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Chicken Thief
04-25-2012, 03:51 PM
So i sat here this afternoon.

Ideal #1 lined up to .312, GC's and sizing lead boolits for BP shooting in my Norwegan Nagant revolver.
What people has this press aided in their (tough) everyday living?
Got it from the US of A last year so it's American heritage for sure!
Made no later than WWI so almost 100yrs ago.

I know where the Revolver has been after WWII but again, whats it's prior story?

Ponderisms and good beer can make me philosophical.
What if an old war rifle could tell it's tales?

04-25-2012, 06:46 PM
I have similar ponderings. 15 feet away from me is the sausage press my paternal grandfather received from his parents when he and his bride were newly married. That press is at least 100 years old, probably 110.

In the garage I have tools he used, in a toolbox he made with his own hands. I hold those tools in my hands, knowing that his hands were in the same place decades ago. I feel connected to Grandad through these tools.

I never knew my gandfather. He passed away when I was a toddler. I know from the stories my father and uncles tell that Grandad and I were a lot alike. There is a lot of him in me.