View Full Version : Remington 1875

03-07-2012, 06:44 PM
Hello again guys.... Iv been lurking arround an old restored Remington 1875 for a few days now. Every time Im lurking arround something I dont have I start googling arround, reading books about the firearm in mind etc etc....

Now... I found something interesting about the Remington 1875. The ones made for the 44-40 cartridge. The article said that the first 15000 or so had very large chambers. Like .46... but it didnt say why. It just said that these revovlers suffered from bad accuracy because of it. This started my snail brain... Why did they make those chambers so big? Did they do that to just the first 15000? Was it because they where meant for the Egyptian marked based on the outside lubricated bullet, and just skipped making a chamber for inside lubricated bullets or what??.......... Is there anyone in here that can enlighten me?

03-08-2012, 09:31 AM
the story i got was the 75 was made in two calibers. .44 remington and .44-40. the .44 rem used an outside lubed buillet and needed larger chambers. so when they started to make them in .44-40 they just used the same cylenders. i guess some been counter thought it would save money.

03-08-2012, 02:09 PM
Yep. That makes sense. As long as I can understand they never shipped any of them down to Egypt. Part from maybe 10-20 "demo" guns. I guess those made in the 44 remington was meant for those sand warriors. I mean those cylinders.