View Full Version : Marriage

04-07-2012, 09:40 AM
54 years and 6 hours ago I got Married in Sasebo Japan.
God it doesn't seem like that long ago.
Wife and I were looking at photo albums of pics I took back in those days.
Seems funny to look back and see what we looked like back then and laugh at how we looked and dressed back then.

Ain't been easy by any means but it sure has been great.
Some times at the Mall I get asked how long I have been married by younger people.
Had one young man and wife (girlfriend) ask how we put up with each other for so long.
The didn't understand my answer and probably still don't.
I spoke the words at the wedding ceremony" Until Death Do You Part " and have kept my word.

Just thought I would share a great moment for me.


04-07-2012, 09:41 AM

Jim Flinchbaugh
04-07-2012, 10:11 AM
UH, I think pictures are in order! Before and after :mrgreen:

04-07-2012, 10:16 AM
Congrats to you both, thank you for your faithful witness to marriage, and like #3 I think pictures are in order.

04-07-2012, 10:23 AM
Amen and congratulations!

04-07-2012, 11:05 AM
Here you go Jim.
Will let you figure out which is which.First one taken a couple of hours after japaneese style wedding.
Last one taken by son on fifty year celebration.
None since


04-07-2012, 11:18 AM
Congratulations to you two kids.

Valley Forge
04-07-2012, 11:21 AM
That relationship is something to be grateful for, and proud of. Congratulations on being so blessed, and thanks for the photos.

square butte
04-07-2012, 11:33 AM
GOD Bless.

04-07-2012, 11:39 AM
I've married for 42 years.
Maybe we ought to start a before & after picture thread for us old married people.

04-07-2012, 11:47 AM

I have been married to the girl of my dreams for 31 years now, man time flies.

Whenever youngsters -- especially young marrieds we know who may or may not be having problems, and ask us the same question about "how did you put up with each other all those years?" I have the same answer only worded a bit different.

"Son long term marriage comes down to one thing. I said the words "until death do we part" and I dam well meant it. What you have to do is throw all the physco-babble BS out the window, forget about Mars vs. Venus and simply MAKE IT WORK....that is, if you want to"

We have a ways to go, but hope to post our 50th here also and again, congratulations!!!!!


04-07-2012, 12:45 PM
When I am asked how long we have been married, I just tell them all my life.

To a lot of people, the vows have no meaning anymore, and some even have the words removed.
I have even known some that started with the intent of it only being a stepping stone.

04-07-2012, 02:26 PM
I'm a rookie. It will be 28 years this June.

04-07-2012, 02:43 PM
Me also on the all my life.
Told one man I could not remember being single
He said he had been married 40 years , 6 wives and was thinking about trading the current one in on another.
Told him he was a glutton for punishment.

I was 19 and she was 21 when we got married.
Her parents disowned her (later recanted) and so did mine (never recanted).
Have not missed too much of the family thing and we have made our own way. Has worked out for the best in most ways.

Don't have any pictures of us dressed up in the Kimonos for the Japanese ceremony but she had hair down to her waist and cut it off about an hour before the picture . still has it somewhere.


Jim Flinchbaugh
04-07-2012, 03:05 PM
My folks will be married 52 years in September,
I dont how they have not killed each other yet

04-07-2012, 03:10 PM
Let me warn you there are times when you sure think about it.
Then you remember a good time and the thought goes away.
Works on both sides.


04-07-2012, 03:27 PM
I am jealous my first wife and I never made it too our ninth year she was murdered in that year way before our wedding day.
Second wife stayed for twenty years and decided I was not worth it and divorced me
third wife decided she could do better than me so we only got to 7 years before she divorced me.
Must be some kind of SOB to keep getting dumped or maybe they just don't get what marriage is all about.

have a lady friend in Asia now and maybe I can get it right this time.

I am so glad to hear some marriages do last just seems I am not lucky enough to be in one of them.

04-07-2012, 04:23 PM
Congrats!!!! I have a way to go, only been married 36 to the same woman.

04-07-2012, 06:21 PM
Guess I am pretty much the young pup in the group.
Only have 32 years under the belt in marriage.
Funny thing about my marriage is the fact we got divorced
after 3 years, spent 3 years apart and then got married again!
Pretty much got it right the second time.
Love my wife dearly and would be lost with out her.


04-07-2012, 06:29 PM
My wife an I have been happily married 14 years. This year will be our 18th anniversary!

04-07-2012, 06:33 PM
Bee Keeper, You got me by a year. Not many of us married to the same woman for over a half century!

04-07-2012, 07:23 PM
Married my high school sweetheart in July 82, living at home, had my daughter in Jan, and we were divorced not long after.

Not too long after the first left, her best friend more or less moved in to help out with the daughter, and after me finally pulling my head out, we were married in July of 87. (I know what just went through your head but believe me, that wasn't the case at all.)

This year will be 25yrs married, but 28 together with the most wonderful woman in the world, well next to you folk's gals that is.

I honestly would be pushin daisies had it not been for this great woman, I was on a collision course with the bottom of a canyon when the light came on. We have raised my daughter, and now have three wonderful grandchildren all of whom love to come see Pawpaw and Nanna. To know how easily it would have been for me to simply slip away, I cannot ever repay the depth of gratitude I have for her.

Congratulations to you all, it is not always an easy path to walk, and you stumble, and fall on your face, but if it's good, you help each other up, laugh about it, dust each other off, and get on down the path.

Dennis Eugene
04-07-2012, 08:00 PM
Congrats to the both of you. Life without parole is not always a bad thing. Dennis

04-07-2012, 09:45 PM
Congratulations on 54+ years of marriage.
Later this year my wife and I will be celebrating our 10th anniversary. I waited till I was almost 40 to get married (first time) and start a family. So I don't think I will make 54 years of marriage but one can hope.
Good luck, jmsj

04-07-2012, 09:51 PM
Guess I am a noob on marriage, but I feel the same. I dont know how I ever lived without my wife and dont want to ever be without her. We have only been here for 4 years together, but I absolutely dont know how I got so lucky. It has to be luck, cause it dang sure wasn't my looks!

Congrats to you and yours. Blessed be the times......

04-08-2012, 12:14 AM
We will have been married 46 years in July. Before that we had about 4 years of an off and on relationship. Most of the problem was a difference of religion. We finally compromised and despite her parents misgivings we married. After 8 years, I went over to her side and haven't looked back. Second best decision I ever made. Her parents took me into their lives and were my biggest supporters besides my parents. They are all gone now, but I give all of them part of the credit for our success.

smoked turkey
04-08-2012, 12:42 AM
It is so good to read about so many good marriages that have stood the test of time. I too married my high school sweetheart. I saw her for the first time when she was 14. I was the ripe old age of 15. We married in '67. It will be 45 years in August. Life has been good and we have been and are blessed. As Paul Harvey said so many times about tying the knot at marriage.."they're not all slip knots". Congradulations to all who have made it work for so long.

04-08-2012, 12:43 AM
Guess I am a noob on marriage, but I feel the same. I dont know how I ever lived without my wife and dont want to ever be without her. We have only been here for 4 years together, but I absolutely dont know how I got so lucky. It has to be luck, cause it dang sure wasn't my looks!

Congrats to you and yours. Blessed be the times......

I know what you mean. When you figure out what the "right one" is, and you're lucky enough she finds you ('cuz that's the way it really works), nobody has to tell you you'd better hold onto her tight, love her like she's the only woman on earth, and never, ever let her go. Even during the times you're so mad at her you could chew nails! Making it a lifetime together seems to be mostly about choices. Most of the couples I've known who "grew apart" over the years and eventually split up had issues they could have fixed, and would probably have been better, happier people for working on their personal issues and sticking together. Problem is, most people can't or won't look deep within themselves for the problems lurking there that undermine a good relationship. I know, psycho-babble BS, but attitudinal healing makes a better individual, a better couple, and a better country I don't care how you look at it.

My hat's off to you, Beekeeper, and all the others who've truly honored their vows, and not treated them like a rent-to-own furniture contract.


04-08-2012, 01:14 AM
It will be 49 for us this November.

04-08-2012, 05:48 AM
Congrats Beekeeper,
I'm 53 years since the day I met my wife, seems kina like yesterday with all the memories. She really knew how to make the greatest babies.

04-09-2012, 03:03 PM
I am a relative newby by some of these postings. This November will mark 24 yrs of marriage. When you meet the right one, it can be like getting clubbed by a 2x4. We got engaged 2 weeks after we first met and were married 3 1/2 months later. Hasn't all been total bliss, but the tough times have served to strengthen the marriage. Once I got over being selfish and immature, things have gotten better.

04-10-2012, 12:35 PM
My folks were married September 11, 1953. We did not celebrate their 48th but we did celebrate their 50th. Lost mom two months before their 55th.

My wife has been stuck with/married to me 16 years and 3 months this Friday.

Despite the grey in my beard, you guys make me feel young. :)

Charlie Sometimes
04-12-2012, 11:03 AM
I've been through two marriages - got over 20 years of marriage between them racked up. My second just ended recently. It has nearly devastated me, both emotionally and financially. I worry more about how it will affect the kids, than my situation. I had no idea she was so uhappy, and she never said a word. But that is water under a burnt bridge now. I just need to do what is right for my kids, and forget about the rest, and move on (I hope I can, eventually.)

I see the problem of marriages not lasting as a lack of honor and sense of commitment, more than anything. Communications is a CRITICAL component, too. The vows should mean something, but apparently are only just words to some.

I didn't want either divorce to happen (this last one more than anything especially), but people just don't take the vows seriously, or undrstand what it should mean to be married, I guess. No one these days seems to have long term commitment or vision to stick with something. EVERYTHING seems to be disposable in this throw it away and get another society.

You've got to know problems exist, and be willing to work them out - that is where communication helps! Developing common goals, and working toghether for the good of the family, with the LOVE you share between you, above all else, should make these things easier to discover and resolve.

I applaud your ability to have made it so long with the same woman. I wish I could say the same. For me, I hope the third one will be the one that is willing to stick with me into eternity. Yea, I will find another someday - just can't live with them or without them. LOL

I feel like shdwlkr does, too - must be some kind of SOB, but for the life of me can't figure it out the details.

04-12-2012, 12:34 PM
Congrats Jim.

Mine just fell apart this Christmas one month shy of 20 years for me, but I'm so looking forward to the next one. A much better one.

Take care,


04-12-2012, 01:18 PM
Congratulations. You sound like a lucky man.

04-12-2012, 03:03 PM
Charlie Sometimes
I hear on working on the kids and trying to forget the past.
I want so much to part of something again but never want to go through another divorce. Like you mine destroyed me, as a person and in the wallet. Still are issues so the wallet is still being thinned out.
Will I ever try again I hope I can get to that point but the lady is going to have to be very special nothing like the last in looks, personality or thoughts. Pretty tough set of requirements given that most women today think marriage is only good when everything is what they want and when that ends it is time for the next man in their life.

Marriage is fun, hard, sad and also very stressful if you can't accept that then you should never get married. You should look at marriage as a life long challenge and most of all that over time things are going to change and it can be a good thing or bad it just how you want it to be and what you are willing to work on or not work on. Marriage is seeing only the good and not caring about the bad as long as it hurts no one. If it hurts one then it needs to be talked about, worked on and changed. IF not then all is lost.

The only one in divorce that gets cheated, lied to and short changed are the kids. My kids get to see dad every so often that is some of them, one has not seen dad in almost two years hence the lightening of the wallet to correct this issue hopefully and the ones that see dad almost never want to go back to mom. Makes you wonder what is going on that they don't like, but then having two houses and two sets of rules makes it hard on them anyway even in a good divorce.

04-12-2012, 03:41 PM
I honestly would be pushin daisies had it not been for this great woman, I was on a collision course with the bottom of a canyon when the light came on.

Funny how many of us are out there, eh?

Sometimes I remember to thank my wife, not nearly as often as I should. If I want this to last until I get called home, I better remember more often.

04-12-2012, 04:26 PM
"Till death do us part"