View Full Version : I'm fearful.....

04-14-2012, 01:08 PM
that Brant Selb is gonna get some of my $$$$!!


04-14-2012, 01:48 PM
that ain't no BPCR!
but its a damn fine rifle

Don McDowell
04-14-2012, 03:15 PM
Have him hawekenize one of your cartridge guns....

Bad Ass Wallace
04-14-2012, 05:52 PM
That is very nice! What calibre are you considering?

My own Hawken is a plain jane TC54 but it does shoot where I point and fun to use!:oops:

Mike Brooks
04-14-2012, 06:25 PM
Google Don Stith. If I were going to have a Hawken made he's the man I'd go to.

Lead Fred
04-14-2012, 07:02 PM
Heavy Metal

04-21-2012, 01:28 PM
that Brant Selb is gonna get some of my $$$$!!


Rick...CUT THAT OUT!!! just what i need is to see another hawk that is as pristine as the origanal...all that is lacking on those rifles is a few scabs n cuts where the rifle was used in life by a feller that is adventouring his way thru life in a way that allows true freedom and carefree style.

now that we have an understanding...i expect that your lesson is learned and we will not be subjected to another outburst from such as yourself about those heathonistick rifles that were the forefathers of the sharps and other fine rifles to come down the pike.

consider yourself chastized in pure forum fassion and from this day on may your dreams/nitemares be filled with images of Hatchet Jack,,Chris Lapp,,the Liver Eater,, and so on and so forth.

when i get filled with a need for the very finest of outings i gather my hawkins up with all the accruments and head out into a birch thicket to brew a cup of coffee and maybe burn a hunk of meat over the open flames but i wont bore anybody here with the details of such outings with such an exotic and outdated rifle...instead ill confine my musings to the modern sharps and hiwalls that adorn my walls and thoughts here of late.


Hang Fire
04-21-2012, 08:36 PM
I purchased my Hawken in Alaska from the late Bill Fuller in 1972 for $640.00, which was a high price for me at the time. But Bill did fantastic work.


Green up. Sunlight Basin Wyoming, 1981


Bill is holding an original S. Hawken in pic here which he used as pattern for duplicating.


04-23-2012, 01:49 PM
Can't believe I'd never heard of Selb before. Those are some really nice rifles. And Roller locks? Wow, it doesn't get much better than this for a Hawken style rifle. You need one for sure. So do I.