View Full Version : Found 50/50 & Another Source For Lead

03-04-2012, 08:27 PM
A while back my father happened to be in the right spot, right time and noticed some shinny bars under a work bench. It was 50/50, roughly 1 pound sticks. The fella who had them said his bother-in-law worked for the phone company and had brought them home from time to time and he was tired of them taking up room. They were for the underground work that is still being done to this day. 100+ bars!!!

Anyway, they are in my garage and they fella in the garage was happy to move them on at $1.00 per bar.

Also, the phone company moves and replaces truck lines. If you know someone on the crew, you may be able to get dead soft lead for little to nothing especially if they are old lines. The casing is hard to get off but the lead in pure.

Something to keep in mind - connect with everyone on what you are looking for and you may be surprised what arrives!!!!..........

03-04-2012, 09:38 PM
Are they marked 50/50? When my father was in the line gang in the 60s, the wiping solder was 30/70...

But a buck a pound is a sweet score either way!

03-04-2012, 10:48 PM
Yes, they are stamped 50/50.

03-05-2012, 02:35 PM
Want to sell any 50/50 solder bars? I need some good, clean Solder for alloying!


Thanks anyway. I found some!