View Full Version : Mossberg 464 Brush Gun

05-14-2012, 08:29 PM
I have been looking for a new 30 30 and marlin is out of the question (Remington QC sucks) so I was looking at a Mossberg 464 Brush Gun. But it's not in stock right now so I need to wait. Has anyone seen or have one of these? I would like to get some feed back.

05-14-2012, 09:25 PM
Haven't seen one in person but a fair number of folks that have think mebbe it'll be worthwhile to give Remlin a chance to get it together. If you're in a hurry cruise the used gun racks, plenty of good leverguns out there if you'll just look. (Too many, apparently. ;) )

05-14-2012, 10:39 PM
I used a 2 groove No4 Mk1 Enfield

05-14-2012, 11:10 PM
The one I saw looked OK and cycled smoothly, but I didn't get to shoot it. I would say it is the equal of any (new) Marlin I've handled in the last few years. That said, I think I'd hit the used gun racks. There are literally millions of 30-30's out there, just look for a nice one.

05-15-2012, 07:11 AM
I've owned one for a few months. It handles the same as a Model 94. Shoots about the same as well. The trigger and action smooths after a couple hundred shots (compared to what it was like out of the box). It's not so good when new.

I replaced the rear sight with a Skinner. The sight picture is much better now.


For $390, it was cheaper than any used Model 94 that I could find.

05-15-2012, 09:58 PM
I've owned one for a few months. It handles the same as a Model 94. Shoots about the same as well. The trigger and action smooths after a couple hundred shots (compared to what it was like out of the box). It's not so good when new.

I replaced the rear sight with a Skinner. The sight picture is much better now.


For $390, it was cheaper than any used Model 94 that I could find.

Wish they'd ship a few down my way, would like to at least look at one.

05-18-2012, 10:42 PM
I have had a 464 for a couple years and it has been an excellent shooter. It loves CB's