View Full Version : Is this linotype?

03-31-2012, 09:37 PM
A friend got this from his neighbor for next to nothing and gave it to me. I have some linotype in big bars, and would of course recognize it in letters, but am curious what this is. It's pretty hard and brittle. I assume it's linotype or something similar?

03-31-2012, 10:05 PM
Any other markings on the side or bottom? You can find solder (40/60), linotype, and lead ingots marked Castomatic Federated. Usually, there are some other identifying marks.

03-31-2012, 10:11 PM
Is it brittle enough to break when struck with a hammer? Linotype will......

It could also be babbitt metal.

03-31-2012, 10:26 PM
do a search on Castomatic and lead and you will find it's 50/50 or 60/40

03-31-2012, 10:34 PM
For some reason, I remember these from when I was a kid. I did a search and I found why. This is an ASARCO (American Smelting and Refining Co.) product, and I grew up in a town with one of their plants nearby.

From my internet searching, I also found the solder piece, but the bars are typically marked 50/50 or 60/40. I also found some unmarked that most assumed was some type of lead, refreshing metal (66/34), or a version of babbit. One picture had it for sale with a fishing weight sinker kit (craigslist/NY).

Good luck figuring this one out....not a lot of good pictures on the www.

03-31-2012, 11:18 PM
Well whaddayaknow, I looked them over a little closer and stamped on the bottom clear as daylight is "MOR-TIN LINOTYPE".:)

Thanks guys.