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View Full Version : Blood lead levels

Lefty SRH
05-03-2012, 05:19 AM
In early April I decided to have the lead level checked, my Dr. asked why and I told him I am exposed to it more because I started casting. I've been shooting since a freshman in high school and have been reloading since 1998. I had it checked just to get a base number. I got the results and its 14, 0-9 being acceptable. Yesterday I get a call from the Dr.'s office again asking if I can answer a few questions, "sure I can." I ask whats the purpose of all this and she told me was they have to file a report to the Health department because my levels are SO ELLEVATED, that pissed me off! I told her that they are blowing this way out of proportion and I don't appreciate it one bit. Told her I got it checked to see if the number goes up or down as I get into casting even more.
What I don't want is the Health Dept. showing up at my door and start poking around asking questions. Their visit won't be a welcomed one.

Any advice on this situation?

05-03-2012, 06:43 AM
If you are getting lead from casting bullets you are doing something wrong. Do you eat, drink, smoke while casting? Are you over heating your lead? do you wash after casting? A yes to any of these would be your most likely source of lead. Also your dross should be properly taken care of as that has metal oxides that are more likely to be absorbed by the body.

If the health department shows up at your door you may be polite and explain your doctor must have misunderstood you have no idea why your levels are high. Clean your casting area up before they show you do not want them contacting your insurance company that may decide you are a risk and cancel your home owners policy!

There is another thread on this here somewhere I think the 0-9 is a new standard and it was higher for an unacceptable amount of lead recently.

Is there anyway to blame lead exposure on work? This usually stops all interest as the government agencies do not like reporting each other.

05-03-2012, 06:57 AM
If the Health Dept shows up, ask them if the have a warrent ot inspect you property.

I check into what other means you may be getting lead, even is your coffee mug made in china, or any stoneware used for eating or drinking from china or Mexico?

Are you shooting at an indoor range?

Tumbling your cases with the lid off?

Lefty SRH
05-03-2012, 07:22 AM
I follow all the rules about casting, washing, no food or drink, etc. personally I'm not worried about my number. As I said before, it's something I want to watch for future purposes. I have a close friend who makes his living selling cast boolits and him and his wife are in the low 20's for level. Nobody can say what my number was 5 years ago.

05-03-2012, 07:23 AM
Lefty - My doc didn't think my levels at 17 was any big deal. Even 17 is considered in normal range - high normal, but normal. She asked why I wanted to be tested for Pb and I said it's because I have a Pb melting hobby. No problem. No big deal. enjoy Mike
One other thing - if one of your little kids, if you have any at home, was at 17 - that would be a big deal. Those levels in little kids ARE dangerous...

41 mag fan
05-03-2012, 07:49 AM
I'd find a new Dr.

Lefty SRH
05-03-2012, 08:46 AM
My dr told me 0-9 was acceptable.

05-03-2012, 11:09 AM
My oldest son kept bugging the heck out of me to get mine done.
Had it done at the VA here in town.
Came back as a "5".
Good to go for the time being.
Least I have a base line number and the oldest one will leave me alone!!

05-03-2012, 11:30 AM
My dr told me 0-9 was acceptable. That's almost true for children (he rounded 9.9 down instead of up.) For adults, it's < 20, and even that is conservative. (I would start getting worried up around 40) Mine was 17.something 2 years ago. Now it's down to 15.0, and I'm trying to clean up my act and get it down to about 7 or 8. I should wear a mask when I shoot indoors, and I still need to move the brass tumbler out to the garage.

Either doc (probably due to ignorance) or the health department (probably intentional) is applying the child numbers to everybody. It might not be any more sinister than trying to boost the numbers to justify their existence.

It's not unlike the neo-prohibitionists with their blood alcohol numbers.

Lefty SRH
05-03-2012, 11:40 AM
Like I said I'm not worried about my number, now I've heard/read 4 different standards, 25, 20, 10, and 9. My concern is IF the health dept decides to visit me. I dont feel they need to search/inspect my home!

05-03-2012, 11:42 AM
Tell them you have been restoring chinese toys and dealing with all the toxic **** they let china import. FB

Lefty SRH
05-03-2012, 11:42 AM
I have been a machinist/tool and die maker for close to 20 yrs now, so I'm exposed to metals everyday.

05-03-2012, 06:46 PM
I dont feel they need to search/inspect my home!

Absolutely correct, they have no business searching/inspecting your home.

05-04-2012, 07:50 PM
OSHA limit is 40. Anything under that is no cause for doing anything to you, but you should
look over your procedures if you are over 20-25, unless you have some specific known
exposure. I used to shoot every Friday night for several hours in an indoor range. This
kept my lead levels from 23 - 27 for 15 yrs, with no effects. The docs that tested it, asked
if I had exposure, and when they heard that I was on an indoor range a lot they said "OK",
and that it needed to stay under 40.

Most docs never deal with this, plus the antigun types are pushing for elimination of
all lead in all applications, so what is the children's level (0-10) is being pushed as
required for adults. As to actual health effects, under 40 is OK. If you are ONLY casting
and are much over 20 or so, you are doing something wrong.


05-04-2012, 08:11 PM
Is there anyway to blame lead exposure on work? This usually stops all interest as the government agencies do not like reporting each other.

Niiiice, I'm sure your employer will give ya a raise after OSHA and the EPA swoop in and makes his life and business misery. :mrgreen: