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View Full Version : Slug weight variation

04-16-2012, 08:58 AM
I casted and weighted 117 slugs a couple nights ago and found what I figure is a large weight variation. I don't have the exact numbers in front of me but as I recall there is a 25 grain difference between the lowest and highest weight. 1oz should be 437.5 grains right? None of my slugs came out to 437 grains, most are in the low 450 grain area. Is this normal, ok?

This was my first time casting, I used WW, Lee 1 oz key way mold and a Lee 10 pound bottom pour pot. I found the pot needed to be set on about 7, what ever 7 is, ya I know I have a thermometer on order. The slugs were coming out of the mold with just a little tap on the handle. I did pour some when the mold was cold and had a time getting them to pop out so I know what a cold mold is like. I found there was a small window between a cold mold with wrinkled slugs and a hot mold with frosted noses.


04-16-2012, 01:00 PM
Hello MuddyDogs, this hobby is suppose to be fun, separate them by each 4 grain batch!
Make a batch of 446 to 450 grain slugs and load them with 33 gr of HS-6 powder, second batch 440 gr to 445 batch and shoot them next time!
Let the mold break-in and then it will settle down some.
Try using Fed. 12S4 brown wad and put a 16 ga nitro card in wad below the slug to raise the slug a bit and to give the slug a firm flat base!
Let us know.
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04-16-2012, 06:41 PM
I've never gotten exactly one once with any of a myriad type of alloys tried, even after many , many hundreds of slugs cast. In fact, I sometimes get quite a bit of variation in slug weights with both the Lee and Lyman molds. There are a lot of variables in casting. As Ajay suggests, I just sort them into cups or plastic baggies by weight. I do 1 whole grain ( example anything 441.6 to 442.5 would go into the bag marked 442)--he suggested 4 grains above. -Sorting them will help you reduce the variables that affect shot groups.

BTW...since most of my slugs are greater than 1 ounce, I have no trouble ( in my mind) using 1 1/8 shot data when experimenting to find the best recipes. Since every shotgun barrel is a law unto itself, such experimentation is unfortunately needed ( of course that is the fun of it anyway).

04-17-2012, 03:16 PM
Can a fiber wad accomplish the same thing as a nitro card?

04-17-2012, 07:04 PM
Can a fiber wad accomplish the same thing as a nitro card?

Fiber wads are too soft for a slug platform. They will flow into the base of the slug, but that doesn't mean they can't work. Sometimes combinations that shouldn't work will do just fine.

04-17-2012, 07:19 PM
i use nitro cards. the lamination that comes with layers of cardboard are pretty well.