View Full Version : Muzzle Loading Pistols

Bullshop Junior
03-20-2012, 02:06 AM
I picked up a couple of muzzle loading single shot pistols today.

The bottom on is a 45 cal made by Jukar in spain. Don't know anything about it, so if you guys can tell me anything, id appreciate it.

The other one is also a 45 cal, make by Dikar of Spain. It is missing the trigger assembly. I guess What I wanted to know about this one was if the trigger assembly are pretty universal, and if anyone has a trigger they would sell.


03-20-2012, 12:17 PM
If you paid over $20 for the Jukar, you paid too much. Many are unsafe to shoot. I'm not familiar with the other brand, so would not put much money in it. There may be a reason the trigger was removed, to make it inoperable.