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View Full Version : Can you make lube sticks?

MC One Shot
04-26-2012, 08:28 PM
I personaly havent seen it but can you make lube sticks for sizers? I would be interested in making BP lube sticks.

04-26-2012, 10:28 PM

04-27-2012, 12:19 AM
Yes you can is not a difficult procedure at all unique basic components be lax pair of entertaining lacks motor oil STP Vaseline petroleum jelly as we increase our endeavor into the commercial casting business and sizing with a star size or we begin to notice that we could not hold stable temperatures enough with the star size or to control heat so our bullet wound was either too hard and would flow or too soft and ran out of every seating surface on the machine selector several attempts at trying to solve this but he pressure we took two sticks of the commercial lube available for magna melted down to 1 tablespoon motor oil or STP even one will work it into the pan melt the debt until it dissolved: Safari three 1/4 pound peregrine sticks in the mix and stirred them until they melt disturbed at all a prohibited turn the heat off and let it settle I ended up with a lube that was pliable by hand not mushy of pliable I also ended up with a lube it was absolutely the perfect consistency and 86° with 15 pounds of pressure and the end result when this was sizing right at 3038 357 and about two hours yesterday in the evening the little rotary bullet theater purchased off of eBay for $80 was worth every penny of it

just my opinion


04-27-2012, 02:45 PM

Trail Finder
04-27-2012, 02:56 PM
Can you just melt the lube and pour it into a lube sizer?

04-27-2012, 02:57 PM
Can you just melt the lube and pour it into a lube sizer?

I can, can you? :kidding:


04-27-2012, 07:04 PM
Really easy for the Star/Magma, no hollow core to worry about. I use 1" PVC split lengthwise & hold them together w/ ruber bands & a bit of plastic over the base. Melt lube & pour into the molds, when solid, place in the freezer for 30min & pop them out of the molds.

41 mag fan
04-27-2012, 07:08 PM
Theres a sticky on mold jigs you can make.

oops just seen elkins45 posted it.

Lefty SRH
04-29-2012, 09:47 AM
I copied Elkins design and WOW it works great. I have lube sticks coming out of my ears!

04-29-2012, 09:53 AM
Can you just melt the lube and pour it into a lube sizer?

that's all I do, I have my lube in a pot, when it's time to fill, go heat it up a minute, then pour into sizer, let cool and then I'm good to go.

the only down part is that the whole heat up cool down process takes about 30-45 min so no, lubing sizing during that time, but it's not often for me so no big deal.

D Crockett
04-29-2012, 11:00 AM
MC One Shot you have a pm D Crockett

04-29-2012, 10:37 PM
I copied Elkins design and WOW it works great. I have lube sticks coming out of my ears!

Just for the sake of honesty the design I linked to isnt mine. My lube stick maker isn't nearly as nice--I just drilled some holes in a 2x4 with a spade bit and stuck 3/8" dowels in the middle. I used PVC pipes and wedged them in the holes. I'll try to post pix of my low tech setup if I get a chance.

05-02-2012, 07:52 AM
Making lube stick moulds is easier to do than most of the answers make it seem. This method makes hollow sticks and solids with little problem . This particular form is my third improved model, will make sixty sticks and is moved into cooling area quite easily.
Simple hole saw into pine board, then enlarge pilot hole to 3/8 inch or whatever size dowel desired. PVC pipe cut to lenght and one end tapered for good fit into recess. 1" dowel used to push sticks out of mould, the TEE is for my comfort. My lube has 1% Crisco, by weight, which allows for easy removal from mould.
One beautiful wife to wrap finished product in aluminum foil sheets.
Beginning to end was less than three hours for 96 sticks of lube. The form was made seven or eight years ago and was evidently easy. How long it took me to build it I really can't remember, but it didn't take a day. Hope this helps someone.

Larry Gibson
05-02-2012, 08:36 AM
Can you just melt the lube and pour it into a lube sizer?

That's what I do also.

With solid sticks I just cut them in half length wise and the cut a V shaped groove down the middle large enough for the half stick to fit into the lubrasizer around the post. I coil the V cut outs into the lube well 1st and then start each half stick in the lube well and push both in to gether. Sounds a lot harder to do than it is.

Larry Gibson

05-02-2012, 08:41 PM
My dad made one from a piece of galvanized plumbing pipe (1 1/2" I think) a 10" spike, a large washer and a piece of leather to go over th washer as a seal.

He melts his ingredients in a small sauce pot heated over the melting pot for convenience.
He then pours the lube into the mold and let's it cool standing up.

When cool he warms up the pipe with a propane torch (same one used in case anealing)
And pulls on the spike to remove the round plug of lube on a stick
Then with a butter knife prys the spike free and is left with a tube.

Down side is that the spike has to be heated with a torch when making hard lube.
If we were to make another we would use a 3/8" copper pipe instead of a big nail.

D Crockett
05-04-2012, 09:54 PM
Gunarea that is one cool idea to hold the pvc lube moulds I an going to have to try that I have been using end caps screwed to a base but I think the end caps are out of the picture now thanks for sharing D Crockett

05-04-2012, 10:14 PM
Here is a variation on gunarea's method. Scroll down below the smelting info to the lube area. This is the Cabine Tree site.


I haven't gotten this involved so I don't know how much trouble it can be.