View Full Version : new (to me) .22

05-12-2012, 08:26 PM
Picked up a little .22lr single shot at a yard sale it is a crickett. its about the size of the stock on a regular rifle, it has a bull bbl sans sights and has a scope mount. the trigger feels surprisingly light and crisp with no slack and only a little overtravel I put a small 2.5 power weaver I had laying around on it and have yet to shoot it.

On guns America I didn't see a crickett of any kind for less than 149.00 got this one for 100.00.

Any info or comments on this little piece would be welcome

05-13-2012, 01:11 AM
These guns are inexpensive, simple and shoot very very well! Mine loves the bulk federals better than eley biathlon ammo!

05-13-2012, 03:22 PM
I got mine from wal-mart for $99 two years ago. It has a slim barrel, a plastic stock, and peeps. I love it! I keep it in the truck in case of needing to dispatch a hit deer or some such. It works realy well for busting squirrels too. It makes up for being so cheap by being light weight and handy. I'm a big guy, but I can snuzzle up to that bitty little rifle no problemo. It's the perfect compromise between a pistol and a rifle, and its probably the only type of gun that could pull it off. You did good!

05-13-2012, 03:36 PM
It's a favorite with coon hunters! And that bull barrel version is fairly rare.