View Full Version : What to do with AR,FAL,AK, etc.

04-16-2012, 11:13 AM
After working up a satisfactory load for your military style rifle/carbine, what do you do for fun? I'm not talking about formal competition shooting.

For me, shooting my FAL or M-4 configured AR from the bench is quite boring. The FAL is a bit much for prairie dogs and the AR, while quite accurate, is not the most comfortable to shoot for extended periods, plus the fact it has a rather low power scope.

A couple of shooting acquaintances and I are trying to figure out some fairly simple shooting "games" besides chase the can and such. I live in NOCO and have a small bit of ground (open prairie type, no trees or brush) so we can set up some simple things here on the place, with the restriction that they have to be taken back down when finished shooting or the cows will do it for us and they are not too careful how they accomplish the task besides making an offer to buy, indicated by the deposit they leave on things.

So...... any ideas?

04-16-2012, 11:26 AM
You can make yourself some heavy duty swinging trees with about 5 inch paddles and shoot them sitting. I would double the plate thickness and only shoot them with cast at 100 yards. It will be challenging. Can also hang bowling pins on wires and see who can be the first to hit 10 times in a row sitting at 100 yards.
Mike in Peru

45 2.1
04-16-2012, 11:47 AM
A couple of 6" or more pipes at least 6 feet out of the ground concreted in shouldn't bother the cows. From those you can suspend a head sized gong or a small silohuette........ at 300 or 400 yds. Really fun to shoot at.

04-16-2012, 12:21 PM
Golf ball's

Larry Gibson
04-16-2012, 01:32 PM
Cow pies, don't be too close to the soft ones when you shoot them[smilie=l:

Larry Gibson

04-16-2012, 02:16 PM
I like to use my AR's and FAL's with my buddies and their rifles in games like "killer" . I have a manhole hanging over 16' in the air at approx 220+ yards. We do bench and free standing shot for shot...you miss your out until there is one fella standing...the winner.
I've got some old traction elevator counterweights I am looking to find some suitable springs for. That is I will configure their shape to a head and shoulders target and mount to the spring. Then anchor it and place a couple of them at various ranges....hit one and they will react as well as go ping. We sit at the picnic tables and put some beer cans out at 50 feet or so and after filling them with water we engage them one shot at a time until someone misses...theiy are out and last man shooting wins as others miss in their turn. Rather fun !.

RU shooter
04-16-2012, 05:12 PM
Try a moving target! Take a package of balloons from the dollar store ,Blow them up and tie them to a short string 1-3 ft long fasten it to the top of the weeds, sticks fence ect. and let them blow around in the breeze step back 100 yds or so and practice your off hand shooting.

04-16-2012, 09:23 PM
Golf ball's

Golf Ball's... It is a good way of burning through lots of powder and etc...

Larry, You had to be cracking up writing about the cow pies. Funny

Rio Grande
04-23-2012, 03:29 PM
My mom always told us if we were bad we'd get cow pies with switches in 'em for Christmas.