View Full Version : Where do you keep your balls?

05-05-2012, 10:11 PM
I was keeping my lrb's in ziplock baggies and the plastic ziplock tubs.
Very incovient. I've found that the large pill bottles and small vitamin bottles hold the perfect ammount of balls to throw in the range bag.

05-05-2012, 11:34 PM
i have been thinking about a leather ball flask but for now a box , when i go hunting i take a few speed loaders and a plastic capper

i hunt with conicals any way

05-05-2012, 11:56 PM
:mrgreen: in any container that is handy when I've cast up a fresh batch. Plastic bags, small cardboard boxes, original bullet boxes, a few plastic pill bottles, etc. I have 40s and 44s, two sizes of cast 45s, two sizes of swaged 45s, two sizes of cast 50s, two sizes of swaged 50s, cast and swaged 53s, two sizes of cast 54s, two sizes of swaged 54s, two sizes of cast 58s. That's about 17 or 18 different RBs not to mention the various conicals and minies.

What a mess- guilty! I do have several leather bags and spouted bags I've made if I want to look period correct :)

BTW the spouted ball bag is a very handy thing for dispensing a single ball at a time. Just took a soft leather bag stitched with a narrow top and attached it to a hollowed out section of antler w/ a wood plug.

05-06-2012, 12:32 AM
I have about 1000 in a large coffee can in my loading room, a couple hundred in my range box and yes, 24 in two pill bottles that I take on trail walks.

05-06-2012, 01:11 AM
i use Snuff cans a fellow saves for me with 20-30 balls and patches together.


05-06-2012, 02:11 AM
My wife keeps them in a locked jar on top of the fridge. Every once i a while, she lets me have them to play with. This is what happens when your with the same woman for 20 years. RUN FOREST, RUN!!!!

05-06-2012, 03:17 AM
Great thread title, thanks for the chuckle:-)

05-06-2012, 06:38 AM
My ball bag is a beaded leather Indian medicine bag.

05-06-2012, 08:08 AM
There's a guy on the muzzleloading forum that sells some really nicely made ball bags, and for a reasonable price. I bought one a couple of years ago, and would buy another. Very well made hard formed leather like a flask.
The wooden blocks people make that hold patched balls work very well–just press the patched ball through the keeper hole in the board right into the muzzle.

05-06-2012, 10:13 AM
I store quantities of them in whatever falls to hand, usually empty oatmeal tubes.

When hunting or target shooting wherein I'm loading from the shoulder bag, I don't like to carry them in any kind of container whatsoever. It's just one more thing to fumble with if trying to reload in a hurry. My shooting/hunting bag is a double pouch I sewed out of elk hide. In the front pouch are two side pockets, one for patches and the other for balls. Neither are allowed to roll around loose in the bottom of the pouch. In the rear pouch is the capper (or priming horn) and powder measure, which are the only things allowed to float around loose in that pouch. Cleaning implements are secured in their own little pockets in the rear pouch, and some cleaning rags are stashed in yet another pocket sewn on the outside back of the bag. Keeping everything compartmentalized and not jumbled together (and not sealed away in separate containers) makes for efficient (and fast) reloading. The powder horn being attached to the shooting bag straps helps too.

Only the bare necessities needed for the management of the rifle go in the shooting bag. All the rest of the junk I deem necessary for surviving a day or two in the woods goes into my 'possibles' bag slung over the other shoulder. Note: possibles bag isn't the same thing as a shooting bag. A possibles bag holds the stuff you might 'possibly' need while out and about.

05-06-2012, 10:19 AM
Funny you bring this up.I met up with a bunch of guys off another site in
Missouri.One guy had the best idea for his stuff & i'm doing the same now.

He had some of those removeable tackel box trays, like you would put crank
baits, or weights & so on.Each gun had it's own box.He had one for his 44 remys
& Colts.Nipples & wrench, balls, cap's, cleaning rod,wads ect.

Then one for his rifle & so on.You don't find your self digging threw a box trying to find something.


05-06-2012, 11:22 AM
I use a cigar tube, works great!

05-06-2012, 11:23 AM
One guy had the best idea for his stuff & I'm doing the same now.
He had some of those removable tackle box trays, like you would put crank
baits, or weights & so on. Each gun had it's own box.

Same here. Very handy. (Get the clear ones, so you don't actually end up with "crank
baits, or weights & so on" when you get ready to load.) ;)

05-06-2012, 11:51 AM
For my 32 cal, I have one of those clear Plano lidded trays that I have filled with my lead balls. When I go out hunting, I have a small(I mean small) shooting bag I carry with me. I can completely hold it when filled in my hand. I put about 30 round balls in it, a strip of patch material that ends up in my mouth, (spit patches) and my caper full of caps. Then I have a small flask for my powder. I use my pocket knife as my patch knife, and everything I need for a mess of squirrels or a day in the woods will fit in my game vest pocket, or even my pants pocket.

My 50cals are a bit different, I have a shoulder bag, that holds everything, and my powder horn hangs on the bag. If I need to, I can grab either of my 50's, my shoulder bag w/powder horn, and be loading the gun as I am headed out the door if I am in a hurry.

Best wishes,


05-06-2012, 12:59 PM
After casting up a bunch I find if they are stored in an air tight (ziploc) plastic bag they do not get the oxidized grey color but stay bright and shiney.

05-06-2012, 06:35 PM
In a wallaby scrotum of course.


05-06-2012, 06:41 PM
how many fits in that wallaby Jeff :-)

05-06-2012, 07:04 PM
In a wallaby scrotum of course.


Originally designed to hold balls.

I store mine in my scrotum too,,,(buffalo)

05-06-2012, 08:04 PM
how many fits in that wallaby Jeff :-)

I'd guess two, but you never know with marsupials.

05-06-2012, 09:01 PM
The original 'running gear' takes quite a bit of removing to be brutally honest. The first
'oyster' is the challenge. The secret is a beanie hat and purple longjohns I have found.


05-06-2012, 10:05 PM
My wife keeps them in a locked jar on top of the fridge. Every once i a while, she lets me have them to play with. This is what happens when your with the same woman for 20 years. RUN FOREST, RUN!!!!

Ding...DIng...DIng! We have a winner! I am shocked that it took 5 inocuous replies before someone finally did a cannonball into the kiddie pool! The temptation was too great! :kidding:

bruce drake
05-06-2012, 11:21 PM
The original 'running gear' takes quite a bit of removing to be brutally honest. The first
'oyster' is the challenge. The secret is a beanie hat and purple longjohns I have found.


Jesus Jeff, It took me 2 years to recover from the last time you flashed those purple long johns!!! Probably why I had to start wearing bifocals shortly afterwards...


05-10-2012, 03:27 PM
My wife keeps them in a locked jar on top of the fridge. Every once i a while, she lets me have them to play with. This is what happens when your with the same woman for 20 years. RUN FOREST, RUN!!!!

At least you are allowed to have thm and take them out every once in a while. At 24 years of marriage mine were discarded. :)

OP, sorry I couldnt contribute anything but a lame joke. I only use them in my BP revolver. Great title, caught my attention.

Roundnoser- I couldnt believe the first reply wasnt a joke.