View Full Version : Buffers any one use them?

03-24-2012, 10:11 PM
Just wondering if Buffers are a worthwhile thing or not in a RIA tactical?

03-24-2012, 10:16 PM
I wouldn't give a dime a dozen for them personally...in any pistol, Commander or Government model...totally useless.

03-24-2012, 10:19 PM
Good to know I was kinda figuring that but wanted some other opinions.

03-24-2012, 10:52 PM
All right you want to put some plastic in the moving parts of your gun so when it gives up the ghost you can have shards of plastic tie up the works? I will NOT put any leather, or plastic buffers in a combat gun. In a match gun do what you have to do to win I guess, but a good recoil spring of the proper poundage will do all you need to do to protect the gun.

03-24-2012, 10:57 PM
I use a Wilson Shok Buffer in my Gold Cup and my Springfield. It works good, protects the frame. I've never had one come apart yet. These are range guns, not carry pieces.

03-24-2012, 11:12 PM
I use a buffer all the time in my 5" 1911 range gun. 75,000 full house rounds on that frame and slide, no damage, and never had a failure due to the buffer I do not use a buffer in any carry gun, or any 1911 shorter than 5".

Larry Gibson
03-24-2012, 11:19 PM
I use a buffer all the time in my 5" 1911 range gun. 75,000 full house rounds on that frame and slide, no damage, and never had a failure due to the buffer I do not use a buffer in any carry gun, or any 1911 shorter than 5".

+1. I have buffers in all 3 of my M1911 style pistols because they protest the pistol when a lot of full throttle loads are fired. Haven't had one come apart or tie any thing up and I've used them for thousands of rounds over many years also.

Larry Gibson

03-24-2012, 11:31 PM
Only buffers I have ever used were to help maintain a specific pH. Never needed that in a pistol.

03-25-2012, 10:51 AM
Marketing 101: Convince someone they need something and then sell it to them. That's what I think of shok buffs. I use to use them in the 80's and that little 1/8th inch piece of rubber/plastic would shred in less than a few hundred rounds and I'd find pieces of it as I field stripped the pistol. I found they are particularly worthless in Commander sized pistols. They reduce slide travel and they don't give the slide the time and momentum they were designed for and therefore can and does cause feeding problems...been there.

Unless you have a vintage WWI or II pistol where the metal was softer than today, you're not going to destroy your pistol by not using one. The 20-22# recoil springs some use will do more damage to the abutment than not using a shok buff.

The alloy frame Commander of the 50"s and 60's got along quite well without them and this was years before the advent of the "Shok buff".

03-25-2012, 11:14 AM
I've never had much use for them.

03-26-2012, 05:38 PM
If you have the correct spring in the gun you probably aren't battering it, problem is many people shoot handloads & might not be using the correct spring. I like them in competition guns & they have held up very well, so what if you have to change one every 5,000 rounds.
Good way to check if you have the correct spring in your gun is to have someone stand off to the side (safely) & watch your gun recoil, does it come back down but not quite on target.......your spring is probably too light, does it come down & go beyond the bullseye, could be too heavy & battering your gun. They are very popular with competiton shooters that shoot high volumes of ammo.


Larry Gibson
03-26-2012, 07:10 PM
I've used Ed Brown's and Wilson Buffers for years. I shot the heck out of them in IPSC years ago and found they keep the pistol from battering itself when using all "major" loads. Yes I also have the "right springs". I don't think John Moses envisioned the useage an IPSC shooter puts a M1911 through. When using the buffers the time between "rebuilds" was a lot longer with many more rounds. I never had one "shread" on me but I did change them out every 1 thousand rounds like the direction say. I still use them in my 3 M1911s without problems. Guess it's just who ya know......that's as good as any reason why they work for some and not for others.....you makes your choice and puts down yer money...........

Larry Gibson

03-26-2012, 09:27 PM
Just wondering if Buffers

Bufflers? There ain't been any bufflers around here for 150 years.

03-26-2012, 09:48 PM
I've used them in an old Gold Cup that was only used in target competition, and it was mainly an insurance to not hammer the frame unduly. That bein said I have thousands of rounds (some of it very hot) run through an Essex frame build up and I cant tell where there has been any frame contact or wear. The biggest thing that needs to be done is make sure that the recoil spring is the proper weight for the loads being shot, and that it is replaced when worn or loosing its form

03-26-2012, 10:00 PM
I have one in my Mini14. It softens the blow of the op rod piston hitting the front of the receiver.

People don't seem to understand that Mini's are not accurate becasue the op rod repositions the action in the stock everytime it hits the front of the receiver. And the stock ones do HIT the receiver with a significant amount of gusto!

Toning down the gas system with and adjustable gas block and using the little buffer pad makes a world of difference.

If I had to, I would take this one to war. It is dead reliable. And the mods made it that way.

I realize this has absolutely nothing to do with using buffers in pistols, however I felt compelled to insert my .02 anyway!


03-27-2012, 01:39 AM
Bufflers? There ain't been any bufflers around here for 150 years.


Thanks, I needed that this morning!

03-27-2012, 08:08 AM
I use shock buffers in all of my 1911,s and a few more other guns with no problem just remember that you may have to install a extended ejector if you have any problems with ejection as you shorten up the rearward movement of the slide when installing a shock buff.
I have never seen one torn up enough to cause reliablity issues , you are supposed to check & repalce them if needed when cleaning the gun

03-27-2012, 09:02 AM
Only in my Star PD, but then it was designed to run with one from the get go.