View Full Version : HELP With Price

03-31-2012, 01:11 PM
I have found a n 03 Springfield with rear peep sight. It has obviously been fired very little.
Can some one tell me the price range for these rifles I may be able to get some pics.

03-31-2012, 02:02 PM
for rifle or sight? Stock 03A3 sight should not be more than $35 or so, I would guess. A Lyman
peep can run twice or a bit more depending on exact model. Williams are a good bit less.

The rifle, unmodified, in very good condition might run about $600 to $800 or more depending
on particular collector markings etc. Sometimes you can luck into one for $300 or $400 but
these deals are passing into legend rapidly.


03-31-2012, 02:10 PM
Sorry, I was not very clear in my original post. This is an 03 rifle with rear peep sight. It appears to have some possible pitting in the bore close to the muzzle.
Other than that it is in pretty good shape.

03-31-2012, 02:50 PM
The devil is in the details.
If it's a Springfield with a serial number under ~800,000, it's considered a 'low number' rifle, and most consider them unsafe to fire.
If it's been drilled and tapped for the peep sight, price goes down as the rifle is considered modified. (sporterized)

If you could get some pics, that would help.

03-31-2012, 03:57 PM
I believe the sights are as issued

Larry Gibson
03-31-2012, 04:23 PM
The M1903A3 has an issue "rear peep sight" Others have a commercial receiver "rear peep sight" added.

Which one is it like?

Larry Gibson

03-31-2012, 10:42 PM
If you are referring to a military rear peep then the rifle is a 1903A3. If the rifle has a Lyman rear sight then we will need pictures.
A 1903A3 in original as issued configuration that is in good shape start around $400.00 these days. After that the sky is the limit.

04-01-2012, 01:17 AM
If memory serves it is like the second in the pic. The finish is green in color & does not appear at all to be paint.

04-01-2012, 12:00 PM
OK, now we've got a little more to go on.
Remington 1903A3 in original issue condition, ratty shape starts around $400.
Nice condition with a nice bore, around $600.
Real nice original finish, correct parts, etc, $700-~$1000??
Add $100 or so if it's a Smith Corona, fewer of them made.
Still, pics would help narrow it down.

04-02-2012, 02:38 PM
Green is normal parkarized finish after years of exposure to cosmoline packing grease.
If the rear sight is the military original peep, then the rifle cannot be a low serial number
under around 800,000 which had heat treat problems with receiver brittleness. These
peep models are Model 1903A3. Model 1903 has a forward rear sight which has a notch
and can be stood up for long range.

If pitting is minor, and otherwise the gun is standard military, unmolested, it should be
worth at least $400-500. If the offered price is less, you will have a bargain. As said,
certain versions can be collectable and increase the price.

The sticking point is to define the pitting. Very often minor pitting is irrelevant to
accuracy. However, the condition RIGHT AT the muzzle is critical, too.

A good 1903A3 is an excellent rifle, will prove to be accurate if undamaged and will
always increase in value if keep unmodified and in good working condition.


04-03-2012, 12:55 AM
Green is normal parkarized finish after years of exposure to cosmoline packing grease.
Bill Thats pretty much what I was thinking. They are asking $800.00 I offered a tad more than 1/2 that after pointing out what might be pitting at the muzzle.
I was told to check back in a couple of weeks to see if it was still there & they might discuss my offer then.

I have not had the bolt out of it to really check out the bore. What I would like is to be able to run a brush down it a couple of times to see what I am really dealing with.

This gun has not been fired much if at all. I figure if the bore is all that poor the action is pristine & would work for building another rifle.

But $800 is to steep for me regardless how collectible it might be. I am needing to replace my favorite handgun soon & am in need of a good 30 caliber rifle thats a bit more user friendly.

Ed in North Texas
04-03-2012, 07:57 PM
I have not had the bolt out of it to really check out the bore. What I would like is to be able to run a brush down it a couple of times to see what I am really dealing with. snip

I would normally never try to persuade someone not to buy a rifle, but if all you are looking for is a good .30-06, there are lots of rifles around in great shape (no pitting) for less than half that $800.00.

I would not buy the rifle without taking a rod, brush and patches to the shop and checking the condition of the bore. Pitting outside near the muzzle might also mean pitting inside the bore near the muzzle.\

Just my $0.02.


Bullet Caster
04-03-2012, 08:58 PM
Find ya an M1 Garand if you want a good .30 cal rifle. I love my M1. BC

04-04-2012, 03:18 PM
No way I purchase this rifle if it where to be my only one. My desire for it comes from it still being a very usable piece of history.

04-10-2012, 04:29 PM
Got some pics. Taken with phone so nothe best. The rust on the sights & bolt is not as bad as the pic shows. But rust none the less.

The stock is in fantastic shape. So good in fact in drew a red flag in my mind. It has the letters OM stamped into it.

Again the shop has it marked over $800.00. While I would love to have it I feel $600.00 is to much. Can any of you tell me better what it might be worth based on the pics.

I dont like to wharehouse guns for some one else to have after I die. Just because using them would take away what ever value they might have. Most all my guns will at some point will spend some there time resting in the bottom of my boat while I fish. Just prior or after I get done shooting them.

With that said I have always wanted an 03 but have no intentions of owning one only to have it sit in the safe or be a closet queen.The guns I have are to be used with in reason.

I see this Remington 03 as a possible good shooter meetiing my prior stated criteria. Or should I look at another 03 for this?

04-10-2012, 04:53 PM
That does not look like an $800+ rifle to me from what I can see in the pics and your description of the bore. At least I would not give that much for it. MtGun44 is right about bore condition at the muzzle - it's critical, especially if you are going to launch some lead with it.

04-10-2012, 05:21 PM
That is indeed a Remington made 03A3, produced at the start of WWII. I am not current on the price of these things, but I know they have become obscene. I can't tell if that is rust in the pic, glare, old oil or what. I would agree with others that the price is probably top dollar for a pristine rifle and that rifle is not pristine. Pits anywhere on this rifle would be a deal breaker for me.

04-10-2012, 07:27 PM
Overpriced for condition.

Keep looking. The 03A3 is not a rare or scarce rifle. Just take some time and be PATIENT. Learn what you can in the mean time. Don't be impulsive (like most of us were).


04-10-2012, 07:45 PM
Nice 03A3s are about $700 hereabouts.
I paid that for one with a bit of wear because it had been inspected and so marked by Elmer Keith when it was re-built.
His mark was a valuable piece of history for me. I passed over a nicer conditioned one for the same price.
It shoots well and pleases me to hold it and consider that it was checked out and approved for service by Mr.Keith.
Money is worth less every day, so I say buy what pleases you while you can and let others worry about what it is worth after you are gone.


04-10-2012, 08:16 PM
Barrels can be had for 1-2 bills in grease. Nothing to put on and chamber, maybe another hundred at most. You can find nice donor with pooch barrel and start with new hole if initial cost is right. First I would educate ones self, then hit gunbroker and LOOK, LEARN, they are free and it will help you not buying a piece of polished dookie! . Like said above slow and low approach. Good Luck. Gtek

04-11-2012, 02:30 AM
Ive been looking & 03A3 can be had for a little over $700 with great bores & none of the obvious cosmetic issues this one has.
So if I keep looking a deal a bit cheaper should show.

03 actions in like new condition can be had for $125.00. Make a good platform to build a beat around rifle from.
I am not collector. But get a big kick using some thing that has a history behind it.