View Full Version : Super Market Pork Loin

04-27-2012, 12:53 AM
I am going to refer you to a site where I already reported on this really excellent pork loin.


Tonight, we had a wonderful salad that my wife made with the leftovers (rendered bacon, saute'd mushrooms, fresh spinach, and lettuce with a great balsamic vinegar salad dressing along with the left over grilled loin). It was terrific!

Guys and Gals, if you get a chance, pick one of these up and treat yourself to a great feed - a genuine thirty minute meal that'll put a smile on your face...


Suo Gan
04-27-2012, 01:07 AM
I have not seen them in the market here, I have tried the tri tips done that way and they are pretty good.

MT Gianni
04-28-2012, 10:02 AM
Costco has had a marinated pork loin in the past. You can grill then whole, half them and cut chops. Holly would live off them if she could.

04-30-2012, 03:19 PM
Whenever they have some approaching exp date and reduced in price, I usually stock up as they freeze well being so well sealed.

I will have to try adding the corn bread next time!


04-30-2012, 08:46 PM
When fresh ones are on sale at $1.99 I buy several and have the butcher cut them into thirds and freeze.
Marinade or use the rub of your chase and grill. It doesn't take long, so be sure not to over cook and dry out.Use a meat thermometer and roast to 160 degree internal temp. I put a bean can with apple juice off to the side to help with moisture. Oak, fruitwoods, mesquite, pecan or hickory chunks for smoke flavor.

Out of this world!!


05-06-2012, 06:41 PM
The have them on sale here quite regularly, huge ones. They are about 2 feet long, and you get one for $15-$18 when they are on sale.

I will cut one in to 3/4" slices and bag 4 or 5 to a bag and freeze. Same thing as center cut pork chops, but much cheaper. My favorite thing to do with them, though, is make Italian roast.

You cut the big pork loin in half, then take one of the 12" long halves and cut it open lengthwise to make a big "meat" sub-roll. Then lay pepperoni, salami, ham, or what ever lunch meats you want inside. Finish with some provolone, mozzerella, etc. String cheese is nice for the center, too. Sprinkle with Italian seasoning, and close the meat sammich up and truss it up real good with twine. Injecting with Italian dressing is good. Then bake until desired internal temperature is reached.

Try it, I guarantee you'll like it! The meat juice and cheese goo that runs out makes a pretty good gravy.

05-07-2012, 06:31 PM
I like the teriyaki and peppercorned ones on the grill.

For fresh unmarinated tenderloins, cut them in slices around an inch and a half to two inches and pound with a tenderizer mallet to about 3/8" thick. Dip in an egg wash, then coat with cracker crumbs and fry in oil. Make sandwiches with a cocktaIL sauce for condiment, or make some cream gravy and have an original home style diner staple menu treat with your choice of taters.

These and hot beef sandwiches are still a favorite of mine.