View Full Version : armadillos??

03-26-2012, 01:30 PM
Our host looked at us like we were trophy skining rats when we took the shell off . Looks like a fair bit of meat in back and hind legs. Is it any good ? I didn't plan to well for this part,I didn't expect to be hunting Dilos,raccoons,and 6 other critters on a 4day hog get away.

I'm sure it tastes like chicken or pork........

03-26-2012, 01:40 PM
there was a thread on this a while back.

Here is a link

Dale in Louisiana
03-26-2012, 02:57 PM
Possum on the half-shell.

I'd have to be awfully hungry...

Dale in Louisiana
(No, Cajuns WON'T eat everything!)

03-26-2012, 04:43 PM
I read the other thread checked some things ,no dillo on a stick for us.....

03-26-2012, 08:09 PM
I will eat 'coon before I eat 'dillo or 'possum. Concerns about disease with the 'dillo, not to mention rabies and such from the other two, could be an issue when butchering. I used to sweat skinning 'coons for the hides, was always paranoid I'd nick myself and catch rabies. But I've eaten all sorts of other varmints and enjoyed it. A proper parboil and some Tony Chachere's goes a long way toward edible!


03-31-2012, 10:43 AM
I will eat 'coon before I eat 'dillo or 'possum. A proper parboil and some Tony Chachere's goes a long way toward edible!


+1 On the Tony's. When my son ate school lunch, he'd bring Tony's in a camping salt / pepper shaker. One day while having red beans and rice a teacher came to his table, picked up the shaker and asked "What's this?". "Tony Chachere's" replied my son. The teacher walked off with it, returning it after seasoning her plate.

03-31-2012, 07:59 PM
People have eaten these throughout time. What's funny to me is that back in the '30s during the Great Depression--they were called "Hoover Hogs." I've never eaten one, along with possum and raccoon. As long as I can afford chicken, beef, pork or Alpo, I'm good to go.

03-31-2012, 10:15 PM
If you haven't eaten coon you're missing one of natures great delicacies. Don't know nothing about dillo, precious few of them here in New England.

04-02-2012, 12:14 AM
Armadillo is the only amimal other than humans that can contract leprosy, Don't think I want to eat either.

04-02-2012, 12:25 AM
And TB I've learned.

The Dove
04-04-2012, 01:30 PM
It's grisley(sp?). Make sure you get all the hair out of it before you cook it. The hair will trigger a bad gag reflex......

Yes, I've tried it. along with possum and coon. One of many drunk nights when I was in college with my good friends around the camp fire........,,,,,,, Need I say more?

The Dove

04-04-2012, 03:03 PM
To survive yes. But other than that no thanks!!

04-04-2012, 08:17 PM
My mother, who's from east Texas gave me her father's top break double action 38 S&W revolver and said " that's the gun your grandfather used to shoot armadillo's with. " I said you mean you have eaten them, she replied " if it hadn't been for all those armadillos he shot, we would have starved slap to death " It was the height of 1930's depression...no work , no money and no food except what you raised. grew or hunted.. I later found some curved knives he had made. Mom said they was for getting under the curved shells... made cleaning them easier. So armed with my grandpaws 38 S&W we went hunting. Mom gave me and my brother cleaning and cooking instructions . And we discovered, Properly prepared , they taste good. Have a very fine grained meat that reminds me of lean pork. While true they can carry the bacterium that can cause hansens disease its very rare and as long as meat is cooked it is safe... the only way to get infected is eating the meat raw. Actually there is a greater risk of cotracting rabies from dogs, coons , skunks and bats than getting hansens from a armadillo. And my mom , her mother , father and none of her 9 brothers and sisters ever got hansens so cook em well and enjoy. Most of us cajuns will at least try most foods...I even tried TOFU the other day! ...Blahhh .... rather eat the armadillo. yeah Mom refered to them as " Hoover Hog " too.

Just Duke
04-04-2012, 11:27 PM
Our host looked at us like we were trophy skining rats when we took the shell off . Looks like a fair bit of meat in back and hind legs. Is it any good ? I didn't plan to well for this part,I didn't expect to be hunting Dilos,raccoons,and 6 other critters on a 4day hog get away.

I'm sure it tastes like chicken or pork........

Ick!!! That's worse than when I used to eat jack rabbit when I was young and dirt poor.
I was about ready to invite you over for wifey's monthly turkey dinner until I goggled you and see your.... somewhere? http://maps.google.com/maps?q=Hawthorne+Nv.&ll=38.49525,-118.564796&spn=0.110438,0.264187&hnear=Hawthorne,+Mineral,+Nevada&gl=us&t=h&z=13

Ammo bunkers? RV parking?

04-05-2012, 04:05 PM
To answer your question--YES it is good. salt and pepper over an open flame.