View Full Version : RCBS Supreme for swaging?

Utah Shooter
03-18-2012, 09:52 PM
How do these work for swaging? I assume great but still curious! To much linkage?

P.S. There is a really cool guy selling some .243 jackets in the Swappin section.

03-18-2012, 10:38 PM
I use the RCBS RCII press but I've only made the 45's with it so far. Believe me when I say I got enough strength behind me than most and except for a small pin that snapped in half that's the only problem with it I ever had. The pin didn't break from swaging though.

Utah Shooter
03-18-2012, 11:03 PM
That is what I have been swaging on as well (RCII). It is my buddies but works like a charm. A gent called me today concerning this press and for 100 bucks? Not sure why not!

03-18-2012, 11:04 PM
i use the rc for 44's with no issues.
and the little rc-2 to point form my 22's and to core seat them and the 44's.
the hornady o frame de-rims,and final sizes [un annealed] 22's down from 228 to 223 easily enough.

BT Sniper
03-19-2012, 12:15 AM
The older style RCBS RC II was IMOP better constructed and designed then the latest "supreme" offering. Still a good press to swage with but I think we (use here on forum some one posted) did see one allready break one of teh support links. Wait..... actually That was in the reloading forum I think.

A decent used older version RC might be a good option too.

Anyway I'm sure it is just as strong as the rest of the current offerings.

If you are good at drilling a couple holes the Lee Classic cast has a few more actractive options for swaging and potential and can be found for atleast $40 less.


03-19-2012, 02:19 AM
Bt what holes have to be drilled in the classic cast press?

BT Sniper
03-19-2012, 02:23 AM
repostion the linkages to give it more leverage and less ram travel.

Lee classic cast tricked out


RCBS Supreme stock

03-19-2012, 02:52 AM
I have used an RC IV (Supreme) for my .44s and the currently-experimental .41s and .358s for my brother. But... it isn't mounted right now. So, I'm using a Redding T-7 turret press. :shock:

...but anyone that has ever seen a Redding T-7 in person will understand why that isn't an issue. ;-)