View Full Version : Meepos Speedlube

.30/30 Guy
03-01-2012, 03:06 PM
I have two Meepos Speedlube’s. Both of them came from eBay. In each case the seller said that they were in perfect working condition. NOT! In each case you could size a boolit, but the lube function did not work. On both of them the lubing piston rod was bend and binding in the housing. I took some black magic marker and coated the piston rods with it. I then put the rods in the housing and observed where the magic marker was rubbed off. I would lay the pistons on an anvil with the rub mark up and tap the rod with a hammer. After a couple of hours of doing this I got the piston rods to move freely. With the lube piston rods moving freely the lube function works great.

When I got my first Meepos I had no clue of how to make it work. I did a Google search and guess where I landed? Cast Boolits! I found more information on the Meepos here than anywhere else.

I have been wanting to use the Meepos for my .357’s but did not have any .358 dies. The original dies appear to have been made from bolts. I contacted Lathesmith and Chris made me a couple of dies. The dies are almost too beautiful to use! Same great quality as the Star dies that he makes.
The Meepos has some Speed Green in it. I decided to see what production I could get. I put 50 of my .357 boolits in a pile and noted the time. It took 4 minutes and 20 seconds to do the 50. Just over 11 per minute and could be projected to do almost 700 per hour.

Too bad that someone doesn’t make a copy of the Meepos today. Lyman and RCBS would be hurting in short order.

A couple of picture for those not informed about the Meepos. I added some new knobs and handles. The other picture shows some original dies and Lathesmith’s dies. Also shown it the lube piston rod and some nose punches.

Bent Ramrod
03-01-2012, 06:17 PM
Excellent report, 30/30guy! As far as I know, you are the first to actually use your Meepos Speedlube and report on it. (I haven't had the time/gumption to get mine going yet, but it's "in the queue".:oops:)

Those aftermarket dies by Lathesmith look better than the originals.

.30/30 Guy
03-02-2012, 07:42 PM
I could not get the picture of the Meepos to attach the other day. Trying again.

I was really impressed with how the Meepos worked. Put a boolit in and pull down on the sizing lever. Turn the pressure screw until the lube handle moves to the up position. Pull down on the lube handle and repeat the process. I only needed to add pressure about every 3 boolits.

I have a Star that I love. The Meepos approaches the Star in preformance.

03-04-2012, 07:53 PM
been busy with work , but had to stop and read the Meepos thread .....been using it on occasion when I can and hopefully by spring , will order up some more sizers from Lathsmith .... here's pics of my two favorite pieces....Digger
(nice job there 30/30 guy ! )

03-05-2012, 06:44 AM
Wow... and I thought I had enough lead.... then I noticed the stash on your back wall....

I gotta get to smelting if I'm gonna keep up with the Jones'...

03-05-2012, 09:35 AM
Thanks StratsMan , ...... Sorry , didn't mean to detract from your thread here 30/30 guy .. very nice job on your Meepos as they are a very nice looking machine .
I have the .452 die at the moment and been usiing it with Lar's Carnuba , when that runs out I will also pour some Ben's red in for the next batch ....
The .358 die will be the next order of business in the future ..... What boolit , mold are you using ?
And I will have to take a closer look at the pressure shaft on mine also , .... glad you brought that to light here.
Welcome to the " Meepos Club" , seems there are a few of us around .....:lovebooli

03-05-2012, 10:14 AM
Digger and 30/30 guy,

WOW! I am amazed at how great those Meepos lubers look! They are beautiful machines, and you have done a great job taking care of them. I am jealous! I wish I lived near you so I could run a few boolits through it just for the experience. You Lucky buggers...

03-06-2012, 10:25 PM
Yeah ..... kind of take a fancy to the older pieces now and then ....bit of history here and there...;)
