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View Full Version : inflation is coming

04-14-2012, 10:11 AM
Or should I say, inflation is already here. Food costs are up, fuel prices are up, everything will be up soon. Looking at brass and bullet prices, they have been up for a while, but are going to go higher. I was looking at bullets I have the other day, i found a box of speer 200gr 338. The price tag on the box was $10.49! that box wasnt that old, probably only 10 to 12 years.
It makes me think of what components I should stock up on. I have the money now, i may not have it in the future. Should i stock up on bullets, primers, brass, or ??? I am not exactly short on components, but if prices on bullets doubles again i would rather buy now.

04-14-2012, 10:22 AM
Buy what you can and save it. Do it in moderation and don't go overboard.

04-14-2012, 11:29 AM
Someone said--gas is not higher only money is worth less--duh. That is the meaning of inflation--when your FRN(fed reserve notes-fiat money) does not buy much. Thomas Jefferson warned us that bankers are a bigger enemy than standing armies. That if we allowed them to take us off the gold reserve then they would(by inflation/depression) end up owning our homes and our children would become renters--that look familiar to what is happening today???????

MT Gianni
04-14-2012, 01:05 PM
What you should stock up on is what you do not need to go in debt for, unless it is land, home or a business.

04-14-2012, 02:48 PM
Inflation is the unavoidable result of obamas policy of monetising the debt.
When all you do is print more money with absolutely NOTHING to back it up, money loses value and becomes worth much less.
Welcome Back Carter!

04-14-2012, 04:45 PM
primers and powder, you'll figure out what to do with them.
i constantly hear i shoulda bought more.

04-14-2012, 08:22 PM
primers and powder, you'll figure out what to do with them.
i constantly hear i shoulda bought more.

Same here! I just received a large (for me) order of primers and powder. Now that I have it put away, I am wondering if I ordered enough.

04-14-2012, 08:29 PM
If you've got the dough, go baby go.

I would do an inventory of all your shooting goods. Find the holes, fill 'em.

My fear of what Obama will do is pass a tax on all shooting related items. After the Brady Bill passed in '94, Brady Two was immediatley thrown on the table. It had (if I recall correctly) a 5000 percent tax on guns & ammo. That's alot. It would shut me right out of shooting which of course would be it's goal.

Even if that sort of thing was illegal it would take years for it to get thrown out. I would plan accordingly, and have.

Wish us all luck.


41 mag fan
04-14-2012, 08:46 PM
Inflation started back in Clintons era...actually Carters era and has never stopped, just flatlined....hmmm i see a trend here, carter, clinton, obama

04-14-2012, 08:47 PM
how long can you store primers?

Idaho Sharpshooter
04-14-2012, 08:55 PM
41 Mag,

don't forget, it was Reagan that looted the social security fifty-five-plus billion dollars account and replaced it with IOU's. That's why the ayatollah obama says SS is floundering.

Buy as much WW and lead as you can as well.

Slam'n Salmon
04-14-2012, 09:01 PM
Inflation started back in Clintons era...actually Carters era and has never stopped, just flatlined....hmmm i see a trend here, carter, clinton, obama


Inflation started the day after they printed the first paper money.

04-14-2012, 09:05 PM
primers can be stored for an indefint time as long as they are kept dry.
as for bring priced out of shooting well i can no longer afford to shoot high power. .22 a little. muzzloader is wht i can shoot now.and it is not cheap. just paid $52.00 for 1000 no.11 caps.

04-14-2012, 09:09 PM
At least right now components are available. There was a time in '08 and '09 that you couldn't find primers and powder was thin on most popular types.

41 mag fan
04-14-2012, 09:22 PM
41 Mag,

don't forget, it was Reagan that looted the social security fifty-five-plus billion dollars account and replaced it with IOU's. That's why the ayatollah obama says SS is floundering.

Buy as much WW and lead as you can as well.

But it was the democrats who allowed it to be moved to the general fund. No party is innocent in the mess we're in these days. Finger pointing gets no results, unless it's pointing us out of the mess this countries in.


Inflation started the day after they printed the first paper money.

You're right, except it really took off when we got away from the gold backing

04-14-2012, 10:26 PM
They have been talking about ss being in trouble as long as I remember.

Obama wants to whimper about Reagon using, robbing, whatever you want to call 55 billion dollars. That it isn't even a good days work for Obummer to blow.

04-15-2012, 05:18 AM
True, Obummer wipes his behind with that much money every morning. This mess started with FDR if ya want to start pointing fingers, and he feared for the future with every policy decision he made even though they were the best him and his deeply studious cabinet could come up with at the time. I'll point a finger: Start reducing government, not increasing it. You can't spend your way out of a recession any more than you can spend your way out of bankruptcy. Buy what you can afford as far as primers/powder/guns/tools, segregate the "war" ammo/supplies from the "recreational" ammo/supplies

As long as I have eight rounds of buckshot in the Defender, two full magazines in the .45, and a full bandolier for the .30-30 that's all I'll ever likely be able to expend in an earnest fight, so the rest is for fun anyway. If I get low on hobby supplies and can't get any more I'll start shooting my bow and air rifles more.

I think it's time we all started worrying more about the things we can control in our immediate lives and less about the ruination of our country. Vote, be aware and spread awareness when you can, write your representatives, rally when called upon, but don't get an ulcer over it and don't forget to kiss your wife and kids every chance you get, or pet your dog.


04-15-2012, 07:40 AM
Inflation is the unavoidable result of obamas policy of monetising the debt.
When all you do is print more money with absolutely NOTHING to back it up, money loses value and becomes worth much less.
Welcome Back Carter!

That hits the cause more than simply referring to "inflation" as the giant bogeyman. What they've done is devalue the currency. So while a dollar may not buy what it used to due to inflation, the dollar itself is worth far less even with normal inflation considered because there's so much money in circulation and so little to back it.

You want scary? It's been said there isn't enough physical gold in the entire world to cover the US debt alone...

41 mag fan
04-15-2012, 09:16 AM
Me and my father in law, friday night finally came up with a good idea. He's what you'd or himself call a socially liberal, fiscally conservative person.
What we came up with is, take a good idea from each politician.
Both parties do have good ideals or ideas to an extent.
Take each idea, write it down, then take the politicians out and hang them.
Put an all new political party in, with new faces, tell them, enact these ideas and any other idea into law, to resurrect this country again, or face the same fate as your predessors.
Eventually, might take a couple of times, you'd see a political system that wants to work for the people and not for their own pockets.
One thing though, which is weird and scary, me and my father in law both agree, since 2006 both parties have literally been ineffective in everything, because of their total fixation on the top seat in gov't.
Both parties are so fixated on the presidential seat, they're literally destroying this country on a methodical basis.

04-15-2012, 09:38 AM
You cann't go wrong on stocking up with reloading supplies. I was loading some 270's last night with some W 760 and noticed that it had a price tag on it for 12 bucks. I bought it about 20 years ago at a going out of business sale where everything was 50 % off. i bought a whole box of powders, bullets, primers and I have just about went through all of it. My wife was not happy with me at the time. but it was a heck of a deal. Still looking for another oppurtunity like that.

04-15-2012, 11:44 AM
how long can you store primers?
I've found that you can keep them a long time. I have what's left of 1000 small pistol primers that are 10 years old & they are fine. I've found myself at gun shows buying WW Lge. rifle primers that I know are at least 15 years old and never had a problem. I keep them dry & keep my powder tightly capped with the original gasket in place.:coffeecom

Love Life
04-15-2012, 11:58 AM
True, Obummer wipes his behind with that much money every morning. This mess started with FDR if ya want to start pointing fingers, and he feared for the future with every policy decision he made even though they were the best him and his deeply studious cabinet could come up with at the time. I'll point a finger: Start reducing government, not increasing it. You can't spend your way out of a recession any more than you can spend your way out of bankruptcy. Buy what you can afford as far as primers/powder/guns/tools, segregate the "war" ammo/supplies from the "recreational" ammo/supplies

As long as I have eight rounds of buckshot in the Defender, two full magazines in the .45, and a full bandolier for the .30-30 that's all I'll ever likely be able to expend in an earnest fight, so the rest is for fun anyway. If I get low on hobby supplies and can't get any more I'll start shooting my bow and air rifles more.

I think it's time we all started worrying more about the things we can control in our immediate lives and less about the ruination of our country. Vote, be aware and spread awareness when you can, write your representatives, rally when called upon, but don't get an ulcer over it and don't forget to kiss your wife and kids every chance you get, or pet your dog.


+1, Amen, Oorah, etc. Gear has said it best. I always read about people have thousands of rounds loaded up "Just in case", but the reality is if TSHTF you would probably be long dead before you could use it all. Keep a couple boxes of each caliber loaded and then use the rest for fun.

As for buying components, do it now.

04-15-2012, 11:59 AM
Buy whatever you can afford, prices can and will only go UP.

Dont forget, the money supply has been TRIPPLED since 2008.
Add that fact to the National Debt, inflation, s****y economy and in all actuality, things shoud cost at least TRIPPLE what they did just 4 short years ago.

Anything priced less, is a bargain just waiting to play catch-up,,,,, or be priced out of existance.

04-15-2012, 12:16 PM
True, Obummer wipes his behind with that much money every morning. This mess started with FDR if ya want to start pointing fingers, and he feared for the future with every policy decision he made even though they were the best him and his deeply studious cabinet could come up with at the time. I'll point a finger: Start reducing government, not increasing it. You can't spend your way out of a recession any more than you can spend your way out of bankruptcy. Buy what you can afford as far as primers/powder/guns/tools, segregate the "war" ammo/supplies from the "recreational" ammo/supplies

As long as I have eight rounds of buckshot in the Defender, two full magazines in the .45, and a full bandolier for the .30-30 that's all I'll ever likely be able to expend in an earnest fight, so the rest is for fun anyway. If I get low on hobby supplies and can't get any more I'll start shooting my bow and air rifles more.

I think it's time we all started worrying more about the things we can control in our immediate lives and less about the ruination of our country. Vote, be aware and spread awareness when you can, write your representatives, rally when called upon, but don't get an ulcer over it and don't forget to kiss your wife and kids every chance you get, or pet your dog.

As was previously mentioned, you said it right. It couldn't have been said any better.:Fire: