View Full Version : Rockin' My Glock

04-10-2007, 10:51 AM
I purchased a Glock 17 pistol during the term of Bush 41, back when he was pushing his omnibus crime bill. As we all know, the Democrats torpedoed his legislation, so that the next occupant of the White House could take the credit.

It wasn’t long after purchasing my Glock that I began hearing tales of woe concerning the use of reloads and cast boolits in Glocks. Although I have never had a problem with my Glock, I’ve never really gotten as much use out of it as I might have otherwise. In the back of my mind, there was always a concern that a Glock KB might be out there waiting for me.

I made a decision recently to make my Glock a more cast friendly pistol, something that I could use with confidence. So I purchased a Wilson Match Grade barrel, and the “Making Glocks Rock Course” DVD by AGI from Midway.

The instructions on the DVD for fitting a barrel were a little skimpy, but they were at least clear enough that I was able to get the job done quite satisfactorily. It took about an hour and a half to stone the hood enough to get the barrel to slide into battery. That was the only modification needed. The barrel locks up tight with no play. Fully assembled, when the slide is slightly retracted, enough to drop the barrel out of battery, it will return to battery on spring pressure alone without assistance.

A couple of weeks ago I went to the range and fired a hundred rounds of Lyman 356402 cast boolits over 5.0 grains of Unique and CCI SP primers. I won’t make any claims of outstanding accuracy. Benchrest shooting was never my thing, and I’ll need a lot more practice to get good at it. My best group was 1-5/16 at 50 ft., rested on the windowsill of the pistol shooters hut at the range. To say I’m pleased would be an understatement. I did have one failure to eject towards the end of test, but I chalk that up to the midrange loads I was using. I think another half grain of Unique would fix that, but we shall see. Now I’m looking forward to getting my moneys worth out of this investment.

Next on my list is to replace the plastic recoil spring guide, and the factory plastic sights. I couldn’t believe it when the instructor said the sights were made of plastic. My eyes nearly fell out of my head. The rear sight isn’t so bad, it’s fairly substantial, but that front sight has got to go. :mrgreen:


04-10-2007, 12:03 PM
sounds like you did a good job! congratulations

04-10-2007, 04:39 PM
Glock. I've heard of them. Don't remember 41s crime bill though. Was it supposed to get rid of omni buses?

Nice shootn'.


04-10-2007, 05:05 PM
The front sight isn't problematic, it's the plastic rear sight that is a royal PITA. Don't make the mistake of drifting it all the way out, unless you want to replace it with a metal one, (and already have one in hand). Midway stocks Glock Factory steel rear sights which mount without coming apart, but I have a Novak on mine and really like it. Sight pusher tools are pricy, but are the only easy way to go.