View Full Version : Cramer hollow pointing method?

04-16-2012, 10:14 PM
Does anyone know when Cramer came out with their clever hollow pointing method?



04-17-2012, 11:07 PM
I believe it was after WWII. I seem to recall seeing a cramer catalog from 1947 that did not mention them, but they were allegedly available in 1953. So presumably they came out with the Cramer HP in that interval. I can't add anything further.

04-18-2012, 07:34 PM
Thanks rintinglen.


04-19-2012, 01:29 PM
The Cramer HPs may be after WWII but maybe earlier.

I've seen modificatons to one piece Ideals using the Cramer method that were done in some quantity by a machinist as I've seen several. These were self seperating as they had a lever outside to whack the screw holding the pin to the mould when you opened the mould handles. This worked very well but was work intensive to make and fit. The parts including the pin and lever were brass.

Several years ago there were four old Redding Saeco DC HP moulds on E-Bay at astronomical prices that used the Cramer method. Alledgedly, these belonged to some member of the management and were custom made in house for him. They didn't sell on that sale so they're still out there somewhere./beagle