View Full Version : How many Boolits can you lube per unit of Carnuba Red?

04-13-2012, 03:03 PM
Does anyone have data on how many Boolits can be lubed with a given weight of Carnuba Red (ounce, stick or pound)?

I know "it depends ..." but caliber and number of lube grooves would give an idea.

At the moment I am using LEE 356-125-2R.


04-13-2012, 03:41 PM
I get about 2000 45s/stick average. It varies quite a bit depending on molds. Single groove Magma vs twin groove Lee.

04-13-2012, 03:55 PM
I thought I had seen the weight per stick somewhere, but I can't find it now. Are there about four sticks per pound (4 oz.)?

If so, sounds like you get about 8K per pound with that Boolit.


04-13-2012, 04:23 PM
if you want to know exactly for a given boolit, just weigh a boolit before and after lubing, the difference in weight is the weight of the lube =X grains.

7000/X= no. of boolits you can lube per pound of lube

04-13-2012, 04:50 PM
Yeah, my findings are that one has too little to register (<0.1 gr). Have to do more to be able to measure.

I'm in the hospital with my 92 year old mother the past 11 days, and for the foreseeable future. Can't do the testing right now, so I thought I'd see what others have found.

I only wanted to get a rough idea of how long my supply will last.

04-13-2012, 05:47 PM
umm if you're there with your mom ( and i hope she's doing better ! ) it'll last a long time ( because you're not using it lolz ) actually most sticks weigh from 1 to 1.4 -ish ounces ( hollow sticks that is ) only by finding the volume of the grooves and dividing the volume of the stick can you get a true answer , i bought a sizer that was a lil over half full , having never tried this lube i lubed quite an assortment with it , currently at 1150 pieces/castings ( of various sizes and calibers ) yet that lil over half ? is only down to about a quarter , i have to keep in mind tho that when one fills up a empty sizer at least half of the first stick fills up the cavity around the die etc . you didnt state how many sticks you got but 20 would last heap long time

04-13-2012, 06:08 PM
Thanks, she is improving. She had a stroke that affected her left side motor skills, but her mind is intact. She remembers everything from before the Great Depression to yesterday.

I think I have a lifetime supply. Five pounds and I pan lube. After the pan is charged, I have 4.75 lbs. That's good for about a million rounds, give or take :)

I find that all my reloading supplies are lasting longer, now ;)


04-13-2012, 10:26 PM
Yeah, my findings are that one has too little to register (<0.1 gr). Have to do more to be able to measure.

True. I do get .1 in my .44s. You should be able to get a measurable amount with a larger study group.

04-14-2012, 01:51 AM
a solid stick of carnuba red weighs about 1-1/4 oz's.
i don't count how many most sticks do, but airc 500 big boolts and about 1,000 little boolits.
but i use pretty big lube grooved boolits.