inspected in military storage in 1979.

Those two tips are strongly suggestive that the rifle hasn't seen any shooting or use since it was imported into the U.S. Rifles from FSR shooting clubs will not have these indicators nor will rifles from private ownership.

We do occasionally see rifles with one or both of these characteristics to the point that the observation has been validated repeatedly over the years.

Here's a very nice maple stocked m/96 with the grease showing...

stock discs:

It is true that normally the disc cannot be counted upon anymore to be an accurate reflection of bore size or condition.

Swedish Mausers & rolling blocks