View Full Version : Cerrosafe

03-16-2012, 01:46 AM
Who has it for a fair price, and will post international?

Midway USA doesn't. (I'm in Australia)

Any tips for a chamber cast appreciated too. I'm looking to do a chamber cast on my new to me 310 cadet.

03-16-2012, 01:56 AM
have you tried brownells??

03-16-2012, 02:05 AM
Just bought some from rotometals, their price is better. Their 158-190F alloy. Order online from their website.


I found a large bore glass syringe works well (or plastic for a chamber or two). If you use glass and leave any in the cylinder the expansion may break it, though. A pipette might also work.

Or, you can use a funnel + bottleneck case to funnel it into the chamber.

Make sure chamber is wiped clean of gunk, stop the bore with a patch an inch or so from the chamber, remove bolt, etc to get access, prop gun barrel down and pour. Tap the casting free right away as it will expand over time (matching the chamber dimensions in an hours time). Be sure to check the bore and chamber carefully after removing the casting for any obstructions out adherences.... Anything you miss could be hazardous when you next fire the gun!

As with bullets, temperature of melt and/or mold is important to get good fillout. If the alloy is hotter, or chamber is prewarmed, it will be easier to get a good filled out mold.

I started doing chamber castings fairly recently as I found it a lot less of a PITA than slugging, and I think it is more revealing. I am thoroughly convinced of the importance of throat/bullet fit, and lede to accuracy... You dont always find something unexpected, but they can sometimes explain a lot! Chamber throat/lede can screw up accuracy more than a bad crown, and is a whole lot harder to see without a cast.

Rotometals will ship to other countries.


Those are my initial thoughts.

03-16-2012, 06:39 AM
Rollmyown,I bought some here in Aus,where I cannot remember.Try google.

03-16-2012, 07:57 AM
You could try a sulfur cast in lieu of the Cerrosafe. I'm fairly certain you can obtain it worldwide at very reasonable prices.

03-16-2012, 08:52 PM
Try and get an alloy without the Cadmium content, the 158 looks to have a good bit in it.
Everything I've read says Cadmium poisoning is much worse than lead.

03-20-2012, 04:49 PM
Thanks for the replies, Some useful stuff there.

03-24-2012, 11:28 PM
What I ended up on instead of the syringe, which is near impossible to find other than in plastic these days...

Get a glass and stainless "dose pipe" with a steel cannula end.... The smallest size you can get is typically about right (ten or twenty cc). You can find them through your local feed mill or animal husbandry supplier.

03-25-2012, 12:08 AM
Do you guys keep the casting or do you use the material over and over?
I can see where a app or program with different chamber shapes for recording all of my before and possibly after sizes and shape of the rifle chambers would be nice.
I have four that I would like to do and I am wondering if one of you guys would like to sell or rent to me your gently used, Cerrosafe.
No "Vintage" offers please. I can not afford vintage.

added or rent

Jon K
03-25-2012, 12:41 AM
I use mine over and over and over.....it's always new...everytime I get a new gun, that I cast the chamber...it's new...not vintage.
Even if the gun is over 100 years old.
