View Full Version : Public apology to Storydude

Love Life
03-01-2012, 07:06 PM

03-01-2012, 07:45 PM
Dude, chill. Everybody makes mistakes. It's part of growing up. Learn from them. No need to go away feeling guilty. I've thrown myself on the sword here lots of times, but I'm still everyones bestest buddy...more or less.

Jammer Six
03-01-2012, 08:23 PM
Anybody can be wrong.

It takes an adult to apologize.

03-01-2012, 08:26 PM
hey you maned up now nut up and stay around

MT Chambers
03-01-2012, 08:30 PM
I don't know anything about that incident but you sound like the kind of folks we need on here...everyone makes mistakes and everyone over reacts, join the club.

03-01-2012, 08:32 PM
Love Life,
The first step towards fixing a problem is recognizing that there is one.
You're on the right track.
Don't go man.
Sometimes your posts make my day.
Hang in there.

03-01-2012, 08:32 PM
It takes a big man to admit when he is wrong, and I applaud your efforts.

Very nicely done. I am sure Storydude will forgive you over the whole incident. I am also pretty sure that many of us here have flown off the handle perhaps once or twice in our lives, and can relate.

By apologizing, and in such an ever so humble way, you make the both of you look better.

- Bullwolf

03-01-2012, 08:45 PM
Stick around Love Life.You have helped me and others with problems.Stay and help .
If it were me that you would have had to appolgize to I would except it.You did right by doing it for everyone to see.

03-01-2012, 09:27 PM
Bion may not have known what the issues with the rifle were.
just that something was wrong with it.
that's quite an apology though.
nothin to leave over.
just read your reply before posting it.
i have to and I make a lot of corrections sometimes [not for spelling either].

03-01-2012, 09:28 PM
Love Life,
I greatly admire the fact that you took the time to write a public apology. Perhaps Storydude will accept it and all will be well. (You may remember that you once accepted one from me.)

Please, reconsider your decision and don't leave the forum.

03-02-2012, 09:57 AM
LL, if you go there'll be one less person helping me stay adult in heated conversations. ;)

I won't beg you to stay but please know that this doesn't really come across as a reason to leave a forum.

03-02-2012, 10:11 AM
I say stay,reading post like yours helps keep me and I hope everyone in line.We all make mistakes,at least u got a big enough set to apologize and admit when ur wrong.Do not go.

03-02-2012, 10:18 AM
In the short time I've been on this forum, I've only had to apologize four or five times. I have a knack for saying things wrong or in a way that others misunderstand. A good dose of humility brings us back to Earth and makes us face the fact that we are only human. You realized your error, stood up and made a sincere effort to correct it. People like you will only make this site better. Hang around and share with us.

03-02-2012, 10:27 AM
I bought a Lyman 4500 from you, Love Life, and it was one of the best transactions I've made here. You were completely honest and up front with everything about the sizer. You also went out of your way to help me get it up and running and when I had issues, you helped me through them. As a new guy at the time (still novice today) I really really appreciated you, your effort and your good will.

I think you might be quite meticulous with things you do and especially things you value and sell to others. I'm guessing you expect that in return when you buy something and that is why you reacted the way you did. I'm glad it turned out okay.

Hopefully Storydude will read your PM and this thread and accept your apology. Hopefully no one will remember you putting him down so he has a good future here as well; I'm sure he will. And I hope you stay. It sounds like you post in quite a few areas of the forum, so you must enjoy it. Don't loose that over one mistake.

My 2 cents... -Brad

03-02-2012, 11:30 AM
"To err is human; to forgive is divine."

You first have to forgive yourself.

Besides, I know a thing or two about the taste of my own shoe leather. . . :)

We're different over here because we DO own up to our mistakes and we do not make excuses for them. We apologize for them and then continue giving back to our community here.

I've yet to meet the Marine who would voluntarily retreat from something like this. You learned a lot in the Corps. You fessed up, you're making things right, so stick around for the next member who may have some remorse over some situation or another and pay the favor forward.

You're a good guy. We need good guys here. We WANT good guys here

PM me if you need to.


03-03-2012, 11:03 PM
If you made a mistake and learned from it, then why leave?

I run across this issue a lot, I do security work, I sneak and lie to convince people to let me into their work. And when I am successful, there is the call to "terminate the employee, who was duped" and I look at the boss, and say. "You are going to fire the one person in this company that is going to be suspicious of the people trying to sneak in, why? This is probably will be your best employee, on this issue from now on."

Stick around! :) As I would say that you learned something and you evidently care about this group of individuals. If you didn't . . . you would not have apologized or felt they way that you do. And frankly I rather see more of this type of individual then some of the others I have seen on other boards.

03-04-2012, 12:15 AM
Cast Boolits members,

After going through my posts and threads over the time I have been a member I realize that I am a very testy indiviual in the political section and I want to apologize for for the things I have said to the members there during heated debates. I am voluntarily leaving Cast Boolits and may you find yourselves in God's blessings in all that you do.

Since I stopped going in the political room I like this board much more. Actually I agree with 90+% of you guys politically, but those others....... I would like to see that board eliminated not because I want to control what anyone says but because I believe it gets us at each other's throats unnecessarily.

41 mag fan
03-04-2012, 10:22 AM
That's the problems with political views and ideas....everyones got their own and what will work and what wont. What one thinks ruffles the feathers of the another and before long you got a ruckus going that's not worth the effort let alone the headache.
This IMO is whats wrong with this gov't today. Yes we got a snake in office, yes I didn't vote for him, yes if either party has a candidate not worth walking across the street for, I'll vote on one issue only...my guns.
If we have a candidate thats democrat, and endorsed by the NRA, I'll vote for him. If it's a republican, I'll vote for him.
But the problems we have today is each party has gotten it into their heads that the only way to get the top seat in the gov't, which is the oval office, is to completely throw everything to the wind, and try to bring the other party to its knees.
There is no bipartisanship anymore on the most vital issues in this country. You got one party who wants to raise taxes on the rich, you got the other party wanting to lower taxes, you got a budget thats totally out of whack, a 15 trillion+ debt created that noone seems to realize is picking up steam and heading this country to plunge over a cliff.
Neither party knows how to stop this train wreck, only how to make it keep picking up steam.
No party is innocent, both are at fault.

It's really a sad day in our history of this country when ideas and ideals of two parties are used against the other at the expense of the country and its citizens.
Opposite views used to be good, it brought bipartisanship that strengthened this country, by two parties coming together and giving and taking on issues.
Now the only thing both parties have in common is they'll sit on their hands while the other party controls the white house, at the citizens expense.

03-04-2012, 10:49 AM
That is why I try not to step in poop. So when I stick my foot in my mouth it is not a two fold insult.
I say relax. You did right by apologizing. At least you felt he deserved an apology. A lot of folks would have just ignored it and said they deserved it. You proved your better than that, so I would like to see you stay.

03-04-2012, 11:52 AM
Even in my own family, I have disagreed ardently and loudly. Doesn't mean I will leave the family....

03-04-2012, 12:12 PM

We had a minor deal months ago with a PIF package. You were completely reasonable and another example of a good forum member. Like many others have said, it takes a real man to publicly admit a mistake. Please reconsider your decision to stop being a member. Others here have stated the reasons for staying better than I can.