View Full Version : AmmoBrassTrader.com

BT Sniper
04-01-2012, 04:48 PM
OK I give up? What happened to ammobrasstrader.com?

What will it take to get back up and running.

Anyone know anything?


04-01-2012, 05:37 PM
Yes, I noticed it is gone. It says it wasn't paid for. Hope it gets fixed. I don't have any contact with anyone to find out anything.

04-01-2012, 08:28 PM
they let the domain expire. you can get their info here:

04-01-2012, 08:36 PM
It's not the domain that expired. That's still good for another year.

It's the hosting service that expired. And, if he didn't keep a backup copy of his web site handy, all those files are possibly GONE. That's the reason to keep your site payments up to date.

I keep current back up copies of the sites that I do for clients here, and can tell you that I've had to restore more than a few sites over the years.

The domain name is registered. His hosting service expired, and his web site files are likely gone. Especially troubling when people do the web based web designing, and don't have back up copies on their home computer. GONE is GONE! He'd probably have to re-do the whole site from scratch.

BT Sniper
04-02-2012, 01:35 AM
Hopefully somthing will become of it. There was a lot of members there with a lot of good trade potential.

04-02-2012, 07:36 AM
leonard told me hes trying to get the control back from his exwife

04-02-2012, 07:43 AM
welcome kd185

04-02-2012, 08:09 AM
Ex-wife is the same reason I got from George Dwight in Colorado. He keeps in contact with Leonard.


BT Sniper
04-02-2012, 10:45 AM
I remember hearing about that too. Hope everything gets worked out.

I know there is a few of us here that where members there as well.


04-02-2012, 01:45 PM
i see several here now :)
whats up guys
ive been lurking this site for a year or 2 now and decided to signup and start participating

small world
i hope they resolve there issues soon
if the site goes dormant to long it may never recover

04-02-2012, 03:02 PM
And right when I posted on that site I was looking for stuff, OH BOY!!!! I have all the luck.

BT Sniper
04-02-2012, 04:44 PM
I'm sure if ABTdosn't come back on line we will certainly find a replacment. Word of mouth travels fast and as KD185 knows many of us are here too.

Welcome KD. Shooting any 50's latly? Don't throw out those primers :)


04-02-2012, 10:17 PM
didnt shot any matches last year
marines cancelled all 3 of our matches in Quantico a week be fore each match
this year we have a new private sanctioned range in central Pennsylvania
hoping to shot 4 matches this year
been saving my used primers (not that ive burned much up last year)
but should have between 400 and 600 dead primers by the end of the year for you
i did put the word out to save them for me so who know what will show up at the next match

04-03-2012, 09:27 AM
What's up with the primer's?
Large or small?

04-03-2012, 10:02 AM
What's up with the primer's?
Large or small?

there a different animal all together
kind of like a shotgun primer turned in to a very large rifle primer
and there only 2 manufactures of them

BT Sniper
04-03-2012, 11:44 AM
50 cal primers make good 30 cal gas checks :)


04-03-2012, 01:10 PM
Well that answer's that doesn't it?

04-03-2012, 10:46 PM
BT ceases to amaze me.

04-04-2012, 09:47 PM
BT never ceases to amaze me

04-13-2012, 08:52 AM
Hi guys, most of you know me. Or heard of me. Any news on ABT? I owe Sealer some brass cases and I need his address. Any help here?

04-13-2012, 10:41 AM
Fortunately for me I had my e-mail addy on one of my post and the other guy just happened to copy it down and we got a trade done. I didn't go there that often but I kinda miss going there and trading.

Love the Avatar, loved the movie too.

BT Sniper
04-16-2012, 11:52 PM
So how long do we wait before a new ABT launches or the old one comes back?


04-17-2012, 07:00 AM
If they haven't recovered their domain name by now, they probably aren't

05-08-2012, 11:23 PM
Well just out of curiosity I tried the link and got a new front page to show up. It almost looks like he's trying to get the site working.

BT Sniper
05-09-2012, 01:24 AM
Interesting????? I wonder????? I know "GoDaddy" had the domain name for sale a while back. Someone bid on it. Either they are bringing it back or teh new owner of the name is simply posting links????? hopefully it will come back from the dead but I don't know anything. I tell you all what though, if a new ABT or similar version of it dosen't appear soon someone should creat a new web site that is nearly the same or exactly the same as the last.


BT Sniper
05-09-2012, 11:45 AM
Seems a little strange to me! Like the person that set up the links on that page knew nothing about shooting? I mean really, links to brass handels, brass grab bars, ???? Seems kind of fishy to me?


05-10-2012, 06:35 AM
I'll send leonard an email and ask him whats going on

05-10-2012, 06:38 AM
well 1 of the 2 email addresses i have for him got kicked back

05-10-2012, 09:02 PM
If Leonard doesn't get it back up, I might have to do something about it. I really miss that site.

05-10-2012, 10:19 PM
I thought seriously of bidding for the domain when it went to auction, but was afraid I would be bidding Leonard up. Now I don't believe it is his. But it is not really a problem. A .net domain name would work. I could set up a site with some forum software, but I just don't have the time to moderate it. But I do miss the old site.

05-11-2012, 06:56 AM
At the request of a member here, I sent the guy an email, offering my web development support. Never heard back.

The domain name is being held by a third party, and is available for sale for $4800.

Leonard let it lapse, and it's no longer his. If it was in his name (versus his wife's) in the beginning, he could write a letter demanding the domain back, and he would win. I have done that for one other client. The Registrars are very accommodating.

But, if no one can get in touch with him, all is lost.

05-11-2012, 07:08 AM
exchanged a few emails back and forth with Lenard
he said it was ok to post them
so heres some of what was said

I'm trying but the problem is that the hosting and the domain name itself were registered in my Ex-wife's name since she already had stuff set up for her business so it was less expensive to do it that way. Apparently the hosting has expired and I cannot get any kind of response from her on anything so I can't get the account renewed or transferred so at this point until she answers me or I can figure out a way to get everything I need to bring it back online it is kind of dead in the water, which sucks because even though I haven't used it myself in almost 4 years I know that others were using it quite a bit and it enabled a lot of cool people to meet each other and make lots of good trades so it was worth keeping up to me for that. When something changes I will get the word out though.

Sent from: Straight from the horses mouth.

BT Sniper
05-11-2012, 11:56 AM
When godady had the domain for sale I saw two bids for it. First one was for $10 and the last one I saw was $15. Now if one wanted to buy it some third party is trying to get $4k+ !!!!!!

I say screw the third party, the new ABT doesn't look like it will be anything but a loosy redirect link sight. Think it is time we start a new abt sight. I think I will look into it.

To bad Lenard doesn't look like is going to be able to continue the sight.


05-11-2012, 12:13 PM
I think in order for something like that to happen successfully a person would need multiple partners to make it work. I know when I was running a gaming server it was a PITA for one person, and the codes,OH the codes were a pain.

05-11-2012, 12:20 PM
if the primary purpose of the site was as a forum, there's plenty of forum packages already available, fully configurable. My current hosting service provider actually offers me a couple of forum packages, similar in nature to the castboolits package. And, it's basically free, comes with the hosting service. No need for custom scripts.

Setting up the areas, admins, etc is a breeze. Customizing the images, etc, is also easy.

If someone has Leonard's ear, please pass along my contact info. I' be happy to assist in any way I can.

05-11-2012, 02:12 PM
It sounds from the email posted from Leonard, that he has lost interest. All we need is someone to do it. It sounds like the original data is no longer available since it is now in the possesion of his unresponsive ex.

If you want to set it up, Duke, I say go for it, because I am busy. If no one else wants to, I probably would.

But we need some volunteers of responsible people to act as moderators to keep the trashy posts and posters out.

BT Sniper
05-11-2012, 05:41 PM
I would be willing to bet we could get better then %50 of the orginal members to rejoin, probably even the same mods.

I'm considering it!


05-11-2012, 07:14 PM
It's been a long time for me so if sounds stupid don't laugh to loud.

When I was paying for a gaming server it was $60mo, and it only had the basic gaming codes installed and I had to upload tons of files and make it work.

Now for something like this how much a month would something like this cost a person?

05-11-2012, 07:27 PM
Way less than that. It depends on if you already have hosting. If you do, then it is only $10-15 per year for the domain. Hosting if you don't already have it might be another $70/year. There is freeware forum software out there that is pretty good.

05-11-2012, 07:35 PM
Grumpa, gaming servers require a lot of cost due to the enormous bandwidth that they consume. A discussion forum like castboolits, even with all the images flowing through it is NOTHING like a game server for bandwidth.

How active was ammobrasstrader? Like... how many members? How many daily posts?

I never went there, so will also ask some dumb questions:
1) What was the purpose of the site?
2) What were the discussion area headers?

05-11-2012, 07:45 PM
Well I'm going to take a shot in the dark on this.

I would say on a daily basis I would notice roughly 5-10 new posts with the most I think I ever saw was 20-30 new posts.

The purpose was as the addy stated and that was mainly brass, but it had sub-forums that really didn't amount to alot of traffic.

Had your normal feedback area,
Brass of course
reloading area
casting area
and things of that nature
Not nearly as fast paced as here.

05-11-2012, 11:32 PM
Lets keep talking about it as I am willing to help get a new site started.

BTW - Brian that notching die has worked out great. I'm super happy with it.

05-12-2012, 08:37 AM
i just started a new forum (http://www.motorcyclistspost.com/smf/)
for my new career path. www.motorcyclistspost.com

software i used was free
theres a number of free software's out there
depending on how extensive you want to go it can be set up in a few hours
let me know if i can help
i can see if leonard has a backup copy of the old forum and what software he was using if you like (although there better softwares out there in my opnion)

Rusty Goose
08-16-2012, 07:59 PM
Hello all, first post since joining CB. I was trying to find out what happened to ABT and ran across this thread on Google. I too miss ABT (formerly MD Rusty), but I'm quite happy to find this forum. Count me in if ABT gets resurrected some how.


08-16-2012, 08:07 PM
Well, I am still available to assist with helping him get his site back up and running. But have heard nothing from him with regard to this.

If anyone has a land line to him, have him contact me.

10-06-2012, 02:49 PM
Howdy All,

I too found this thread by doing a web search to try and find out what happened to the ABT. I did a few trades there and miss the site. I am not computer literate enough to set up a new similar forum, but wish any of you that try to do it good luck.

I am posting here to "tag" the thread so that if there are developments on a new or resurrected site I'll know about it.


10-06-2012, 11:12 PM
I would be happy to volunteer my time to help mod ammobrasstrader if it gets up and running. I looked at it for a while but never got the chance to sign up.

If yall need my help just say so!

10-06-2012, 11:13 PM
I would really like to see ABT restarted or the same type site under a new name would be fine as well. I used ABT a lot and I really miss it. If I remember right there were over 3 thousand members. The site was designed to trade your pile of unneeded brass for someone elses but there were some unusual trades that occured as well. The site was very well regulated by the members and any bad trades and traders were brought to everyones attention quickly. I still have piles of brass that I would like to trade for someones unneeded treasures so please let us know if someone gets another brass trading site started.

10-06-2012, 11:55 PM
The only thing stopping me from setting one up is I don't have time to moderate it. If we have some good people who will commit to moderating, I will get one set up.

10-07-2012, 09:16 AM
The only thing stopping me from setting one up is I don't have time to moderate it. If we have some good people who will commit to moderating, I will get one set up.

Sign me up, I know I dont have a ton of posts here but have completed many trades. Plus I do have some extra time!

10-07-2012, 09:59 AM
OK gents, just read this again and right now it works better than strong coffee, talk about being alert and energetic. Frankly I wish I knew how to moderate a site like that, and had the time to do it actually, right now I'm working 12-14hr days just keeping up on my brass orders, been doing that 3 weeks straight and don't see any relief from those long days in the near future.

10-07-2012, 11:30 AM
JUst my two cents worth:

I'd rather have the original fellow run any new site. He'd have tons of credibility, and after a nasty divorce, would give him some extra things to keep his mind off the nastiness.

I have already offered to assist that fellow with getting new site up and running. I've got some experience with setting up forums, and with admins, mods, etc. I also have access to some server space that would make the job an easy and inexpensive one.

10-07-2012, 12:04 PM
I agree the original owner would be best, but on the other hand due to the divorce he may not be interested in doing it anymore.

Either way I hope it gets up and running!

10-07-2012, 01:58 PM
Duke, if you are in contact with him, great. But it has already been a long time we are talking about this and he hasn't done anything. I think we are all agreed that if he wants to, that would be best, but if that is not going to happen anytime soon, then I would like something to happen. Unless he makes some statement as to his intentions, after all this time, I think we can assume he is not going to.

10-07-2012, 03:32 PM
I have not been in contact with anyone.

If anyone has a telephone number fr that guy, get hold of him, and let him know his fan club awaits.

10-08-2012, 03:00 PM
I'd be happy to volunteer as a moderator on any new forum dedicated to trading reloading components. I have been a user of many different firearms forums with the same USER ID and have no negative feedback. I am also the founder of the Yahoo "Cheapshooting" Group. I was also a member of the old ABT with the same USER ID.


The only thing stopping me from setting one up is I don't have time to moderate it. If we have some good people who will commit to moderating, I will get one set up.

BT Sniper
10-09-2012, 05:57 PM
I'm looking into it. I may be able to put together and run another ABT. I got to make a couple calls first. It will all depend on whether it will cause any more of my hair to turn gray vs. the tool and die business I'm allready in. One thing is for sure we all miss that sight.


10-14-2012, 06:51 PM
Yeah I miss ABT. It was the only place you could go and almost be guaranteed to make trades on large and small quantities of brass. I can't wait to "Earn my wings" here because the trading here looks good too.

10-14-2012, 07:18 PM
I have the means to develop and host this type of sight. But I don't know **** about running it. If a few would commit to helping develop it or mod it, I will commit to building and hosting it.

10-14-2012, 10:42 PM
Ditto, I've worked on and off as a webmaster for years and still run my business site plus the site for the gun club I belong to. If I can be of service I'd be glad to lend a hand.

BT Sniper
10-14-2012, 10:55 PM
I bet there is still plenty of previous members that would vollenter to moderate a new ABT sight. Wasn't there a George from the previous sight that was always good about making sure things where kept on track? I don't even know if he was a mod but he was good.


10-19-2012, 03:35 AM
I can't remember if they even had moderators but yeah George was really good and there were several other members that helped keep things in order. Actually most of the members were pretty good about helping keep things running smooth. Leonard owned and operated the site but he was not available about half the time and the members self regulated pretty well. I have never seen a site that was ran as loose but yet as well operated as ABT. It would be great to have that group back trading again.

10-19-2012, 06:32 AM
You know..........

I am sure I could have a chat with 45Nut (the owner of the forum, Ken) and convince him to ADD a new section to this forum, with the express purpose of providing the same service. There are some additional financial resources in the current budget for some small development, and he might be happy to accommodate.

As you know, castboolits.gunloads.com is only a small part of the existing gunloads.com realm.

Maybe Ken would add something like ammobrasstrader.gunloads.com

Let me have a while to work on that.

I am just home from the hospital, and will be recovering during treatments for my Multiple Myeloma for a few months. I can't do ny heavy lifting, shooting, reloading, casting, etc... But maybe I can type messages.

Let's chill this conversation for a while. We might get the best of both worlds: 1) A new ammobrasstrader.... 2) and have it right here, where we already like to visit..........


10-19-2012, 07:16 AM
I have a list of 80 or so guys from ABT that I've made trades with if it will help in any way. Some of the posters here are on it. Also "Brasso" on ABT.


10-19-2012, 10:36 PM
That's a great idea Duke. I think I still have a list of 20 or 30 folks that I traded with as well. And yes there are quite a few ABT members that use Cast Boolits. Thanks Buck

10-20-2012, 05:42 AM
Been checking in the background, and it seems very feasable. Just have to touch base with Ken (45Nut) and get his blessing. Willy Synder would do the quick work.

10-21-2012, 09:13 PM
Great I will be watching. I have some stuff I need to send to you Brian.

10-31-2012, 05:15 AM
Last night, after the power came back (Hurricane Sandy), I chatted with Ken (45Nut) on this subject. He was familiar with ammobrasstrader, and likes the idea of ammobrasstrader.gunloads.com as the format for the new site.

He's going to check in with Willy, our resident web site builder, and see if Willy can get started on it. He'd like to get some additional "sponsors" for the new site, to help defray the additional bandwidth usage.

Perhaps some of the brass manufacturers would be willing to support the effort. Star, Hornady, etc. Any of you got any industry contacts that could help?

11-01-2012, 12:54 PM
How about levyying a small transaction fee like ebay does? Nothing outrageous, just enough to defray the costs of the server. It seems fair to me that the people who will profit from the existence of the site should help to pay for the service that's helping them profit.

11-01-2012, 02:44 PM
Duke, I have Leonards email address if you need it. I might have already given it to you during our previous conversation on the matter.

11-02-2012, 05:38 AM
No, I don't have it, but would very much like to have it. Send via PM, please.
While Ken is working through Willy Snider to make this happen, having Leonard's contact info would help guide Willy through the design phase.

I thought that several people tried to contact Leonard, and got no replies? Justin, do you have any way of confirming that the email address that you have is a currently good (active) one?

PM it to me, and I'll work on getting ahold of Leonard.

Duke, I have Leonards email address if you need it. I might have already given it to you during our previous conversation on the matter.

Gunload Master
11-02-2012, 01:47 PM
Can you guys fill me in a little more on how AmmoBrassTrader.com worked? Was it a basic type forum like castboolits, or was it more in depth than that? I would be willing to take this project on, I just need more details on how ABT.com worked as I have never been there before? Any and all details would be great.

11-02-2012, 02:55 PM
It was a forum much like CB, but much simpler.
basically it was just like CB's sellin' and swappin' section,
but not as organized. It was all in one newsfeed type of thing.
you could search out particular catagories, if the OP was classified correctly.
but that wasn't much of a problem because there wasn't a large membership
and not too much traffic for a one newsfeed type of thing,
like one page a day (one page being about 25 posts)

While there were some "trades",
it was mostly sellin and buying going on.
also, very little "other conversation" going on.

I don't really see a need to revive it.
it was great in the Hayday of when scrap prices were low.
the activity there dropped off ALOT
after the 2008 commodities/metals prices skyrocketed.
that's my 2¢

Gunload Master
11-02-2012, 02:55 PM
One quick idea that I just came up with:


This actually re-directs to a "hidden" section here on Castboolits that is it's own section of the forum. Does not interfere with Castboolits, but your account works over there as well as here. This is subject to change and be deleted as it's 100% testing phase right now.

11-02-2012, 03:00 PM
I just checked out your test link.

one thing Ammobrasstrader had was the name.
people google searching for ammo or brass or trade would find that site.

Is there a way to use the name or keywords ?
so a search engine will find that forum ?

Gunload Master
11-02-2012, 03:19 PM
I can change it to ammobrasstrader.gunloads.com real easy. I can also setup keywords that search engines will be able to find to increase traffic there. That's no problem there.
This is more along the lines of wondering if I am going in the right direction?

BT Sniper
11-02-2012, 03:27 PM
Test link looked pretty good.

All I can sugest is keep it simple. Don't have to many subcatigories, what you have there looked fine but as far as the old site went I remember nearly everything listed in just one forum. Anything you needed was right there in one simple place to be found if you where the buyer and if you where the seller you reached more potential buyers of what you had to offer. Maybe I wasn't looking for loaded 300WM ammo when I went looking for 45 ACP brass but I just happen to see the 300WM going for $10 a box..... guess I better buy some...... etc. What you have there I'm sure would work too, probably a little easier to find what one is looking for if seperated but ABT had it all

Attaching any fee or charges per transaction, as previously suggested, I don't think would be a good idea. If the sight is in need of additional funds to cover the extra band width the anual donation drive always seemed to do well. On Savage Shooters . com memebers pay $12 a year to be able to view the "For Sale" listings. A cheap yearly fee and easily recovered in the good deals that can be found there. I suspect any brass found here would also be good deals. I don't suggest a fee but if need be, and donations can't cover it then I would favor a yearly $12 fee or so vs. per trade fees.

To me the orginal ABT always seemed like the place to find brass at the absolute best prices. Many great members and was patroled well be the memebers. If you didn't have "personal" info listed in your profile, up to and including your address you where watched very carfully if you had a low trade count.


BT Sniper
11-02-2012, 03:40 PM
What if it was even simpler?

With your test example one would need to check 8 different forums for potential good deals. I have a tough time checking more then one or two different forums.

What if it was simply broke down into 3 catigories or less, then let the poster lable his thread as either "WTS" or "WTT" as in Want To Sell or Want To Trade or "FS" and "FT" as in For Sale or For Trade. Then we could even post "WTB"

For example..... WTS 308 brass, WTT 223 brass, WTB FN5.7x28 brass



EQUIPMENT (dies, cast, molds, misc. etc)

BT Sniper
11-02-2012, 07:05 PM
As far as reviving it........ I am postive there is still a need for a good spot to sell and swap brass and various shooting items. I get inquires all the time as to the previous sight.

Whether ABT.castboolits will do well vs. a sepperate ABT2 I don't know? But I know many miss the sight and still are sitting on more brass then we knwo what to do with.


11-02-2012, 08:04 PM
One quick idea that I just came up with:


This actually re-directs to a "hidden" section here on Castboolits that is it's own section of the forum. Does not interfere with Castboolits, but your account works over there as well as here. This is subject to change and be deleted as it's 100% testing phase right now.

I like it just the way you have it. I don't want to go through all the items I'm not looking for. Not too many sub categories, but enough to get to the items you are looking for quickly.

11-03-2012, 12:25 AM
Maybe add a "Want to Buy/ Looking For" section...??? An example may be that I want 350 Rem mag brass or some obsolete gizmo but none are offered. I can post a WTB and someone may have 15-20 they want to get rid of that they may not have thought to post a FS/FT ad for. Just a thought. I liked what has been done!!

11-03-2012, 12:31 AM
Great looking setup.

11-03-2012, 01:41 AM
Agreed. Looks good.

11-03-2012, 05:57 AM
The original ABT listed items two different ways. 1. had a dozen or so catagories such as loading supplies, loading equiptment, casting equiptment, optics and so on. 2. Was a list of everything that was listed in all the catagories. When you listed something in a catagory, it listed it there as well as in the complete list. You could look for specific items easily in a specific catagory or scroll the entire list. What you have created so far looks great but could you add a section that lists everything in order that it's posted for those that like to browse everything without having to open several different catagories. What few stickies they had were listed at the top of the complete listing. Also in everyones personal info section was a place to list stuff you are looking for so if you listed something for trade you didn't have to relist everything you needed each time you put something up for trade. As I remember it, there was a lot more stuff being traded than sold. I know I made 40/50 trades and only bought stuff a few times. So far what you have is looking good. Thanks Buck

11-03-2012, 09:01 AM
I liked the simplicity of the test forum.

If I may suggest adding "general reloading equipment" along with the reloading dies section - or adding another section for it would be very helpful.

In the test forum, I could not figure out where one should post scales, presses, hand primer tools, etc.

Looks great so far :smile:


11-03-2012, 02:46 PM

The ammobrasstrader.gunloads.com is ONLY to facilitate a brass trading function for castboolits.

Casboolits.gunloads.com already has reloading gear, and an area for that discussion. NO need to start confusing everyone.

If you wanna trade brass: ammobrasstrader.gunloads.com
If you want everything else: castboolits.gunloads.com

Couldn't be simpler!

Thanks, Willy, for the wonderful work!!

11-03-2012, 02:51 PM
I am urging Willy to set it up as :


As soon as the search engines do their magic, anyone doing a search for ammobrasstrader will find the new site. Perhaps willy could even make some mention at the top of the site that "this is the new home of ammo brass trader"

I think that that would put the rest of the folks at ease.

As far as reviving it........ I am postive there is still a need for a good spot to sell and swap brass and various shooting items. I get inquires all the time as to the previous sight.

Whether ABT.castboolits will do well vs. a sepperate ABT2 I don't know? But I know many miss the sight and still are sitting on more brass then we knwo what to do with.


Gunload Master
11-03-2012, 05:01 PM
Ok, so. This place is just for trading brass, nothing else?
What section(s) do we need?

What should be the requirements to post a WTB WTS add? Should there be requirements? Any input would be great. LIke I say I never went to ammobrasstrader so I can't comment on what all they had.

BT Sniper
11-03-2012, 05:56 PM
Trading/sales was anything gun related. I sugest 5 catigories. Let the poster label it as either WTT, WTS or WTB






11-03-2012, 07:46 PM
Depending on what the plans are, you could actually replace or revamp the current Swappin & Sellin area with this, other wise you have two different places for this type of activity. If it is for brass only, why not add this to the current area? Just have all the searches and links point to that specific section.

11-03-2012, 09:41 PM
Depending on what the plans are, you could actually replace or revamp the current Swappin & Sellin area with this, other wise you have two different places for this type of activity. If it is for brass only, why not add this to the current area? Just have all the searches and links point to that specific section.

Yeah, that sounds reasonable.
maybe right next to "The boolit exchange"
could be called "Brass Trader"

11-03-2012, 10:39 PM
Well, the original point was to have a place where people would somewhat recognize the old ammobrasstrader, and feel comfortably at home.

I suggest setting it up as much as we can like the old place, and restricting the swapping, selling, and trading to brass. Leave the rest of the selling and trading of goods to a link from ammobrasstrader.gunloads.com which sends folks to the S&S area of castboolits.gunloads.com. That's where the majority of the traffic will help others sell that stuff. Willy can do that with simple hyperlinks that cross over to gunloads.

Anything brass related = ammobrasstrader.gunloads.com

everything else = castboolits.gunloads.com S&S area

Willy, the entire TOP area of the ammobrasstrader.gunloads.com site should have words that say: ammobrasstrader I know that you used the castboolits as a template (or at least I presume that you did. But, unless it comes up with ammobrasstrader, the folks that we are trying to get back will be confused. Unfortunately, there is no known backup or cached version of the original site to view for content, colors, etc.

Maybe some of the regular ammobrasstrader guys can suggest the look/feel/colors of the original site?????

11-03-2012, 11:25 PM
Although ABT and Cast Boolits deal with the same type goods, they functioned differently. Most of the items on Cast Boolits are for sale vs trade and most of the items on ABT were for trade. This may seem like a minor difference to some but ABT attracted a different crowd. ABT had about 3000 members at the end. Yeah I realize that quite a few were members of both Cast Boolits and ABT, myself for one. But many, again like me, have a lot of uneeded stuff but not a lot of cash. I think BTs 5 catagories are probably enough. I would suggest using ABT for trading and the current sales/ swapping just for sales. Either could be used for for "looking for" depending on whether you want to buy or trade for something. On the trading forum you are going to get some laundry lists of different brass for trade as well as lists of "looking for" as it's about the only way a trading forum can work well. Anyway I hope to see this get going. Buck

BT Sniper
11-03-2012, 11:55 PM
Depending on what the plans are, you could actually replace or revamp the current Swappin & Sellin area with this, other wise you have two different places for this type of activity. If it is for brass only, why not add this to the current area? Just have all the searches and links point to that specific section.

This is a good point too and why I mentioned ABT as completly seperate from CB.

I don't know any way to put it but it sure seemed easy and simple with ABT. Our Swap and selling forum here feals a bit overwelming. Maybe it does need some catigories. I mean there was three pages worth posted in just the last two days.

If the goal is to attract the previous members as well as new members to the benifits of swap and trade..... well..... ??????? We all have our favorite sites, and what is about those sights that make them our favorites. ABT felt like home, comfortable and easy to navigate. Maybe it was smaller? I don't know for everyone, CB is certainly a LOT larger, I imagine if the original members of ABT have to navigate too much they won't even bother.

I'm just throwing my thoughts out here. Call it my 2 cents. Cetainly don't take it for more then that :)


Rolling Stone
11-04-2012, 09:44 AM
I don't know how you would get a search engine to point to it, but an addition to the Sub-forums looks to me to be the logical place for a brass for trade location. This site has so many things of interest, it's hard to make time to use many of them. I particularly like not having to go to another site to check for interesting items. I liked the way ABT had few sorts for items. Lots of times I made impulse trades when I saw something I hadn't realized I wanted or had forgotten about wanting an item. That may change on CB as there are so many more participants, the amount of items may become overpowering. Like Practical Machinst forum states, The heading or title should be precise!
Rolling Stone

11-04-2012, 01:46 PM
Well I'm finally able to put in my .02 worth in on this. I went to the test site and personally the top half I would consider a carbon copy of what the C/B site has to offer, and that is the for sale part.

Now the bottom half is more or less what I would like to see materialize into something worthwhile. I personally would keep it basic and simple with trades only of brass mainly. Anything that's for sale has been taken care of here.

11-04-2012, 03:18 PM
I was a member there,it was a great place.Here are a couple of links from the wayback machine to refresh our memories...Robin

BT Sniper
11-04-2012, 04:39 PM
There you go!

Thanks Robin!


11-05-2012, 12:51 AM
Dang Robin those links bring back alot of great memeries for me! I miss that site everyday.


11-05-2012, 03:25 AM
There was a couple guys on there I still havnt heard from since it went down...I know a lot came here or were already members here but some just disappeared.Ya I miss ABT myself...it was small but there was something about that perticular group of people...Robin

11-05-2012, 10:49 AM
Robin, I agree. I miss ABT too. I'm really pleased by the efforts of many here trying to rejeuvenate the concept. I participated in many trades and found everyone envolved a pleasure to deal with. My goal was to try to obtain brass I couldn't find elsewhere and use brass I had to fulfill others wish list. It worked out very well. Thanks for all those envolved trying to bring this concept back. Best, Danth

11-06-2012, 09:50 PM
Like most of you, I miss ABT as well. I have found several of the ABT posters on CB but the special and specific interest that was ABT is missing. Whether we were trading one or two pieces of brass or one or two thousand pieces of brass, we could find what we needed for purchase or trade. The "old guys" did an excellent job of policing the site and I personally never had a problem with any trade or purchase.

This is one site that I will support if ya'll can bring it back. What do I need to do to help?


11-07-2012, 06:54 AM
Nothing to assist with. It's being done as we wait.

Gunload Master
11-11-2012, 12:52 PM
Getting some new stuff updated. I have two options for people


What would you guys prefer?

BT Sniper
11-11-2012, 01:02 PM
??? Check links? I wasn't able to see much?

Gunload Master
11-11-2012, 01:05 PM
Nothing is operational at this point. I am doing all that in a different place. It's more just voting on what URL do you all want? Does the ammobrasstrader.org sound good?

11-11-2012, 01:10 PM
I prefer the ammobasstrader.gunloads.com so that folks will also associate it with this site.

Gunload Master
11-11-2012, 01:15 PM
Getting there:

Wayne Smith
11-11-2012, 04:31 PM
Why do we need to have a google recapture? account or password?

Gunload Master
11-11-2012, 05:46 PM
Try it now.

11-11-2012, 05:53 PM
Works for me. I guess I'm a member with a password now.


BT Sniper
11-11-2012, 06:44 PM
Couple quick questions as I sure others have the same questions.

What is the difference between the two options? Forgive me for being slow. I have tried the two links but........ ???

Do we need to apply for new membership to this forum (user and pasword)

Will our CastBoolits user name and password work?

Is there a way to sellect number of posts displayed per page?

If not try to orginize any exrta space to maximize number of posts per viewable page.

Looking good so far.

11-11-2012, 07:05 PM
What about a user profile ?

Gunload Master
11-11-2012, 08:14 PM
Couple quick questions as I sure others have the same questions.

What is the difference between the two options? Forgive me for being slow. I have tried the two links but........ ???

Do we need to apply for new membership to this forum (user and pasword)

Will our CastBoolits user name and password work?

Is there a way to sellect number of posts displayed per page?

If not try to orginize any exrta space to maximize number of posts per viewable page.

Looking good so far.

I just purchased http://ammobrasstrader.org so that is now part of the gunloads.com family. Basically either one of those urls will bring you to the same place (when I get it all setup) but only 1 of those urls will work with the website. So it's basically whatever people like best.

That is a completely seperate entity from Cast Boolits so it WILL need a new membership over there. Very simple to signup.

How many posts do we want per page? It's up to you guys.

11-11-2012, 08:27 PM
How many posts do we want per page? It's up to you guys.

I would just keep it on the simple side, kinda like what we have here at C/B. I did register and I'm sitting on the side lines waiting to see what happens. So far it looks OK I don't expect anything fancy, just a place to swap brass or swap for that matter.

11-11-2012, 08:28 PM
I was a member there,it was a great place.Here are a couple of links from the wayback machine to refresh our memories...Robin

Geez who was that blabber mouth Steel 13? LOL

BT Sniper
11-11-2012, 08:55 PM
Cool! Seperate from CB should be a good thing.

As far as posts per page???? how many is typical on the CB swap and sell? How about atleast twice that many? Just my $.02

Glad you are putting this together. I'm sure many will thank you for it.


BT Sniper
11-11-2012, 09:55 PM
I don't know if it is worth mentioning or even needed but new members should be encouraged to sign up with "fimilar" log in names if at all possible. Make it easier for others to varrify one's background and character. Especially if we can get same members here and from previous ABT to sign up with same login name would sure make it nice. I can obvioulsy see this allready seems to be the case but things might not always be that obvious to others.

Is there a note section you can apply to the new member sign up section reguarding this matter to potential new members or do you guys think it even necessary?


11-11-2012, 10:06 PM
the old site had a user profile and a way to list all sorts of things from various personal data to what cals you shoot and or reload for...that would be nice...in fact it would be nice if it had the same look and feel...dont know how though.So far it looks like it will work out just fine.Anybody been able to get ahold of Leonard?Im thinking he'd be surprised...Robin

11-12-2012, 12:15 AM
Got in and registered but can't get back in again.

Gunload Master
11-12-2012, 12:16 AM
This has been put on hold for a bit. The software that I had up and running required a certain mod installed for the server software. That mod was completely destroying the servers resources conflicting with everything and basically crashing my server. I had to take that mod off and rebuild apache (part of the server software). So as of right now I don't think I will be using that software, and might be back to square one.

11-12-2012, 12:49 AM
We've got nothing but time. At your convenience.

11-12-2012, 10:53 AM
This has been put on hold for a bit. The software that I had up and running required a certain mod installed for the server software. That mod was completely destroying the servers resources conflicting with everything and basically crashing my server. I had to take that mod off and rebuild apache (part of the server software). So as of right now I don't think I will be using that software, and might be back to square one.

yeah, I notced some slow activity yesterday and the occasional error message kickout.

Gunload Master
11-14-2012, 03:44 PM
We are back in action and the website is back up.. Likes,dislikes?


BT Sniper
11-14-2012, 07:46 PM
How difficult is it to change the back ground color? The grey reminds me of a gloomy clowdy day.

If it was same colors as the orginal it would have more of the orginal feel to it and there fore more chance at sucess.

Again here is the color of the original look

11-14-2012, 08:33 PM
i like it

Rolling Stone
11-14-2012, 11:01 PM
I just tried to sign up. I'm waiting on a confirmation email.
>Your idea of our old ID or user name won't work for me. Wrong combination of ciphers.
>I hate how you have to try to decipher the BS anti bot scheme. Surely, Gunload Master can use another way! Especially if we have to do this very often.
> I had in mind mentioning the whispers being better than PM's but I'll let someone else voice an opinion first.
>This looks good for an developer who is going by what we tell him without having experienced what we thought was so great.
>Please change the grey background.
>I guess none of these changes will work if you are using a template.
>Thank you for your effort.
Rolling Stone now known as RollingStone (no spaces allowed) on new site.

11-15-2012, 10:15 AM
How do you edit your profile to show what you reload?


Gunload Master
11-15-2012, 01:04 PM
I really dont know much about this software, so it's a learning challenge for me as well.. I did change the background on it a little bit, and will continue to improve on the color theme.
As far as the Anti-bot, that's the only option in there right now, either that or nothing and I'm sure that place would fill up with spam if I didnt have anything.

11-15-2012, 05:25 PM
I am waiting on a conformation email, sent the request twice. Site is looking great!

Rolling Stone
11-15-2012, 11:03 PM
Since it's a learning experience anyway. Would it be just as easy to use the original template?
Vanilla 1.1.5a is a product of Lussumo. More Information: Documentation, Community Support.

11-15-2012, 11:16 PM
I am waiting on a conformation email, sent the request 3 times last night and again today. Whats up with that?????

11-15-2012, 11:33 PM
I had no problems yesterday getting setup. Worked great for me..

11-16-2012, 10:01 AM
I think I'm going to like this as much as I did the original ABT site.


11-17-2012, 10:32 PM
I am waiting on a conformation email, sent the request 3 times last night and again today. Whats up with that?????

Sent two request today with no response....

11-17-2012, 10:58 PM
FOLKS!!!! Be patient, they're doing server work a the moment.

11-18-2012, 06:44 AM
FOLKS!!!! Be patient, they're doing server work a the moment.

Would be nice if they would post that info...

Gunload Master
11-18-2012, 11:08 PM
E-mail system is getting sorted out.
Here's the deal folks.. I have an awful lot on my plate already and am looking for a volunteer to help out over at the ABT site. Basically be sort of a moderator over there and a point of contact on here for ABT. If your interested please drop me a PM stating any qualifications that you might have to help out over there. Thanks!

11-19-2012, 07:09 AM
I am currently running a forum, and can send a link for that if you wish.
I am familiar with the responsibilities for managing the database, managing users, setting up topic areas, sub areas, and establishing privilege levels for access to same.

As Ajax reported to you directly, I am NOT able to access (to this very day) any of the gunloads.com domains. I am connecting today through a PROXY server. That confirms to me that it's my IP address that's being blocked.

11-19-2012, 12:29 PM
I am currently running a forum, and can send a link for that if you wish.
I am familiar with the responsibilities for managing the database, managing users, setting up topic areas, sub areas, and establishing privilege levels for access to same.

As Ajax reported to you directly, I am NOT able to access (to this very day) any of the gunloads.com domains. I am connecting today through a PROXY server. That confirms to me that it's my IP address that's being blocked.

Duke, I'm checking the settings on your profile, and I don't see where you are blocked here. Is it here, or the Gunloads board you can't access?

11-19-2012, 03:31 PM
From the symptoms, there\'s a FILTER blocking my IP prior to the forum software even seeing me.
I can come in through a proxy server. But if I do a tracert to gunloads.com, it fails as soon as it gets to hivelocity
Microsoft Windows [Version 6.1.7601]
Copyright (c) 2009 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

C:\\Users\\Orville>tracert gunloads.com

Tracing route to gunloads.com []
over a maximum of 30 hops:

1 1 ms 1 ms 1 ms
2 8 ms 11 ms 17 ms
3 9 ms 11 ms 13 ms rne-10g2-1-2.bxtnme01-rtr001.ne.northeast.rr.com
4 11 ms 10 ms 11 ms g10-4-2-0.ptldmehx-rtr001.ne.northeast.rr.com [2]
5 29 ms 31 ms 39 ms rdc-204-210-69-49.ne.northeast.rr.com [204.210.6
6 30 ms 31 ms 31 ms ae-5-0.cr0.nyc30.tbone.rr.com []
7 29 ms 60 ms 28 ms
8 27 ms 29 ms 27 ms ae9.edge3.Newark1.Level3.net []
9 29 ms 29 ms 41 ms ae-32-52.ebr2.Newark1.Level3.net []
10 43 ms 34 ms 39 ms ae-4-4.ebr2.Washington1.Level3.net [
11 37 ms 33 ms 40 ms ae-92-92.csw4.Washington1.Level3.net [
12 37 ms 34 ms 34 ms ae-91-91.ebr1.Washington1.Level3.net [
13 54 ms 47 ms 50 ms ae-2-2.ebr3.Atlanta2.Level3.net []
14 67 ms 49 ms 49 ms ae-73-73.ebr2.Atlanta2.Level3.net []

15 68 ms 65 ms 74 ms ae-2-2.ebr2.Miami1.Level3.net []
16 71 ms 74 ms 74 ms ae-1-100.ebr1.Miami1.Level3.net []
17 71 ms 73 ms 74 ms ae-3-5.bar1.Tampa1.Level3.net []
18 73 ms 65 ms 62 ms HIVELOCITY.bar1.Tampa1.Level3.net []
19 67 ms 67 ms 65 ms ve226.ds01-r181.tpa.hivelocity.net [
20 * * * Request timed out.
21 * * * Request timed out.
22 * etc

So, not sure what the hardware is (router? switch?) but I\'m guessing that\'s where the filter is filtering me out.

The effect covers all of the gunloads.com domains.

11-19-2012, 06:36 PM
Duke, give your ISP a call, and have them try it for you. If it's not reaching this server, I don't know what would be blocking it. I'm not a techie, so am probably not the best to give advise on the problem. It seems strange it is bouncing you all over the east coast.

Gunload Master
11-19-2012, 10:05 PM
Duke, I have checked all my records and your IP address is NOT banned or anything at any point on my server. Is there anyway you can reset your IP address? Try rebooting your Cable/DSL router or releasing/renewing your IP so you can hopefully acquire a new one and see if that helps.

11-21-2012, 09:37 PM
I am waiting on a confirmation email, sent the request multiple times over the last 3 days, it is not going to a SPAM folder as I do not have one and sort through all my email to get rid of the SPAM, afraid a filter/folder would throw away something important so I sort it my self.

Any way to send the confirmation email or confirm it for me, same user name as here.

Michael Grace

11-22-2012, 05:59 AM
Turns out that it was my MAC address that was banned. I cloned a different device, and am now able to get in.
CLever......... no one was looking for a MAC address.............

Duke, I have checked all my records and your IP address is NOT banned or anything at any point on my server. Is there anyway you can reset your IP address? Try rebooting your Cable/DSL router or releasing/renewing your IP so you can hopefully acquire a new one and see if that helps.

11-25-2012, 03:34 PM
Question about the search function. It seems to not search the posts only the titles. Can you make it seach entire posts? This would be helpful when looking for something specific.

11-26-2012, 02:31 AM
Got signed up no problem.

11-27-2012, 02:24 AM
Went to sign in tonight It wont let me sign in. Anything i can do?
Thanks coleman

11-27-2012, 06:19 AM
Click on Gunload Master's name, above, and select Send Gunload Master a Private Message.
You should include as much detail as you can, user name, did you get the email confirmation, etc, etc, etc.
The more specific details you can give him, the easier it will be to figure out what's up.

Went to sign in tonight It wont let me sign in. Anything i can do?
Thanks coleman

11-28-2012, 02:34 AM
Thanks Duke!

02-24-2013, 08:40 AM
JUst a bump for the update.

As many of you already know, we have ABT back up and running. It's using the same forum software as castboolits, and is very much like the old ABT. Lots of good trades already happening there.

Link: http://ammobrasstrader.gunloads.com/forum/

BTW, I am the ONLY moderator there, so if you need anything, let me know.

02-24-2013, 03:08 PM
Signed up this morning. I'm going to regret it I'm sure. I currently have 4 pages open cycling through different forums. I think I need some help!! Can anyone say INTERVENTION!!!!