View Full Version : First round of book's cover art

03-24-2012, 01:08 AM
The cover artist sent me versions of the book's cover this morning and we picked out our favorite.

Still have a few revisions to make, minor, but so far it's looking pretty cool.


Also a huge thank you to the advance copy readers here. Incredible set of proof-reader eyes around this place. Remind me to NEVER go shooting with you guys because somedays, I feel like I can't even see the front sight without my reading glasses--let alone some of the typos that myself, my wife and my friggin' editor, for crying out loud, didn't catch.


03-24-2012, 01:14 AM
Looking good, J.D.
You did a lot better on typos than most. And once the printer is done, it will probably have a few more! ;o)
I really did enjoy reading this, and will want to read it again and again. It takes a good book to do that for me. Hopefully I can scrape up the funds to get a gen-u-wine autographed copy!

03-24-2012, 01:15 AM
You picked a good cover artist. I'd buy a poster of it!


03-24-2012, 02:35 AM
Man, that book cover is pretty. I look forward to seeing it in stores. I too, would like to get an autographed first edition copy.

Once it becomes available in stores, you might think about how to make autographed copies available. Being a "Recluse", I am not too sure how much you would enjoy a book tour.

03-24-2012, 03:52 PM
Hi Recluse,

You did a great job on the book. I really enjoyed it.

You did a fine job on proofing it, too. Most books have a lot of typos in it, no matter how many times you proof it. I sometimes have to proof Greek accents and Hebrew vowel points and accents, so proofing English text is pretty easy! :-)


03-24-2012, 06:25 PM
That's excellent man and a very nice looking cover. I hope you sell a zillion!


03-24-2012, 06:35 PM
Well judging the book by its cover it looks like a book I would love to read.

03-24-2012, 07:18 PM
I like it! Fits the book perfectly.

03-24-2012, 11:42 PM
That cover is just mighty fine. Also, I did some googlefu and read what could be read yesterday and I'd declare you did done good.

03-25-2012, 08:35 AM
Very nice! I want a signed copy ya hear?


03-26-2012, 12:23 PM
can anybody say group buy?

Dean D.
03-26-2012, 12:59 PM
Hey JD, looking good! I was tempted to offer to proof read your book but life has been rather busy lately. I WILL be waiting in line to buy a copy from you once you have it in print though!

Good luck and best wishes on your endeavor. Dean D.

03-26-2012, 01:18 PM
The cover looks great! I really enjoyed reading the proof copy as well. I hope you sell a bunch of books!

03-26-2012, 01:29 PM
In days of olde, people read from linotype.. he spoke with linotype. Oh yea!

The above has nothing to do with nothing.

Don't mind me.. I love what can be/is done with the written word.

I've bookmarked that there (your) action.

03-27-2012, 02:13 PM
There must have been better eyes than mine as I only noticed one error. I have read many books, magazines, newsbaper ads that have had many more errors than that is less room. The book cover looks great, and I stand in line for the "limited edition autographed first runs."

03-27-2012, 09:18 PM
Well looking at the cover(which should sell some) and listening to the comments that have had a peek at it. I reckon I will have to pick one up when they come available.

That is one nice cover.

03-27-2012, 10:27 PM
Not only is that book cover awesome, it is PERFECT for the book. I totally enjoyed the proof copy and would also like to get a signed first run copy.

smoked turkey
03-28-2012, 12:34 AM
I too would like a copy. I recall you said you were considering distributing it in digital format. Does this mean that no hard copy books would be offered. I currently read books downloaded for my Kindle. I like it and it is convenient. But it is not the same as a real live book that you can feel and actually turn the pages. I think the group buy idea that was mentioned is a great idea if any actual books are going to be printed.

03-28-2012, 07:58 PM
I too would like a copy. I recall you said you were considering distributing it in digital format. Does this mean that no hard copy books would be offered. I currently read books downloaded for my Kindle. I like it and it is convenient. But it is not the same as a real live book that you can feel and actually turn the pages. I think the group buy idea that was mentioned is a great idea if any actual books are going to be printed.

First release will be via e-book and be distributed through Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Apple Bookstore, Reader Bookstore (Sony e-reader), Gardners, Baker & Taylor, Copia and a few others.

We're still aiming and on schedule for an April 15 release and availability date. I'll announce it here and also include a link to where the book can be purchased from either any of the retailers or via my website.

I'm planning a print version to be printed and available for a date approximately one week prior to Memorial Day.

Hardback edition is scheduled for early November, but in limited runs--mainly thinking about them as Christmas presents.

The second novel, Altar of the False Gods, will be out in both e-book and paperback edition the first week of October. This novel deals with the financial and economic situation in America in which a long-standing conspiracy becomes exposed between the government, Wall Street and Fortune 500 companies. As the conspiracy begins to have more light shed upon it, more irrefutable facts come forth and a rumbling of dissent and unrest begins in the small towns and communities across the country.

Barter and trade becomes more prevalent, big banks are shunned in favor of locally owned small family owned banks and credit unions, and permits to build are denied for giant corporate retailers like Walmart and Walgreens, Target and the huge grocery stores.

As a result, Wall Street begins to feel the pinch as money is no longer flowing through their brokerage houses. With the flow of money diminished, the government loses a significant portion of revenue, forcing decisions on where to cut. Predictably, the government wants to cut defense spending, energy exploration and other job-creating areas while protecting the underclass world of entitlements, welfare and pork.

Big business is the first to react when they are denied the ability to open their stores in the small towns across the country and they send their "intimidators" out to try and arm-twist locals to sell their land or to vote for the permits or to put pressure on their county commissioners. Tactics range from threatening phone calls to stalking to outright assault.

But what big business, Wall Street and the government forget is that in the heartland of America, small town people are independent people--and they are armed.

And just as what happened in Above Reproach, the solution to America's financial and economic woes are not solved by a government or by a super business hero or a couple of legendary philanthropists, but instead by average, ordinary everyday Americans who do not worship at the altar of big business or Wall Street or big government.

I'm working pretty hard to make sure this book gets out a month or so before the November election. It may not be much, but I figure every little bit will help, and sure as hell can't hurt.


03-31-2012, 10:05 PM
The second novel, Altar of the False Gods, will be out in both e-book and paperback edition the first week of October... I'm working pretty hard to make sure this book gets out a month or so before the November election. It may not be much, but I figure every little bit will help, and sure as hell can't hurt.


Let me know if you want any prepublishing proofreading. I'd love to help out again. Finances is another of my interests.