View Full Version : Made the switch to rcbs

04-04-2012, 07:36 PM
After my second lee pot broke down I decided to try out this rcbs..... WOW!!!!!! It's really nice. The boolits seem to look better. I never could get the temp where I wanted. The would either be frosted or wrinkled but now the look just about perfect. I wish I would have done this a while ago

04-05-2012, 09:20 AM
I still have my first Lee 10 lb pot and I totally agree that temperature control is a major factor is casting nice looking boolits. I added a PID to my Lee and that precise temp control has really helped. When my Lee dies, I'm getting an RCBS pot.

04-05-2012, 06:08 PM
My first one was a 10 pounder and it only lasted a few months. The 20 pounder was a little better at 16 months. I am hoping the rcbs will be the last one I buy

04-05-2012, 06:14 PM
I used my Pro Melt twice today and it was a pleasure to use, you won't regret buying one either.

04-05-2012, 09:50 PM
I have three Pro Melts. One for each alloy. The oldest one is from about 1989. It is still going strong and is the one I use the most. I have no idea how many thousands of bullets I have cast with it. I still have a Lee 10lb, in fact two, and a Lee 20lb I have never cast with. One of these days I need to heat the 20lber up and drain the alloy out of it. I will never use another Lee pot! I have become too spoiled by the Pro Melts. All of my Pro Melts have modified Lyman mold guides on them. A friend saw one of my Pro Melts with the Lyman guide and bought a Pro Melt to fit a mold guide to it. He is now sold!


04-05-2012, 09:54 PM
The Pro-Melt is indeed a nice piece of equipment. Wish I'd have gotten one years ago. I'm using mine on a PID temperature controller, and recovery is pretty quick after adding preheated ingots.

04-05-2012, 10:04 PM
I was belly aching about paying so much for the Pro Melt. But after using it and comparing it to my Lee 10 Lb pot, I am not belly aching anymore. Worth it just for the hassle free operation.

04-06-2012, 12:39 AM
For the guys with the Pro Melt pots. What I did with my mold guide was to put a piece of aluminum tubing over the existing guide between the "keepers". Now my molds just roll the tubing as I move them over the guide.