View Full Version : Pawn shop find

03-08-2012, 11:59 AM
I found a "Bubba`ed" DUV 42 Mauser in a pawn shop yesterday that had been sporterised. It has Williams guide open sights in place of the original mil. sights. The stock has all metal hardware cut out of the stock, including the recoil bolt. The holes were filled and sanded smooth then the guy PAINTED the stock with what he would call camo pattern paint. I call it my "John Deere" Mauser because it is mostly green. Otherwise I`ve got a decent condition 98 barreled action, if I don`t toss the stock. Total cost out the door of the shop was $106. There are still bargins out there, you just need to look for them.Robert

Jack Stanley
03-08-2012, 01:36 PM
It's a good thing you were able to spot the rifle in order to see there was hope for it . Good for ya !!

Some of the Bubba work ya just got to wonder what was goin' on in their head .


Hang Fire
03-08-2012, 06:45 PM
I found a "Bubba`ed" DUV 42 Mauser in a pawn shop yesterday that had been sporterised. It has Williams guide open sights in place of the original mil. sights. The stock has all metal hardware cut out of the stock, including the recoil bolt. The holes were filled and sanded smooth then the guy PAINTED the stock with what he would call camo pattern paint. I call it my "John Deere" Mauser because it is mostly green. Otherwise I`ve got a decent condition 98 barreled action, if I don`t toss the stock. Total cost out the door of the shop was $106. There are still bargins out there, you just need to look for them.Robert

True., there are sleepers out there, for many people do not recognize them for what they are. And the longer they sit in the rack with no customer interest, the lower the price goes.

03-10-2012, 01:25 PM
I've always wondered why guys Bubba . mil rifles. For hunting applications, most of them are fine in stock condition. I am much more of a wild pig hunter than a deer hunter and most of my pigs have been taken with cheap milsurps. A lot of my pig hunting is in the salt marshes of southern Mississippi and spatters of salt water and mud are hell on a rifle's finish.

The M98 Mausers in 7.92x57 and the venerable Mosins in 7.62x54 have all the power one could realistically wish for to drop even big tuskers...and if I splatter one with salt mud or drop it in the drink, I don't worry about it nearly as much as if I'd have drenched my nice Remington 700! Unfortunately, all American .mil 30-06s are generally too valuable for the salt marsh environment, so mine never accompany in the flatboat or canoe on these trips. My Mausers and Mosins give outstanding service without any mods. Oh, FWIW, the Mosin M44 carbines, with their attached bayonet (which is one of the first things a lot of guys remove) are especially handy. I shoot them with the bayo extended because retracting it changes the POI, but they also provide an extra measure of insurance if a tusker decides to charge!

On a related note, I like dogs and hate to shoot them. I've used the M44 bayonet before on strays that were getting a little too aggressive, without having to shoot (of course a round was up the spout, just in case. Much as I like dogs, I like getting bitten even less...).

Of course American men have always loved to "customize" machinery, whether it's guns or hotrods, so I do understand the dynamic. I just wish more of the desire to customize was accompanied by higher levels of skill!

Best regards

03-10-2012, 04:01 PM
I read things like this and just have to shake my head. Why would ANYONE remove a stock recoil bolt? It's there for a purpose and if you don't know what that purpose is, find out before doing something stupid.

No matter......the barrelled action was worth the asking price.

03-10-2012, 04:40 PM
I used to hunt birds with an old '97 trench gun. I'd carry a bayonet so when I stopped for lunch I could fix the bayonet and stand the gun up. I've hunted a bit with an M44, and used the bayonet the same way. Works good.

03-11-2012, 03:51 AM
UPDATE. When I tried to take the action out of the painted stock I discovered that the previous owner had painted the stock barrel channel and action inner areas also. That being bad enough he then screwed the action down tight in the wet paint!. I`ve finally got the paint off the metal parts with steel wool (000 grade) and a knife blade for the tough areas. I`ve got an old cut down mil. stock that is a good fit for the action for now. I guess only young kids should access to spray paint, at least you know what they`ll do with it!Robert

03-11-2012, 07:19 AM
UPDATE. When I tried to take the action out of the painted stock I discovered that the previous owner had painted the stock barrel channel and action inner areas also. That being bad enough he then screwed the action down tight in the wet paint!. I`ve finally got the paint off the metal parts with steel wool (000 grade) and a knife blade for the tough areas. I`ve got an old cut down mil. stock that is a good fit for the action for now. I guess only young kids should access to spray paint, at least you know what they`ll do with it!Robert

But I bet that coat of paint has kept the metal in like new condition.

03-11-2012, 09:02 AM
back in the day i would buy some of the bad budda mousers and springfields. then i would rework them to look like something sometimes replicing the stock glass bed them drill and tap alter the bolt handle. then trade them to guys with the untouched rifles that were wanting to cut them down. i traded a cut down #4 enfield and 3 boxes of shells for a untouched 1917.
i also so kept a ruger 10-22 around for trading. i picked up 2 nice uncut 03's that way. both parties would not sell the 03 but they traded for a .22 to keep the groundhogs out of the garden. that was when i could buy the rugers for $54 at best products.

Me not you
03-12-2012, 06:03 PM
Years back "sporterizing was a huge fad. I had an as-issued milsurp and when someone ran off the whole spiel on sporterizing it, what to do and how to go about it I responded "I'm keeping it as-is". I usually got a response of TOTAL shock.

03-13-2012, 11:50 PM

Ya been skulkin' around I see ........ a John Deere Mauser ...... LOL!!

I agree with your assessment that only little kids should be allowed canned spray paint ..... they'll just paint one another with it .... keep'em entertained that way!!!

My brother bought a Target version of the Ruger 77 mk II in .243 for cheap because of a "weekend" gun finnisher .........

.............. da dummy painted it with black car paint so it would look "plastic" ...... that beautiful laminate stock ............ YUK!!!

My Brother got her cheap ...... $300 as I recall ......... I wish he'd sand it down and refinnish it .... I keep fighting to not barf each time I see it!!

Best regards
