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View Full Version : I have one less handgun as of today...

03-10-2012, 03:50 AM
...And unlike most circumstances that that might occur, I'm all warm and fuzzy because of it. Today--well, actually yesterday now, was my son's 16th birthday. There were quite a few different things on the mind what to do for him, but it came down to one thing in the end. I learned to shoot about the same time I learned to walk--or at least not very long after. My dad was responsible for it on many levels, my grandfather just as much. I learned to shoot a pistol when I was very young. My grandfather taught me with his Colt Woodsman. I can't even estimate the tens of thousands of rounds I've fired through that thing is the last 30+ years. My grandfather and I shared MANY things when he was alive, but that Colt is one of my most valued possessions in life, especially after he passed--mainly because of the memories it's tied to. It's also the first handgun my son ever fired--it's what I taught him on, and he's fired several thousand rounds of his own through it over the last decade or so--so again it's filled the same role as it did for me so many years ago.

Well, to make a long story short, the torch was passed today. His great-grandfather's Colt now belongs to him. It was all pretty unceremonious, actually. It's a very odd, strange, surreal feeling doing such a thing though. It's one thing to pass off an object. It's something else entirely to pass on something that carries so much history of us with it, and the expectation that he will continue it in the same way when the time comes for him to do the same someday.

Very special day today--just thought I'd share my late night thoughts with those few who would truly understand the moment. ;) Thanks guys.


03-10-2012, 04:22 AM
My uncle give me my old 300 savage for christmas when I was 16, not a heirloom or anything special, but I will own it till I can't shoot it anymore.
My son will get it then, he already keeps one of my 44's and someday it will belong to him too.

I bought all my nephews their first rifle, and at least one of them sold it before the next deer season. It was his to do what he wanted with, but I was still a little disapointed.

41 mag fan
03-10-2012, 08:12 AM
A family heirloom and the memories created with it are worth more than all the gold in the world.
A wonderful gift to give to your son. Someday he'll remember the memories created with that Colt, just like the memories you created with it with your father and grandfather.


03-10-2012, 10:43 AM
Good moment, thanks for sharing.

03-10-2012, 10:50 AM
That is a very special. I have two kids, neither shot much, neither own their own firearms. Neither have children. When I go to shows I am envious of the granddads who have grandkids in tow. I would love to be able to pass down a memory and more importantly the special memories that go with them.

Thanks for sharing

Jim Flinchbaugh
03-10-2012, 11:42 AM
His great-grandfather's Colt now belongs to him. It was all pretty unceremonious, actually. It's a very odd, strange, surreal feeling doing such a thing though. It's one thing to pass off an object. It's something else entirely to pass on something that carries so much history of us with it, and the expectation that he will continue it in the same way when the time comes for him to do the same someday.

this is it!
It's not about the firearm, its what it represents, ie the history and tradition in your family.

03-10-2012, 12:01 PM
This is the thing that makes families special.

03-10-2012, 12:12 PM
I was fortunate enought to get one of the 700 Rem special runs in 300 Sav. It went to my grand daughter who took her first deer at 12. Her other grandfather went blind in his right eye, and is now using the rifle with the offset mounts that allow him to shoot right handed with his left eye. The rifle is the one that Stan Skinner wrote up in Guns and Ammo a few years back, and the article goes with the rifle nicely and makes it a bit more interesting. Hope it is passed down to a great grand daughter or grand son.

03-11-2012, 11:11 AM
I gave my son my .357 Ruger security six SS when he Graduated High School he still has it. I am thinking I need another .357 I am getting tired of chasing 45 brass!