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04-06-2012, 11:03 AM
I got a call yesterday from my son, He'll be heading for Memphis in August to stay there for a year. His GF is just finishing college for a degree as a dietician, she got an internship at a veterans hospital there. Rather than be separated from her, he's pulling up stakes and heading south. Just about straight south it seems.

Geography was never my strong suit, I had to look it up to see where it was. Wow, right on the big miss. Clear on the western corner of the state.

Anybody from there? Or know much about it? Does their CCW match up with Wisconsin's CCW? Matt has his brand new CCW, he wants/NEEDS to carry down there I suspect!

He's an EMT/paramedic/fireman, so he'll be trying to find work in that field. He's currently in college for a nursing degree, aiming for ER or trauma nurse. His college will be on hold for a year until he returns from the deep south experience.

He's also a career Army reservist as a DI. He'll be TDY,(temporary Duty) in Memphis, while they hold his slot here in WI.

He lives far enough away from me here in WI, that I only get to see him a couple times a month. Now, or once he moves, it'll be more like a couple times a YEAR!:( Yeah I know it'll be over before I know it, I got through his 2 deployments to the sandbox, I can get through this.:mrgreen:

04-06-2012, 11:12 AM
I bet he loves it. Can't beat the weather or the people.

04-06-2012, 11:16 AM
All I know about it is west memphis, where the truckstops are located is not a place that I make a habit of stopping, unless they have cleaned it up, I would carry cc or not.

04-06-2012, 11:55 AM
My son has been there going on 4 years. There's good places and good places to stay out of. Knowing the difference makes all the difference.

04-06-2012, 12:37 PM
If it aint bolted down consider it stolen. Bums and beggers a plenty. I have a freind who has a property in Memphis if they are lookin for a place to rent i think they may rent it out it, The condo is in the Shrine building and is near everything that is fun, All within walking distance.

Yes west Memphis Arkanaw Sucks and so do many other parts,.

The food is pretty good at many resturaunts, The blue plate great breakfasts and lunches Waffle house in west memphis is really good.

Do not leave anything in your car I mean nothing it will be gone Gaurenteed.

better yet Weld it down and then bolt it down and then weld the bolts down to LOL


Beau Cassidy
04-07-2012, 07:26 AM
In my opinion after living there about 14 years ago, Memphis is definitely behind enemy lines. Go to city-data.com. to look up statistics for the city. I wish him the best. He will need to concealed carry everywhere he goes.

04-07-2012, 08:00 AM
As with all big cities, you live in a small town on the outskirts and commute into the city to work. Good places to live are east and south of town.

04-07-2012, 08:06 AM
While Memphis IS the a--hole of the state, it's a FAR better and safer place than Milwaukee! If he stays out of the "projects" and getto sections of town Memphis isn't too bad.

BTW: Whites ARE the minority there!

04-07-2012, 09:16 AM
Watch the First 48 on A&E sometime, Memphis is on there alot. Your son is going to also have to apply again for his permit. His class documentation will be fine but Wisconsin and TN do not share reciprocity.


04-07-2012, 10:55 AM
Thanks everybody for the info, especially rr2241tx . I'll send him a link to this thread so he can get some idea of where to look for an apartment.

It seems I have heard that it's far from the best place to live, crime and man's inhumanity to man sort of thing. I fear for his well-being if he goes to work for an ambulance service as an EMT. I'm sure they are NOT allowed to carry while on duty.

This is exactly why I spend most of my time here on the CB forum. Help when asked for and reassurance.

04-07-2012, 02:15 PM

Wisconsin CCW Reciprocity Map States that Honor Wisconsin's CCW Permit: Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, Colorado, Georgia, Idaho, Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky, Louisiana, Michigan, Missouri, Montana, North Carolina, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, South Dakota, Tennessee, Utah, Vermont, Wisconsin (Wisconsin CCW Reciprocity Map States that Honor Wisconsin's CCW Permit: Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, Colorado, Georgia, Idaho, Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky, Louisiana, Michigan, Missouri, Montana, North Carolina, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, South Dakota, Tennessee, Utah, Vermont, Wisconsin)

Seems like they contradict themselves when I click on the Wisconsin map. Oh well, I guess he'll have to find out when he gets down there. What about residency? How long do you have to live there before you can apply for a CCW?

DIRT Farmer
04-07-2012, 10:17 PM
Some of the people I worked EMS with had worked all over. The only place all agreed on as bad was East St Louis. Most places seem to call a truce for EMS, both sides need the orange and white express.

04-08-2012, 03:00 AM
VERY high violent crime rate, be armed. A friend was a Memphis cop for
10 yrs, finally had to get out and get another kind of job, couldn't stand
it any longer.


04-15-2012, 12:40 AM

Wisconsin CCW Reciprocity Map States that Honor Wisconsin's CCW Permit: Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, Colorado, Georgia, Idaho, Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky, Louisiana, Michigan, Missouri, Montana, North Carolina, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, South Dakota, Tennessee, Utah, Vermont, Wisconsin (Wisconsin CCW Reciprocity Map States that Honor Wisconsin's CCW Permit: Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, Colorado, Georgia, Idaho, Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky, Louisiana, Michigan, Missouri, Montana, North Carolina, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, South Dakota, Tennessee, Utah, Vermont, Wisconsin)

Seems like they contradict themselves when I click on the Wisconsin map. Oh well, I guess he'll have to find out when he gets down there. What about residency? How long do you have to live there before you can apply for a CCW?Ask the question when you/he gets there...I know for a fact they made a KY holder jump through every hoop. Because I was setting up residency in TN. ;-)

04-15-2012, 01:23 PM
My son wanted to know for sure, so he called |_,|_,|_, the Tenn DOJ. They said the WI CCW would transfer with no problem. BUT they advised if they would be there for 1 year, to get a Tenn, CCW permit card, direct transfer IIRC.

They will be working on getting Cass a CCW up here, it's simpler than in Tenn. Then a simple transfer once in Tennessee. She loves to shoot, has a .22 rifle and a shotty, we'll just get her a small pistol for her purse. A pretty girl and a shooter, what's not to like?

Matthew and Cassandra; Bonded to the core.


04-15-2012, 03:20 PM
Live in North Mississippi, work in Memphis.

04-15-2012, 07:00 PM
His college will be on hold for a year until he returns from the deep south experience.

Bad move. Besides the growing interest on any college loans, there's way too many things to keep him from going back. Even worse if he's shacking up. GF's are a dime a dozen and I'd tell him to stay focused on his goals and dreams.
Many a man has pinned his fortunes on the whims of a woman. Failure is a constant. Stay strong Snuffy.

04-15-2012, 07:03 PM
Ten Stupid Things Men Do to Mess Up Their Lives [Paperback]


04-16-2012, 12:34 AM
WILCO chill, sounds like a sound couple. Let them figure it out like we all did.

04-16-2012, 12:38 AM
she's a good lookin gal she will decide where her bread is buttered.

04-16-2012, 04:34 AM
WILCO chill, sounds like a sound couple. Let them figure it out like we all did.

There's nothing to chill P.K.
Snuffy put it out there, I tossed in my 2 cents.
As for them "figuring it out", that's how this country got so messed up.
The dumbing down of our society and acceptance of destructive behavior.
If I was Snuffy, I'd be asking my son why he has to put his life on hold while she fulfills hers? What's the relationship built on, what's her background like? Is it a "Rescue" relationship? Is he uprooting his life to support her financially? What's her credit score and earning potential? What are his issues? The list goes on and on. When are we as adults and Americans going to say enough is enough when it comes to the younger generation screwing up their lives and our families? I've stepped in enough $#*! and I've told my children where not to step. Bottom line is, life's too short and drama sucks. I feel bad for Snuffy as he's stated he won't get to see his son as much and my best advice is to stay strong, refuse to be held hostage emotionally.

04-16-2012, 05:44 AM
WOW I raised my kids to do what they want in life and stand on their on two feet.
I'm pretty sure snuffy will be allright, as this happens to just about everyone that raises kids.
It is not like they are moving to kenya or something like that.

04-16-2012, 11:19 AM
Kids fall in love with the wild freaky sex. That goes away when they get married and have kids, and they wonder what happened? Never fall in love with a, uh, um, er, hummer.

04-16-2012, 04:21 PM
Good looking kids there, snuffy. Both obviously well motivated and making their own way, on their own terms.

Your son is a first responder, eh? Where would some of us be without the likes of him. The beautiful young woman wants to work in a Veterans hospital, a character builder for sure. That lovely bright smile is a healing agent in its own right. I wish her well.

I'd not worry too much, snuffy. Being your son's chosen vocation demands a far better than average level of maturity and decision making, they'll fare well. As one dad to another, I don't mind saying I've worn more than a few worry beads to dust with my kids. Still do.

Been many years since I lived in Memphis working for TVA. Wasn't so good then in some parts, much worse now. Southhaven,MS is yet a good place to live, I'm told. Was through there Dec. last year.The freeway system can get them in and out without too much fuss.

Best Regards,

04-16-2012, 10:31 PM
Memphis is one of my favourite city's . You can eat in a different rib joint every night of the week. One of my favourites was the Pig-N-Whistle. Of course all the ones we ate at were great compared to home.....

04-17-2012, 02:55 AM
There's nothing to chill P.K.
Snuffy put it out there, I tossed in my 2 cents.
As for them "figuring it out", that's how this country got so messed up.
The dumbing down of our society and acceptance of destructive behavior.
If I was Snuffy, I'd be asking my son why he has to put his life on hold while she fulfills hers?

Because it's a mutual decision. Many couples have worked, while the other attends college. That's what will happen here.

What's the relationship built on, what's her background like? Is it a "Rescue" relationship? Is he uprooting his life to support her financially? What's her credit score and earning potential?
What are his issues? The list goes on and on. When are we as adults and Americans going to say enough is enough when it comes to the younger generation screwing up their lives and our families? I've stepped in enough $#*! and I've told my children where not to step. Bottom line is, life's too short and drama sucks. I feel bad for Snuffy as he's stated he won't get to see his son as much and my best advice is to stay strong, refuse to be held hostage emotionally.

Thanks for your opinion. I'm very sure they have come to the right decision. This will benefit Matt, if he gets an ambulance job in a big city, it will look good on his resume when he gets done with nursing school. Wisconsin tuition is free for all Army vets as part of the G.I. bill. So his student loans are non-existent.

Your son is a first responder, eh? Where would some of us be without the likes of him. The beautiful young woman wants to work in a Veterans hospital, a character builder for sure. That lovely bright smile is a healing agent in its own right. I wish her well.

Yes, I couldn't be prouder of him. He's not one to get rattled in a tough situation. After being in a couple of tense situations in Iraq and Afghanistan in the 82nd, it would take a lot to get to him.

04-17-2012, 08:59 AM
You missed my point Snuffy, but that's okay. Best wishes to your son on his future endeavors.

04-18-2012, 12:05 AM
You missed my point Snuffy, but that's okay. Best wishes to your son on his future endeavors.

Oh, I got your point, it's just that it doesn't apply to my son. We are very close, so I know how he thinks. And I agree 100% with his/their decision. I'm not saying the devil couldn't mess up his plans, but it wouldn't be Matts doing.

It's like one of those jokes between two close friends or family, it isn't funny to anybody else, "you would have had to be there!" IOW I could not explain it if I tried.

04-18-2012, 09:41 AM
Oh, I got your point, it's just that it doesn't apply to my son.

Well, like I said, best wishes to your son on his future endeavors. ;-)

12-20-2012, 05:40 PM
Hi Snuffy,

I realize you posted this several months ago, and you or your son probably have already figured out the CCW information for Wisconsin permits in Tennessee. But just in case, or if someone else has the same question, as of this post (12/20/12), WI CCW permits are valid in TN. Here is the reciprocity information for WI CCW permits: Wisconsin CCW Reciprocity (http://www.doj.state.wi.us/dles/cib/ConcealedCarry/reciprocity.asp). In addition, while not useful in your son's particular case, here Tennessee's reciprocity agreements with other states: Tennessee CCW Reciprocity (http://www.tn.gov/safety/handgun/reciprocity.shtml) (which shows TN permits are valid in WI).

Also, here's a neat little map that shows where Wisconsin CCW permits are valid:


You probably already know this, but if driving through IL to go to Memphis (which it's kind of hard not to do), don't leave your car with your carry on you. There are some counties in IL that ignore the state's ban on carry (definitely not Cook or the surrounding), but best to lock up the firearm and place it in the trunk when driving through IL.

(The above map was copied from the guntap website)


12-20-2012, 06:12 PM
Tiny piece of advice for the lady. A gun in the purse is often NOT available for immediate use,
and the purse itself is often a step or five away, kids can get to it and she can not. Strongly
recommend on the body carry, which I know is less convenient for many women.

Best of luck, hope they stay safe.


12-20-2012, 06:33 PM
Sure glad I live up river in Iowa.

12-20-2012, 07:02 PM
A bit of advice for the pretty lady. A gun in the purse is often NOT available for immediate use,
and the purse itself is often a step or five away, kids can get to it and she can not. Strongly
recommend on the body carry, which I know is less convenient for many women.

Additionally, the purse itself is often the object of the crime - purse snatching disarms her
and arms a bad guy.

Best of luck, hope they stay safe.


Actually, some of those concealed carry purses that women carry around are basically shoulder holsters where the gun can be accessed very quickly. Of course, a regular ol' purse isn't going to do much good, especially if it's zipped up and the gun is hidden beneath all the junk that's usually carried around in those things.

And it seems as if something went a little crazy with the server. I'm sure you didn't mean to post the above 10 times :-)

12-20-2012, 07:07 PM
Sure glad I live up river in Iowa.

12-20-2012, 09:07 PM
Even the CCW purses are useless when laying 3 ft away, or left in the car, or dangerous
when in the living room and you are in the kitchen at the neighbors house and her kids get
into it.

Purses are really convenient, but any off body carry is pretty likely to not be there when
you need it IMMEDIATELY. Each person has to think it through for themselves.

Done preaching. Good luck.


12-21-2012, 12:53 AM
Guntap, thanks for the info, but Matt tried to transfer his CCW when he got there. Man behind the counter said no soap, he would have to take a course and complete an application for a Tenn. permit. I don't think he has done that, so he's basically un-armed!:( Cassandra decided she did NOT want to carry a gun, so she's got some pink pepper spray.

He/they really like the city. Especially the food! He got a job within 2 days of getting there at Le Bonheur Children's Hospital in the emergency room. Paramedics do a lot of stuff to free up doctors and nurses. One thing is suturing, which he had to learn. Everything except the face.

They live and work in Germantown, the "better" part of town. They're coming home for Christmas, should be arriving Sunday. Ma nature dropped a foot of snow for a welcoming gesture. I'll be moving it off my driveway and sidewalk in the manana.

12-24-2012, 01:57 PM
Snuffy, when you say Matt tried to transfer his CCW permit, do you mean he tried to get a TN permit using his WI permit? That makes sense since the reciprocity laws don't apply to obtaining another state's CCW permit. Rather, it's just the ability to carry in another state using a recognized permit.

The one reason I can see why he would need to get a TN permit is if his permanent address is now in TN and he no longer uses or can use a WI address. But if they plan on being there temporarily, then using his WI permit should be fine (although he should probably check with the TN state office to make sure).

41 mag fan
12-24-2012, 02:48 PM
Guntap, thanks for the info, but Matt tried to transfer his CCW when he got there. Man behind the counter said no soap, he would have to take a course and complete an application for a Tenn. permit. I don't think he has done that, so he's basically un-armed!:( Cassandra decided she did NOT want to carry a gun, so she's got some pink pepper spray.

He/they really like the city. Especially the food! He got a job within 2 days of getting there at Le Bonheur Children's Hospital in the emergency room. Paramedics do a lot of stuff to free up doctors and nurses. One thing is suturing, which he had to learn. Everything except the face.

They live and work in Germantown, the "better" part of town. They're coming home for Christmas, should be arriving Sunday. Ma nature dropped a foot of snow for a welcoming gesture. I'll be moving it off my driveway and sidewalk in the manana.

Snuffy...I read the whole thread and to me, the gist i get out of it, is you can preach to your kids all you want on the what if, what nots, don't follow my footsteps, don't make the same mistakes I did...ect ect and it honestly does no good. Kids when they reach a certain age, have to figure things out on their own. The more you say, the more likely they are to do exactly what you are trying to prevent them from doing. Now if they come asking for advice...thats different.

I had to learn the hard way with my daughter. She's got a *** b/f for the last 6 yrs. Doesn't work, been since last Feb since he had a job, he'll work for a time, quit go for a yr not working. Drives me crazy, she cant see he's a *** and very controlling when not around me with her.
I used to lecture ALOT, did nothing but drive a wedge between me and her. I finally listened to my wife, and quit lecturing and told her, figure it out yourself, I'm here when you need me....well they're still together but me and her are closer now.

But long story short....by what you posted your son is doing very good and an honorable career working in a childrens hospital....people who work for the children in careers like that are the most honorable and respected people on the planet in my book.
You and your wife did a good job raising him and he looks like a very nice young man. I hope you enjoy your Christmas with him.
Best wishes and happy holidays to you and your family!

12-24-2012, 03:54 PM
Guntap, I'll have him check again when he gets back "down" there. I know he's not been carrying, I taught him to obey ALL laws, then he wouldn't have to worry about which one he was possibly bending.

He got here about 4pm yesterday, we had a nice visit. I'll be seeing him again today along with his step family and his mom. I've been divorced from his mom for almost 25 years. We get along better after the divorce than we did while we were married![smilie=1:

He came with some news; He got to thinking about the fact that he's going to be 30 YO the end of May. Little to no savings for retirement as of yet. His goal of being an ER nurse has been changed to becoming a PA ,(physicians assistant). A lot more money than plain nursing. 3.5 years of school, but only 1.5 more than if he finished nursing school. His GF said okay, I'll work and support you until you're done!:mrgreen: What a girl!

Well a couple of gifts to wrap, then down to the mayhem of 25 people in a small house. Gotta love Christmas!

41 M.F., Matt was brought up in a pentecostal church setting, I and his aunt made sure he got to church as often as practical. That has made the biggest difference in his life. He and I had weekends together as to the shared custody agreement. He got doses of my work ethic and basic honesty. Along with the picture of what a successful long term marriage looked like from my parents. 62 years when dad died!

12-24-2012, 05:40 PM
He sould head south, to a more decent clime..... MS aint perfect but its better than memphis...