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03-03-2012, 04:21 AM
Just thought I'd share a picture of my uncle, the family Mountain man. Don't know how much or if any casting he does. Never asked, but he does get his hands dirty with a forge and doesn't mind stumming the guitar either. Obviously, he's the one with doing the strumming in the photo.


03-03-2012, 06:32 AM
Good picture. Looks like my kina folks. Haven't seen a "Gut Bucket" in years.

Jim Flinchbaugh
03-03-2012, 11:47 AM
Every kid should have a grampa like that!

03-03-2012, 12:04 PM
Always use your fill flash when the subject is back-lit.

Pepe Ray
03-03-2012, 12:49 PM
I can't tell what the guy in the blue shirt has in his hands but I don't see a carpenters saw in the band.
Pepe Ray

03-03-2012, 02:12 PM
the way his hands are positioned i'd say some spoons.

03-04-2012, 12:14 AM
Here's a link to a book about my great uncle Charley. My dad used to tell me I was a lot like him while I was growing up and we would hunt on the grandparents farm.


Here's what my cousin said about it.

"Yes, "A Mighty Hunter, Adventures of Charles L. Youngblood" is Uncle Charlie's book that was published in 1890. He had a Journal, and it was published as a series of articles in a Newspaper. Then, the book was published by Rand with the help of E.H. Peck. The book was digitized by the Library of Congress, and is on line. The one you had a link to must be a re-published version!!

I'm not sure if another book was published earlier or not. I actually have a copy of the 1890 version, but it is literally falling apart. The pages are so brittle, that they crack and fall out. Back in 1972, I found an original copy in the Kansas State University Rare Books Collection. They let me read it, and I used it in a paper I was writing on Buffalo hunting. As I was doing research, one of the other books I used in preparing my paper mentioned Uncle Charlie as a hunter who came late in the Buffalo hunting era.

In the Kansas Museum of History, there is a Buffalo hunting display. In the display is a reproduction of an ad from a paper where Uncle Charlie had advertised for hunting trips."

03-04-2012, 01:09 AM
Pepe, you're right, no saw sadly.

crabo, that is one heck of a story, brother! I'm going to have to have a look over that book!

03-04-2012, 01:25 AM

There are a number of copies of the book available both as modern print on demand ( probably from the Library of Congress scan) and original copies from $40.00 on up. I did asearch on Addall Used Books. Here is a link to the search

The notes indicate there were two editions. 1882 and 1890.

The first edition of this title was published in Boonville, Indiana, under the title "Adventures of Charles L. Youngblood During Ten Years on the Plains." The present edition is apparently based on the earlier one, but is enlarged and is narrated in the third person
Looks like a good read.

The Library of Congress scan is missing pages 40 and 41.

03-04-2012, 02:11 PM
Great picture I play the Banjo.

03-04-2012, 05:09 PM
Great picture I play the Banjo.

And you admit it on a public forum? :kidding: :p

03-04-2012, 08:30 PM
Soooo, I used to play in my younger days. Still have it in the closet, it's an OME and I still have the receipt for it too. Bought that back in 75 and cost at the time $750.

Bullet Caster
03-04-2012, 09:03 PM
Yeah, I play too, but not a banjo, a guitar. I started out with a 1972 Fender Telecaster with a Kustom 150 amp, rolled & pleated black with a Kustom 3 12" silver coned JB Lansings. Those days were my Jimi Hendrix years and I learned to play the feedback standing in front of the speaker cabinet. Now, I only have an old box guitar that I get out on occasion and strum when we sit around the campfire. BC

03-05-2012, 01:58 AM
I made a lot of money with a banjo. I had one that was custom made for Dickie Betts. Beautiful tree of life mother of pearl inlay and wazzo head inlays. I played it so miserably, that a guy gave me a M29 S&W, and $800 for it. If I would have insisted of continuing to play it, I bet I could have got another couple hundred bucks to relieve the misery.