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03-29-2007, 06:00 PM
I had the honor of meeting the current NRA President first at a Friends of the NRA committee dinner the night before the banquet and again at the Friends banquet.
She is a fine lady and I believe we as the NRA are in excellent hands with our president. She is very personable (even after a long airplane ride) and took time to eat and visit with the committee.
Mrs Froman also was the guest speaker at the banquet and did an excellent job with the speech as well as taken time to visit with members and have pictures taken.
I have been looking forward for sometime to meeting Mrs. Froman and for me (and several others) that was the highlight of our banquet.
Charlton Heston left some big shoes to fill when his term as NRA President was up and and I truly believe Sandra Froman is doing just that.
We are fortunate to have her on our side fighting the good fight.

03-29-2007, 06:27 PM
THat's great news. I hope her presence will recruit more women.

03-29-2007, 09:18 PM
Just from reading what she writes in the Rifleman, I feel she's a class act.

03-29-2007, 09:26 PM
After the G. Ray Arnet debacle Charlie Heston was like the comming of the 2nd Messiah. The guy before Mizz Sandy (Robinson?)was OK, but Mizz Sandy kinda makes me think shes's got some cojones (sp).

BTW- My partner, who's also involved in the www.stopguncontrol.info effort, are going to try and get to our local Friends of the NRA dinner. Don't imagine Mizz Sandy'll be there, but it's high time I started backing up my opinions with some action.

(We'll be the guys in the leisure suits smelling of Hai Karate!)

03-29-2007, 09:29 PM
Mrs. Froman really is a well informed lady and she was good enough to spend time with all the members that wanted to meet, visit with her and take pictures though I am sure she was exhausted (but it did not show).
I do hope her being our president will draw more women to the NRA and she expressed the refuse to be a victim a high priority.
She really is a class act.

03-29-2007, 11:21 PM
I was treasurer of a FONRA committee for three years. Got a new job and had to move far enough away that it was no longer practical to continue. For folks that have never been on one of these committees, I'd like to encourage you to get involved with one if your situation permits. It's a lot of work around banquet time, but it is rewarding and worth it. I'd do it again if I had the time to give it a fair shake. My hat is off to the folks who put the time in for these.

03-29-2007, 11:26 PM
I agree about the Friends committee. It is like work but well worth it.
You are in Benson I see. I live just outside Raleigh. Where do you shoot?

03-29-2007, 11:30 PM
She's got vote on anything she would run for. Mrs Forman is a very smart lady and a great speaker for gun rights. Wish we had about another 100,000,000 like her.

03-30-2007, 12:27 AM
She's got vote on anything she would run for. Mrs Forman is a very smart lady and a great speaker for gun rights. Wish we had about another 100,000,000 like her.

I agree with you 110%. Well said!

03-30-2007, 02:42 AM
I agree with you guys.

I very much admire the woman's stance on guns, NRA and what she write's.

03-30-2007, 06:46 PM
I agree about the Friends committee. It is like work but well worth it.
You are in Benson I see. I live just outside Raleigh. Where do you shoot?

I actually live closer to Garner (one of those places that can't seem to make up it's mind where it is - Benson address, Smithfield phone number and not really closer to one place than another).

I usually go to either Davi's (with a crowd from the office) or to a friends Father-in-law's back yard. I can definitely say that I prefer outdoors to the indoor range - much easier to see the sights & target. Is there some reason that the indoor ranges all seem to be dark...? A little extra lighting would go a long way toward making things much more enjoyable. I've been meaning to check out the range in Garner that used to be Davi's (name escapes me at the moment) but have never gotten around to it.

03-31-2007, 02:16 AM
The place in Garner is Personal Defense and Handgun Safety Center (PDHSC)
I am with you about shooting indoors not my favorite.
I live close to where 70 and 401 split and I usually shoot at SSI close to Louisburg.

The Double D
03-31-2007, 12:42 PM
Personally I would like to hear the ladies thoughts on the recent Zumbo lynching. Did she--the NRA sit up and take notice? Or do we need to lynch a few more elistists?

I sure wish I could attend the annual meeting this year to hear what they have to say. They sure have the firewalls up so you can't get to the leadership and ask the tough questions.

03-31-2007, 07:31 PM
Personally I would like to hear the ladies thoughts on the recent Zumbo lynching. Did she--the NRA sit up and take notice?

yes Mrs. Froman did mention Zumbo and the disappointment in his comments.
She was not vicious in what she said but the point was clear.

The Double D
03-31-2007, 11:57 PM
yes Mrs. Froman did mention Zumbo and the disappointment in his comments.
She was not vicious in what she said but the point was clear.

Glad to hear someone at NRA is listening. The NRA is needs to be a bit more public about this and stop hiding behind leadtime and firewalls. The internet has brought us almost realtime reaction and the NRA needs to capitalize on it.

I do understand their reluctance. The Zumbo lynching is a good example. The out rage expressed at his comments around the internet was the lynching. That had to send a very powerful message...

But the Zumbo's failure to undersand the power of these forums created the fiasco that occurred on Ted Nugent board when Zumbo was supposed to atone for his wrong. Nuge's Forum was more like the Hangman coming by and pulling on the condemed mans feet to make sure the job was finished. Zumbo's failure to comprehend the power made him look like an even bigger fool.

The NRA has to be looking at that very closely. Before they step into the Arena of the Internet, they better have there ducks in a row. They have no power to edit here!

04-01-2007, 01:04 AM
Double D, I like your take on this subject- The NRA, and internet activism. They should as you say get their ducks in a row first. I'm afraid that that's going to be the problem. They have their own special interests. That's why we the members aren't allowed a say in anything. Until they get that straight, they're effectively hamstrung in really getting going. Effectively it says they don't want to.

04-01-2007, 02:19 AM
Well I am sure that the NRA is by far the best thing we have going for us to keep our gun rights secure.