View Full Version : Two single shots in one

04-21-2012, 09:26 PM
Not quite in the right catagory but this seems awfully sexy to me.
What do you guys think.

Jack Stanley
04-21-2012, 09:58 PM
So are ya gonna buy it as a gift or for yourself ??? You're worth it ya know :mrgreen:


04-22-2012, 02:31 AM
The old problem! Champagne taste on a beer budget.

Jack Stanley
04-22-2012, 08:55 AM
Ah ...... but if you buy it as a gift for your wife she will then appreciate the sacrafice of the small loan you could swing to get it ......... along with a dozen roses and dinner on the town .


04-22-2012, 09:02 AM
I would be very leery of a double rifle built on a shotgun action, especially one chambered for a powerful wildcat round that I've never heard of before. The fellow who built it followed the directions in a book, and gives no indication that he has ever done it before.

04-22-2012, 03:31 PM
I've got a 450 NE built on a Sauer 12 ga frame and it's a great shooter. The Aya has a good rep for this kind of conversion IIRC.

04-22-2012, 06:03 PM
Hi Mike,

I'm glad you have a good one. I would still be very leery of a conversion of a shotgun to a powerful rifle, by an unknown maker, especially as this appears that it might be his first attempt at such a job.

Did you know before you bought it that your gun was a good one? In the alternative, did you know before you commissioned the job that the gunsmith knew what he was doing? We don't know either of these things about the gun in question.

Take care, Tom

04-22-2012, 07:37 PM
Hi Tom.
I had this one built for me so it was fresh mostly to my specs.. I did talk to the builder several times and saw pics of some of the rifles he's built like this one. I've seen several other ones including one that was built by Ellis Brown, the man who write the book on building them.
Properly done on a good frame they'll be fine.
The one shown here is built on an AYA frame and that is a good one. I certainly would look it over before laying down cash but from what I see it was done right. Especially if he did it with Browns book as a guide.
Before the Sabatti's hit the market place this was about the only route that ws semi cheap.
Now that they have sorted out their dremel regulation problems they appear to shoot pretty good. BUT the price has taken a jump so they are more expensive than the conversions.
If you would like one I can look up the `smiths name for you. His email has changed so you'll need to search a bit to find him. Or Ellis Brown is building them also.

John Taylor
04-22-2012, 11:29 PM
I have one in the works for a customer, 416/500 NE on a Winchester 21. have done a few others like a 45-70, 50 express and a 500 NE. I have one that I'm going to do for myself on an old .410. It will be in 44-40 which has about the same bolt thrust as the .410. Just picked up a Sauer the other day and it needs barrels so it will get made into a double also.