View Full Version : price for checkmaker locked?

05-12-2012, 02:13 AM
Moderators you have done wrong i believe in not letting the forum be a forum and then editing and locking a thread.There are quite a few troubled by his delivery issues and they need to be heard. I have two of Pats tools and they work well.I have recommended them to others and given him business.BUT i tell them to order via ebay when he lists them as the delivery is weeks or months faster.He is a good fellow i hope he gets straightened out and back up to speed then i will order a 35 tool from him.

i know this will be deleted but so be it.


Stephen Cohen
05-12-2012, 05:44 AM
I feel sorry for the moderators they are damned if they do and damned if they dont. We have all seen threads taken over by those with an axe to grind while not really answering the original question, and offending many, Its sad when those who try to answere the original question feel deprived when the mods have to take this form of action to preserve the integrity of the finest site on the net. Im sure the mods did what they believed was right and just in this case, and I cant say they were wrong.

05-12-2012, 07:07 AM
Thank You George! I have e-mailed Pat and am respectfully requesting a refund UNDER NO ILL TERMS. I was just led to believe it was a 6 week turn around, and not much longer. I am not saying nothing bad about the seller in any way, and would like to go a different direction. It should be no hard matter, as I paid with Pay Pal.

I hate to say this, but I am shaking my head wondering why people who have nothing to do with those of us asking each other about delivery, dis-respecting us by deleting our posts, editing them, and downright making a guy feel like a loser for trying to get something that was paid for in good faith.

I did look back in the history, and all I see are posts saying how dies will be flying off the selves soon. Nothing that you are undertaking a journey of any kind to get the die.

I want to know where on the seller's web site is says you are in for a long haul of any kind? It kind of saddens me that doing what is happening to these posts is reflecting badly on this forum as a whole.

The seller should offer refunds to those who want it, not excuses, if there are delays in production. It really should not be the respinsiblility of the moderators of a forum to handle this by deleting posts and banning members.

Thank You.

05-12-2012, 07:19 AM
The open forum is not the place to work out differences between a buyer and seller. This should be done with PM's.

05-12-2012, 03:03 PM

Pay particular attention to #4.

05-14-2012, 03:45 PM
Remember also that the board itself doesn't buy or sell anything. If you choose to deal with any individual here, be they a vendor or a private individual, it is your choice and your responsibility.

Several people have commented that you shouldn't have to look back through old threads. I absolutely disagree. We intentionally keep all those old threads so people can do their homework. The reason people feel the need to keep it on the front page is not because "people need that information", it is because certain people want to keep things stirred up. Genuine grievances should be posted, handled, and let fade like all other posts. If something stays at the forefront, it should be because it is an on-going issue, and not because someone who has long since finalized their dealings (for better for for worse) brings it back to the top repeatedly.

Notice that none of the same people who feel the need to post their gripes front and center have made any attempt to make sure people who have done things well don't fall down the Straight shooters category as new posts come in?

The nature of the forum is that things do fade with time and that is as it should be. Otherwise, we read all the same old stuff on the front page each day and this gets to be a pretty boring place.