View Full Version : More Illinois Nonsense - Public Range Closing!!

04-02-2012, 12:47 PM
Well, the Anti-Gun Illinois Politicians are at it again! ......They have served an injunction that closes the only outdoor public range within 150 miles of Chicago!

It seems clear that here in Illinois, the "Powers-That-Be" are intent on making firearm ownership a thing of the past: ....Regardless of what the other 49 states are doing!

Go to the Buffalo Range site and read the notice for yourself!


JEEZ! .....I hate this State!!!!!!!!


04-02-2012, 03:11 PM
Simple solution, move.

Of course, the realities of employment and family will enter into it, but the
place is a mess. Lots of family in southern Ill, and I fell sorry for them.


04-02-2012, 03:53 PM
Their anger though understood is misguided. IT AIN'T Springfield thats the cause of the problem. Folks in Springfield are being held hostage as much as they are, by the Chicago Thugs, who've taken control of our state. I love Illinois but dispise the Rham Emanuals of the world. They are doing EVERYTHING they can to return us to the dark ages of gun control.

04-02-2012, 04:18 PM
There's pro-gun, pro-hunting Democrats in Chicago. Find one or several and help them get elected. It means giving money to Democrats. The alternative is to keep electing the vocal anti-gun anti-hunting Democrats.

04-02-2012, 04:30 PM
Simple solution, move.


04-02-2012, 04:49 PM
There has to be some one to organize a resistance, or they will win.:Fire::Fire:

04-02-2012, 04:50 PM
There's pro-gun, pro-hunting Democrats in Chicago. Find one or several and help them get elected. It means giving money to Democrats. The alternative is to keep electing the vocal anti-gun anti-hunting Democrats.

First of all, what is happening in Illinois is being dictated by the Cook County Democratic Machine: ......NO candidate who is not willing to "walk the party line" has much of a future in Cook County. (.....And any money sent to a Cook County Democrat is destined to be misdirected.)

…And remember, if you don't live in Cook County, you don't have a say in those elections. They are entirely controlled by the Machine: …..That’s why the Democratic State Representatives from those districts win re-election after re-election with 75 to 85 percent of the vote. (….A statistic that Cook County shared with famous has-beens like the Soviet Union and East Germany!)

This machine has been in place for 125 years, and they eat naive, idealistic people for breakfast. They are consummate experts in their craft. ……Remember: These are the same people that foisted Obama on all of you!


04-02-2012, 04:51 PM
There has to be some one to organize a resistance, or they will win.:Fire::Fire:

If you haven't noticed, it sorta sounds like they are winning. lol At least in an ever growing chunck of it.

04-02-2012, 04:57 PM
If you haven't noticed, it sorta sounds like they are winning. lol At least in an ever growing chunck of it.

Yup! ......And when Illinois is "under control" the Obamas and Rahm Emanuels of the New Régime will turn their attention on the rest of the country, so that “enlightenment” can be spread from sea to sea.


04-02-2012, 05:23 PM
Yup! ......And when Illinois is "under control" the Obamas and Rahm Emanuels of the New Régime will turn their attention on the rest of the country, so that “enlightenment” can be spread from sea to sea.


If you haven't noticed, it wont be spreading from sea to sea, it will be closing in in from sea to sea to meet somewhere.

04-02-2012, 05:45 PM

Just go shooting in any of the back alleys of Oak Park in the Chicago area. A couple hundred more gun shots on any given day isn't going to faze anybody over there.

04-02-2012, 06:00 PM

Just go shooting in any of the back alleys of Oak Park in the Chicago area. A couple hundred more gun shots on any given day isn't going to faze anybody over there.


You do have a point there!


04-02-2012, 06:11 PM

Just go shooting in any of the back alleys of Oak Park in the Chicago area. A couple hundred more gun shots on any given day isn't going to faze anybody over there.

If that is the case, there is no reason to confine it to back alleys.

04-02-2012, 06:26 PM
First of all, what is happening in Illinois is being dictated by the Cook County Democratic Machine: ......NO candidate who is not willing to "walk the party line" has much of a future in Cook County. (.....And any money sent to a Cook County Democrat is destined to be misdirected.)

…And remember, if you don't live in Cook County, you don't have a say in those elections. They are entirely controlled by the Machine: …..That’s why the Democratic State Representatives from those districts win re-election after re-election with 75 to 85 percent of the vote. (….A statistic that Cook County shared with famous has-beens like the Soviet Union and East Germany!)

This machine has been in place for 125 years, and they eat naive, idealistic people for breakfast. They are consummate experts in their craft. ……Remember: These are the same people that foisted Obama on all of you!


That is a VERY accurate assessment of the "Machine" in Chicago and surrounding areas. Downstate democrats are frequently in opposition to the machine but are badly outnumbered. And since the great "takeover" when the chicagocrats took over all of Illinois constitutional offices we've been fighting for our lives here.

04-03-2012, 05:19 AM
Good morning
Probably one of those slick suit lawyers realised they would end up defending themselves in court if a liability ever arrose at a public range. As I understand ILLinois is shutting down all non essential services as real bankrupcy is already at the door. State Parks, social services... are all being cut. There is no more money. The state police tried buying ammo at local gunshops on credit.. no takers.
I hearby extend to any neady Castboolits member my invitation to join me at Danville Rifle Pistol Club any Monday morning you want to fireoff some rounds... when I am up north there of course. Located north of the I 74 Oakwood exit about 5 miles. I hope to be there sometime this June.
Mike in Peru

04-03-2012, 08:19 AM
First, excuse my ignorence, but what is a FOID card?

Second, When I moved to WV there was a state park run public range that was about a half hour from my house. I was not interested in using it since I am a long time member of the IWLA and I found a chapter that was about the same distance, or less, as the public range.

At the induction meeting I spoke with a lot of people who had used the public range. They all had the same oppinion. You basically took your life in your hands when going there since there was no supervision, and from what I understand, no check-in procedure. The range was shut down about 2 years after I moved and as far as I know has not reopened. Personnally, I prefer a private gun club as opposed to a public one.

The public ranges I have visited in the past seem to draw a significant number of seedy characters. This goes for some of the privately owned, open to the public, ranges also. At one I have gone to I actually ran into a drug dealer I had locked up in the past. Now talk about a tense situation.

I quess what it all this boils down to is, that unless there is signifcant range supevision at public ranges they can be dangerous. Both from idiots that have no idea what they are doing and from the type of people you may run into while going to your car afterwards. Mind you the majority of my experience was in the Maryland suburbs of Washington, D. C.

Now I don't want you to think that the range I belong to is perfect, I have had to call down people in the past, but at least one person in every group is suppose to have past the range officers course and be supervising his group.

All this being said I can understand that the public range run by either state or local government would be one of the first things on the budget chopping block, whether I agree with it or not. Even if it just from the liability stand point.

I know I am going to catch all sorts of garbage for this post. I assure you I am not a liberal plant at this site.

04-03-2012, 08:31 AM
First, excuse my ignorence, but what is a FOID card?

Second, When I moved to WV there was a state park run public range that was about a half hour from my house. I was not interested in using it since I am a long time member of the IWLA and I found a chapter that was about the same distance, or less, as the public range.

At the induction meeting I spoke with a lot of people who had used the public range. They all had the same oppinion. You basically took your life in your hands when going there since there was no supervision, and from what I understand, no check-in procedure. The range was shut down about 2 years after I moved and as far as I know has not reopened. Personnally, I prefer a private gun club as opposed to a public one.

The public ranges I have visited in the past seem to draw a significant number of seedy characters. This goes for some of the privately owned, open to the public, ranges also. At one I have gone to I actually ran into a drug dealer I had locked up in the past. Now talk about a tense situation.

I quess what it all this boils down to is, that unless there is signifcant range supevision at public ranges they can be dangerous. Both from idiots that have no idea what they are doing and from the type of people you may run into while going to your car afterwards. Mind you the majority of my experience was in the Maryland suburbs of Washington, D. C.

Now I don't want you to think that the range I belong to is perfect, I have had to call down people in the past, but at least one person in every group is suppose to have past the range officers course and be supervising his group.

All this being said I can understand that the public range run by either state or local government would be one of the first things on the budget chopping block, whether I agree with it or not. Even if it just from the liability stand point.

I know I am going to catch all sorts of garbage for this post. I assure you I am not a liberal plant at this site.
an foid card is a "Firearms Owner Identification Card" Illinois got smart and registered gun owners instead of guns .... In other words they know where to go to collect.

04-03-2012, 08:44 AM
an foid card is a "Firearms Owner Identification Card" Illinois got smart and registered gun owners instead of guns .... In other words they know where to go to collect.

WOW, When I moved from the "Peoples Republic of Maryland" they didn't even require those. Hopefully the dam will start to break if the gun laws Chicago has get shot down like the ones DC had.

04-03-2012, 09:28 AM
...........All this being said I can understand that the public range run by either state or local government would be one of the first things on the budget chopping block, whether I agree with it or not. Even if it just from the liability stand point.

I know I am going to catch all sorts of garbage for this post. I assure you I am not a liberal plant at this site.

The "Buffalo Range" was (is) a privately owned business. It was open to "The Public" in the same way your local Sears store is.

They were a responsibly run operation. They had separate ranges for handgun, shotgun, rifle, and a plinking pit. They had full time, adult Range Officers stationed at each firing line, and they enforced the safety rules with a "zero-tolerance" attitude.

Even on the busiest Saturday morning in the Spring, you were FAR safer there than you would be on Illinois DNR land during deer season!

This is a blatant effort to make firearm ownership in Illinois impractical.

You guys in other states need to watch Illinois! ......We are simply the prototype pattern for the "New and Fundamentally Reformed America" that Obama has in mind!


04-03-2012, 09:33 AM
WOW, When I moved from the "Peoples Republic of Maryland" they didn't even require those. Hopefully the dam will start to break if the gun laws Chicago has get shot down like the ones DC had.

The Chicago Gun Ban WAS "shot down" by the Supreme Court!!!!

This new batch of harassment is simply "The Boys" finding ways around the Supreme Court decision!

When you sit down to "play cards" with these guys; .....You need to keep it firmly in mind that THEY invented the game!


04-03-2012, 09:33 AM
Good morning
Now that sounds a whole lot more sinful ! Maybe I do not want to come back ?
Where is this located ?
MiKe in Peru

04-03-2012, 09:49 AM
Just took a look at the supplied web.. Ottawa.. now I bet cha them old warriors are realli rilled them chi ca go white eyes are messing around again.
Mike in Peru

Katya Mullethov
04-03-2012, 09:50 AM
If I had a dollar for every time a DUmmie has pat me on the head and said ooooooh look at the cute little free man , nobody wants to take your guns .

04-03-2012, 09:56 AM
If I had a dollar for every time a DUmmie has pat me on the head and said ooooooh look at the cute little free man , nobody wants to take your guns .


Yup! ....They want a disarmed population: ....Because they have no intention of making the same mistakes that King George made in the early 1770's!!!


04-03-2012, 10:00 AM
I wouldn't call the Chicagoland Machine 'liberal' by any stretch. They are power mad, corrupted and racist. Oh, if you're useful they can ignore your particular color, especially if you can control the others like you. Look at Da Mayer's daddy's plan: Robert Taylor Homes, Cabrini Green, Washington Park...lock folks up in towers and let them eat eachother for dangled crums. Take away all protective weapons unless you're a member of the Machine. Unit 2 of the CPD. Legal brothels ran out of Stone Park. Hiding Serb terrorists in Brookfield and Evergreen Park. The list of Cook County issues goes on and on.

04-03-2012, 10:05 AM
I wouldn't call the Chicagoland Machine 'liberal' by any stretch. They are power mad, corrupted and racist. Oh, if you're useful they can ignore your particular color, especially if you can control the others like you. Look at Da Mayer's daddy's plan: Robert Taylor Homes, Cabrini Green, Washington Park...lock folks up in towers and let them eat eachother for dangled crums. Take away all protective weapons unless you're a member of the Machine. Unit 2 of the CPD. Legal brothels ran out of Stone Park. Hiding Serb terrorists in Brookfield and Evergreen Park. The list of Cook County issues goes on and on.

Yes indeed!! ......A VERY accurate assessment!!

Well said sir!!


04-03-2012, 10:23 AM
I do have to say that my favorite sporting event is the running of the aldermen. ;)

I was raised in a house that HATED Chicago-style politics. Dad and Uncle were raised by the local Ward Boss' drinking buddy, Chaufer's Local sgt-at-arms and mailed fist, Grandpa. He died before I was born, but my brothers had nothing nice to say about him.

I spent 3/4ths of my life growing up in Chicago's shadow and while I miss folks back there I think less and less of it as 'home'.

04-03-2012, 10:48 AM
I do have to say that my favorite sporting event is the running of the aldermen. ;)................

Wasn't it Mike Royko who once suggested evaluating Chicago Aldermen by thumping their heads in the same way you would "thump" a melon in search of a ripe one????

I was born in the Western Suburbs of Chicago, and sixty years later, .....I'm still here. I have spent my whole life watching "The Boys" in Cook County work hard to suck Illinois down to the Seventh Level of Hell; ......And now they want to do the same thing to the rest of the country.

It's pretty depressing.


04-03-2012, 11:04 AM
If that is the case, there is no reason to confine it to back alleys.

Well, I was thinking he wanted a substantial backstop so he could retrieve his lead:rolleyes:

04-03-2012, 11:05 AM
I agree. I've only been observing the fine folks in MO's General Assembly for a couple of years but I don't detect the same level of malice that I felt at the couple of Cook County Board meetings I attended.

While the Republican base in Du Page was really nothing worth writting about they never came close to the stuff in Cook County. While the sharks swam in Du Page, phiranha lived on the Cook board. Show any weakness and they set on you. Forget Obama, these are the folks that groomed Blago.

I wish Chicago-based realty companies the best under Rhom. I can't imagine they're selling too much in the way of residential these days but I bet that commercial real estate is doing fine; he has all those contracts to hand out. lol

04-03-2012, 11:28 AM
The "Buffalo Range" was (is) a privately owned business. It was open to "The Public" in the same way your local Sears store is.

They were a responsibly run operation. They had separate ranges for handgun, shotgun, rifle, and a plinking pit. They had full time, adult Range Officers stationed at each firing line, and they enforced the safety rules with a "zero-tolerance" attitude.

Even on the busiest Saturday morning in the Spring, you were FAR safer there than you would be on Illinois DNR land during deer season!

This is a blatant effort to make firearm ownership in Illinois impractical.

You guys in other states need to watch Illinois! ......We are simply the prototype pattern for the "New and Fundamentally Reformed America" that Obama has in mind!


That then is an entirely different situation. I had misunderstood the first couple of post and the attacment. Made it sound like a state or county run operation.

The IWLA chapter I belong to in the heart of the most liberal county in Maryland (Montgomery, the area where the DC sniper was the most active) had their ranges shut down for 2 years. A bullet was found imbedded in a townhouse about a mile away. The chapter had ballistic experts come in and show that there was no way that the round came from our range. Didn't matter, had to do something about or have ranges closed permently.

Eventually the ranges were rebuilt in such a way that you had to shoot through several consective portals that were about 8" x 18" on the rifle range so that the round was forced to hit the backstop. The pistol range had an overhang that had 4 to 7 2x10's (set on edge) that sloped down so that any round that was fired in that direction would have to penatrate 2 or 3 of them and would lose most of it's energy.

Of course every group has a couple idiots that think the the rules do not apply to them and I personnelly sent a couple people off the range.

04-03-2012, 04:06 PM
thugs one and all

04-04-2012, 07:00 AM
I'm sure everything being said here is true... But are there projectiles leaving the range? If so, where do they go?

And... If you think it's bad in IL, come visit me in the People's Democratic Republic of Kalifornia.

04-04-2012, 09:18 AM
I'm sure everything being said here is true... But are there projectiles leaving the range? If so, where do they go?....................

In this particular case, it is very doubtful. The IDNR land in question is some four miles from the range, and not on a direct line from any of their firing lines.

.....Also, on any given day, one can hear gunfire coming from the private property east and west of the range. (Private landowners doing what they have a right to do.)

If there are projectiles landing on IDNR land, I think it FAR more likely that it is coming from one of these private target shooting sessions. (Where safety rules and common sense may or may not be in force.)
