View Full Version : Some varmint hunter help here please

Jack Stanley
04-29-2012, 09:28 PM
I think I have a good load using the RCBS 22-55-SP bullet and 2400 powder . I put a bipod on the rifle and I'm starting to practice field positions . I was right on the target when the sear let go but the first shot from the cold bore went low . The second shot went high but closer to center and the next twenty or so went inside a three inch circle at a hundred fifteen yards .

I'm thinking woodchuck with this rig and they aren't likely to give me three shots to get the barrel warmed up . Does anyone have some hint of what to look for or where ? I'm still new to this bipod thing so that might be part of it , I'd like to make sure the load isn't a problem . I've fired about six hundred rounds or more of this load from a bench and it didn't seem to do this .

Thanks guys , Jack

04-29-2012, 10:15 PM
Well if you never noticed this shooting from the bench that is good. Just need to work on your technique now. I have not used a bipod in a while now do to the terrain I hunt currently, but when I did use one I had best results by sitting and using my off hand to support the rear of the rifle just in front of the recoil pad. Prone was also an extremely good way to shoot, but tall grass rarely permitted this position.

04-29-2012, 11:02 PM
Put a small degree of pressure either going forward or backward on the pod, ( whichever is more comfortable for you), and do it the same everytime you use them. As above, both hands on the rear of the stock and firmly, but not tightly, grasp it, settle in and watch your breathing.

Jack Stanley
04-30-2012, 08:49 AM
I thought that stock pressure might have something to do with it . Thanks guys , I'll pay more attention to that and give it a go when the ground dries out again . It's been raining most of the night and likely to continue another day .
