View Full Version : I now have bullplate loobe!!!

03-21-2007, 09:03 PM
i finally got to one of those roundtuits & ordered me some bull plate lube ,the bullshop was very easy & nice to deal with ,(Good) people!!!!
i have the directions ,but was wondering about other tips or tricks .planning on firing up the pot saturday bright & early????:castmine:


03-21-2007, 10:09 PM
I just ordered a few bottles myself. Everyone that i've talked to that has used it raved about it. Seems like the best invention since sliced bread! I can't wait until it shows up to try it. :-)

03-22-2007, 12:44 AM
One little tip that may help. Where the instructions say to dampen a q-tip it means just that. Lightly dampen not saturate. The more you put on the more you will have to wipe off. A little does a lot!
Keep your damp q-tip handy and whenever you feel any drag in the plate swinging just give a quick wipe and keep goin. Shouldnt even have to get out of your casting rytham. On the lee small blocks if they start to give any trouble going together easily do the same to the alignment v's.
This stuff works so good, takes so little, and is so cheap I dont understand why folks use anything else for the job.

03-22-2007, 12:49 AM
The first time I used Bullshop's sprue plate lube I really used too much. It did what it is supposed to but some of it got in the bullet cavities causing the usual "oil on the mould" problems except that it soon went away and the mould started casting well. Most oil won't do that. At any rate, someone suggested shaking the bottle up, removing the cap and JUST using the oil in the cap on a que-tip. It is just the correct amount of oil. I wait until my mould is up to heat and casting well. I cast a mould full of bullets, leave them in the mould with the mould closed tightly. I then lube the top of the sprue plate, the bottom of the sprue plate and the top of the mould. Then I immediately use a CLEAN que-tip and carefully remove all of the oil. A VERY light film is all that remains. That is plenty to do the job through an entire casting session. Lead will not stick to any of the areas that were oiled. I still wait until the sprue hardens before operating the sprue plate but if you open early and wipe lead across the top of the mould, now it will not stick.

I also lube the alignment pins on the six cavity moulds (and all of the iron moulds I use) and on the Lee two cavities, I lube the alignment "rods". It is amazing how much better the two cavity Lee moulds now align themselves. It should increase mould life by a factor of 10.

Really good stuff.


03-22-2007, 12:03 PM
GP100man- I now dump just a little into one of those dosage cups (the ones that come with cough syrup and the like). This is after knocking the open bottle off the casting bench (twice). I've dumped about 2/3 of it on the floor and now have some very well-lubed spots on the concrete. I still think I have enough to last quite a few years though; that bottle if you don't spill it will probably last your lifetime. Other than that I can't add anything to what's already been said; it's great stuff.


03-22-2007, 10:05 PM
thanks fellers& dan too
ithink i would have dipped a qtip,now ill wipe the top trick .
easyer to add than clean off ime

03-22-2007, 11:44 PM
and dont throw the q-tip away .I use them for a week or more of steady casting , after it soaks up it is still good for a long time . I usually have the cotton fall off before the q-tip is dry ... I just have a couple setting on the shelf over the pot and add a new one once in a while .........sorry bullshop ,,,,it dont take much of the stuff..............Dean

03-23-2007, 12:16 AM
Aw thats OK no worries. Some of these new younger fellas are buyin it and they may last long enough to need another.
And when they learn ya can make boolit lube with it too well they are just gonna need more.
For the older fellas I think it might work for a laxative so that will keep them comin back.

03-23-2007, 08:51 AM
works good for lubeing actions on rifle and pistols, males 'em work slicker than snot on a doorknob. just don't overdo it,don't take much!!


03-23-2007, 09:47 AM
TTC, it is amazing how some lubes work extremely well. In dusty environments the name of the game is to not attract any kind of dirt. For that reason I have resorted to using moly spray (DowCorning molykote 231, for example) in lever guns and pistols. I also use the moly smoke (DowCorning molykote Z powder) for the same purpose. For rifle triggers, I use jojoba oil after cleaning with lighter fluid. The BR triggers are usually hard enough to handle the lighter fluid alone without further treatment. I try and keep the bolt action cammming surfaces as clean as possible, and then dry lube them only with the moly smoke. ... felix