View Full Version : Lyman Alaskan

03-09-2012, 08:39 PM
What's a reasonable price for a 5 digit lyman alaskan with the crosswire and post reticle? Been thinking about building a 1903A4. I've seen some crazy prices on ebay. I don't mind paying for it, just not through the nose.

03-10-2012, 12:06 AM
You would be very lucky to get one for $200 from anyone that knows what they are. I bought mine 20+ years ago at a gun show for about $30 with a Litschert (sp) booster. Your only hope would probably be on a used gun that the seller isn't up to date on or a yard sale.

The milsurp Snipers have driven them up to what they are along with the 330 Weavers. It does help that they are a very good, bullet proof scope.


BTW, mines for sale with Redfield rings on a M70 base for $400.

03-10-2012, 10:54 AM
I think too that is what has driven the prices up on the Alaskans - guys building ersatz 03A4 sniper rifles. Thanks to 'reality' TV, everybody wants to be a sniper these days. Funny, there are more 03A4's, M1C's, and M1D's around now than were ever built at the arsenals. Nothing at all wrong with that- it's all in fun. It's the odd one that gets passed off onto a rookie as being genuine that bothers me.

I like the Alaskan because its size and excellent optics make for a great addition to a Mauser or Springfield sporter, especially if it lives in a Griffin&Howe QD mount. But for what they're bringing now, I don't think I'll buy any more of them, especially when the same money will fetch a low power Leupold.