View Full Version : Wild Turkey breast recipes wanted

41 mag fan
05-13-2012, 09:21 AM
Anyone have any really good wild turkey recipes they would like to share?

We actually debreasted the turkey i got this year for the first time. We've been doing full mounts the last few years and the birds been going to the taxidermist.

But we tried one 1/2, a friend of ours told us about.
We threw it in a crock pot on low for 6 hrs then took it out, cooled it down and cubed it and breaded with Drakes and deep fried.

Man it was good, a little chewy and it tasted like chicken!!

Thanks to any and all who can share their recipes.

Able 5
05-13-2012, 03:15 PM
41 mag, I've got one in the freezer. A friend told me to cut in strips, season, flour and deep fry like chicken strips. Think I'm going to try that. Even an old bird should be good that way.

05-13-2012, 03:33 PM
41 mag, I've got one in the freezer. A friend told me to cut in strips, season, flour and deep fry like chicken strips. Think I'm going to try that. Even an old bird should be good that way.

It will be even better if you soak the strips overnite in Buttermilk then batter and fry them!

41 mag fan
05-13-2012, 06:14 PM
Able 5 just remember 1 thing, the breast will be chewy and tough. Friend of ours told us to use crock pot first to help make it less tough and chewy

05-13-2012, 09:53 PM
Last year in turkey camp, we took the one Dad shot (his first) and cut it up for supper that night.

We had eggs and a turkey frier, but no crackers, flour or batter. We did have what was left of 3 different kinds of potatoe chips, so we crunched up those and rolled the meat in eggs then chip fragments and deep fried.

It actually turned out pretty good. The BBQ chips were'nt terrible great, but the plain chips were good. A touch on the chewy side, but what the heck, it worked!:bigsmyl2:

mud lake
05-14-2012, 03:02 AM
The only wild turkey recipe I know is 3 fingers in a number 10 washtub. (drink up sailor, what did you come ashore for??)

Able 5
05-14-2012, 03:57 PM
Moose and 41, I got ya. Mama used to soak dog run deer in vinager and then buttermilk. She always said the pressure cooker is your friend...

I was also thinking of running them through a tenderizer, then stuff (cheese peppers ect), roll and put in a crock pot. OK now I'm hungry. gotta go

L Ross
05-14-2012, 09:45 PM
Pressure cook the turkey breast and shred. Saute some onions and set them aside. Boil 3 or four tomatoes until they split. Put the tomatoes and some chipotle chilis in adobo sauce in a blender with some chicken bullion granules. Now the chipotle in adobo comes in 7 oz. cans. How much you want o put in depends on how hot you like stuff. Blend the mix until smooth. Put the turkey, onions, and this blended sauce into a large sauce pan and heat through. We like to lightly fry corn tortillas until thye get a few brown spots on each side then pat them with paper towels to remove excess oil. Spread a little sour cream on the tortilla and spoon on the turkey mixture. Margaritas are a proven option.


Lloyd Smale
05-15-2012, 06:31 AM
I cut into strips and deep fry with drakes or fry majic. Then when its done put it in either spegetti sause or cream of mushroom soup. let it simmer in there for at least a 1/2 hour and serve either on speggeti noodles or wide noddles. I never got excited about the taste of wild turkey on its own unless it came from a bottle.

05-15-2012, 07:34 AM
For turkey breast I normally brine it for a couple of hours in a brine of 1 gallon water with 1/2 cup salt and 1/2 cup sugar (you can add spices and things if you wish). Then smoke it at 225F until it is 165F then wrap it in tin foil, a couple of towels and put it in an empty cooler for an hour to finish cooking. Slice and eat.

41 mag fan
05-15-2012, 08:44 AM
Pressure cook the turkey breast and shred. Saute some onions and set them aside. Boil 3 or four tomatoes until they split. Put the tomatoes and some chipotle chilis in adobo sauce in a blender with some chicken bullion granules. Now the chipotle in adobo comes in 7 oz. cans. How much you want o put in depends on how hot you like stuff. Blend the mix until smooth. Put the turkey, onions, and this blended sauce into a large sauce pan and heat through. We like to lightly fry corn tortillas until thye get a few brown spots on each side then pat them with paper towels to remove excess oil. Spread a little sour cream on the tortilla and spoon on the turkey mixture. Margaritas are a proven option.


That recipe caught my wifes attention. I bet we'll try the other 1/2 of my bird pretty soon using this recipe.

For turkey breast I normally brine it for a couple of hours in a brine of 1 gallon water with 1/2 cup salt and 1/2 cup sugar (you can add spices and things if you wish). Then smoke it at 225F until it is 165F then wrap it in tin foil, a couple of towels and put it in an empty cooler for an hour to finish cooking. Slice and eat.

Moonie, Does that brine make it more juicy? We got some given to us from our friend, from a bird he killed in WI a few days before we went up there and hunted with him.

41 mag fan
05-15-2012, 08:46 AM
I cut into strips and deep fry with drakes or fry majic. Then when its done put it in either spegetti sause or cream of mushroom soup. let it simmer in there for at least a 1/2 hour and serve either on speggeti noodles or wide noddles. I never got excited about the taste of wild turkey on its own unless it came from a bottle.

Fry Majic is excellent when breaded on Walleyes.
Never could stand bottled turkey.....too sweet for my taste

05-15-2012, 01:32 PM
That recipe caught my wifes attention. I bet we'll try the other 1/2 of my bird pretty soon using this recipe.

Moonie, Does that brine make it more juicy? We got some given to us from our friend, from a bird he killed in WI a few days before we went up there and hunted with him.

That is EXACTLY what it does, osmosis, be sure you dry it before smoking, I brine all my poultry and pork before cooking.

08-16-2012, 11:46 PM
I cut them in strips marinate mine in a spicy jerky marinade overnight and then I just throw it in a pan with a little olive oil and cook it. It wasn't tough at all. It was quite good and tasted just like store bought turkey.

08-19-2012, 03:36 PM
My friends and I do game suppers heres a recipe we did with Wild Turkey breast.

Cut Breast into Cullets about 1/2" thick. Pound them to about 3/8"-1/4"

Bread with seasoned flour

Fry in a pan with Oil and Butter mix (Oil increases smoke point of Butter)

Remove cooked cullets skim out large chunks of crud that fell off of cullets

Add a little more Butter, Garlic, Capers and Lemon Juice dont't cook this too long it will get bitter.

Plate Cutlets and pour pan sauce over them. Serve with more Lemon wedges and Pasta.

Its really good like a Scallopine? (Sure I spelt it wrong!)

08-19-2012, 05:42 PM
We cut it in strips across the grain and pound it with a tenderizing mallet, then chicken fry it.

08-19-2012, 08:32 PM
Me, I'm of a different frame of mind. I rarely fry any game for the final eat. I may pan fry and then smother in gravy--I think the French word is fricassee.(corrected) Squirrel, rabbit, etc. We always took the breast and made a "bed" of dressing or rice. Tons of celery, onion and apple, chopped into 1/8 to 1/4 pieces. With rice, take a can of cream of mushroom or chicken, can of water, can of chicken broth--that's to 1-1/2 cups of a good long grained rice. With dressing (same veggies) about 4 cups (yours or store bought), add a can of chicken broth. Season with black pepper, salt, powdered garlic and sage--no measurements, to your taste. Season the breast with the same mixture, like a good rub. Lay on top of "bed", put in a pan with a tight lid or pan with crimped aluminum foil edges (poke 6 small holes in top, kinda like the end of a knife) and put in an oven at 225 for about 8 hours. You can also smoke it for about 2 hours and then do the same (cut oven time down to about 6 hours). For a little extra, lay some good bacon over the breast. In oven, not during smoking.

08-19-2012, 08:48 PM
Cook in a covered roaster pan, for one breast I would say 1.5 hours at 325. apply a coating of honey to the meat, place in 1/2 inch of water, 2-3 cut up apples, and a sprinkle of nutmeg and sage.

09-28-2012, 05:49 PM
For turkey breast I normally brine it for a couple of hours in a brine of 1 gallon water with 1/2 cup salt and 1/2 cup sugar (you can add spices and things if you wish). Then smoke it at 225F until it is 165F then wrap it in tin foil, a couple of towels and put it in an empty cooler for an hour to finish cooking. Slice and eat.

+1 on Moonie's recipe! But I make a few changes. Brine overnight if possible, and while smoking, cover the breast with bacon! It'll make you slap a steak! :)

Or if you want to fry it: Brine for 4-5 hrs and inject with "Cajun Chef" injectable marinade. I like the garlic/butter flavor. Fry in peanut oil at 375 degrees for 3.5 min per pound in your deep fryer Slice and serve with some Texas style pinto beans & cornbread.
And step back 'cause the rush is on!

Lloyd Smale
09-29-2012, 04:48 AM
stuff is good on anything fried. Try coating your venison with it. It works great for that too. As to wild turkey. I never thought it was all that great and its why i use a sause with it when i cook it. Its meat but not great meat in my opinion. The last few i shot i boned out and ground up for sausage meat.
Fry Majic is excellent when breaded on Walleyes.
Never could stand bottled turkey.....too sweet for my taste