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02-28-2012, 12:14 PM
I got this today. I always knew to use COLD water on a burn but this is great.
After cooling the burn, take egg white and beat it a little, apply to the burn. Do it as much as possible, it dries so put more on. Keep it up and in a few days there will be no sign of the burn.
Those with severe face burns have no scars.
One fellow had a drum of something go off and burned his face bad, A neighbor cooled him and applied egg white. his face is like a babies today.

02-28-2012, 01:15 PM
Good to know.

Aloe is an excellent burn balm.

02-28-2012, 01:29 PM
How about aloe AND egg white? Being a person that is often in harms way when it comes to minor burns from all sorts of activities I will not be without an aloe vera plant in the house. Sometimes it looks pretty sick from all the broken-off leaves, but it heals better than I do without it.


02-28-2012, 01:33 PM
Have used egg whites on small burns in the past and it worked well. However when I had a molten lead spill on my foot (about the size of a silver dollar) thru a sock, I put my foot in the bucket of water that I used for water drops. A very serious burn, and I ended up in the burn unit of a hospital after a couple of days because nothing was helping. They treated it with 1% Silver Sulfadiazine Cream.
The healing process was about 3 weeks before it completely healed with a perminent scar to remind me of the incident. It taught me a couple of things:
Cast with boots on (and of course long trousers), and that a bucket of water in the casting area has merit.

02-28-2012, 04:30 PM
Fellows I have been a professional welder for 40 years and ran my own shop with several employees for 32 of those years, I know something about burns! Egg white is an old home remedy and like a lot of old home remedies it gets far more credit than it deserves, this was discussed extensively (home remedies in general not just egg whites) at our safety meetings and once a year this was done with professional medical personal hosting the classes for the numerous shop and mine personal in attendance, burns were a common subject. Egg white simply acts a bandage and is NOT an antiseptic that will prevent infection which is the biggest problem with burns, if the wound is not contaminated then an Egg white may be of some benefit but a proper bandage and anti-bacterial ointment is far better. There is nothing in an egg white than will prevent scaring just as there is no medical ointment that will do so, any scar prevention is due to preventing infection-NOTHING will repair dead skin than has been burned! For minor burns there is a really good treatment, Nu-Skin or one of the other brands of liquid bandage products is what is being used in first-aid more than anything else for minor burns these days and for good reason. This stuff is highly antibiotic and completely seals the burn area with an impenetrable plastic type "bandage" that will not easily come off, it not only seals the area from bacterial contamination but kills any bacteria it comes in contact with. Even a minor burn can be serous if infection occurs and depending where it's located scaring may be a big factor also (on us old coots it probably makes little difference but you young guys should be more concerned :smile: ) so please don't chance a home remedy when there are much better alternatives.

02-28-2012, 05:16 PM
For more years than I care to remember I worked in an aluminum reduction plant. Burns were an everyday occurance. The very best thing you can do for a burn is to immediately immerse it in cool or better yet cold water. Skin continues to remain hot and burn further and deeper even after the heat source has been removed. Immersion in cool water stops this process. A sprint to the nearest water fountain has saved my hide on many occasions. Burns thus treated hurt a lot less and heal a lot faster.

02-28-2012, 05:29 PM
Thank you oldred and Cadillo. I too found out early on about cool/cold water on burns. When I 'was' welding all day everyday, we would keep a thermous of ice water close if someone got lit up. Yah know, it dosen't take long for a pant leg burning to make a guy's day go bad.

02-28-2012, 05:40 PM
it's probably the moisture and the "heat sink" the egg provides that helps.

sending you a pm, unrelated to this.

02-28-2012, 05:46 PM
thats a internet thing. you could be worse off if the egg happen to have simionalla in it . look up the egg /burn on the net. best do what is right

white eagle
02-28-2012, 05:58 PM
his face is like a babies today.
the mystical fountain of youth [smilie=2:

Max Brand
02-28-2012, 06:19 PM
Wish I'd known this 40 years ago, thanks for the post.

02-28-2012, 06:41 PM
There is a better Natural Burn treatment...HONEY !

Put it on the burn and wrap it in plastic wrap...The pain will go away in a short time and the honey forms hydrogen peroxide to keep it from getting infected. Change the dressing and re-apply honey daily.
I had my whole left side of my back burned 2nd and 3rd degree when a weld set my shirts on fire. After the honey treatment and wrapping up in saran wrap and tape,I was able to sleep laying on my back that night with no pain..It is amazing. I have a tiny red scar left on my back smaller than a dime. It never got infected
There is lots of info on Honey for burns..Google it !.Im glad I know about it and it beats aloe 10:1 in my experience of using both.


02-28-2012, 06:44 PM
The very best thing you can do for a burn is to immediately immerse it in cool or better yet cold water.

I had my mind on that egg and completely forgot the most important part! Of course you are right, cold water and the quicker the better! Another thing is a burn that is bad enough that cloth or other material such as plastic or LEAD is stuck to the wound on a larger area DO NOT REMOVE IT! If a burn is that bad see a doctor immediately and let them remove the material. Again cool the area with water and then apply a cool moist dressing but if it's anything other than a minor burn don't attempt to treat it before going to see the doctor.

02-28-2012, 06:52 PM
There is a better Natural Burn treatment...HONEY !

Put it on the burn and wrap it in plastic wrap...The pain will go away in a short time and the honey forms hydrogen peroxide to keep it from getting infected. Change the dressing and re-apply honey daily.
I had my whole left side of my back burned 2nd and 3rd degree when a weld set my shirts on fire. After the honey treatment and wrapping up in saran wrap and tape,I was able to sleep laying on my back that night with no pain..It is amazing. I have a tiny red scar left on my back smaller than a dime. It never got infected
There is lots of info on Honey for burns..Google it !.Im glad I know about it and it beats aloe 10:1 in my experience of using both.


Honey is a natural antibiotic and certainly does have the ability to help prevent infection but why use something like that when there are much better medicines? A burn is nothing to mess around with and gets infected easily and a large burn like that is not something you want to treat with a home remedy, it apparently worked well for you that time but next time who knows? Much better not to take a chance on such things as that considering MUCH stronger antibiotic dressings are easily available just about anywhere, out in the boonies and days away from proper treatment it might make sense but not when real medicines are as close as the corner drug store.

02-28-2012, 06:57 PM
You should read the test studies...It is way more effective than what the hospitals use to treat burns with as far as infections go...and pain relief. It is an old southern home remedy.
costs a lot less too.

02-28-2012, 09:04 PM
There is a better Natural Burn treatment...HONEY !

Put it on the burn and wrap it in plastic wrap...The pain will go away in a short time and the honey forms hydrogen peroxide to keep it from getting infected. Change the dressing and re-apply honey daily.
I had my whole left side of my back burned 2nd and 3rd degree when a weld set my shirts on fire. After the honey treatment and wrapping up in saran wrap and tape,I was able to sleep laying on my back that night with no pain..It is amazing. I have a tiny red scar left on my back smaller than a dime. It never got infected
There is lots of info on Honey for burns..Google it !.Im glad I know about it and it beats aloe 10:1 in my experience of using both.


Beat me to it Rich. Honey works, but the closer to raw honey you get, the better. The super refined stuff isn't as good as the rawer stuff. Yes, of course you want to cool it down ASAP, but for minor burns honey works great. For bigger blistered burns...go see a doc. Honey has some stuff in it, I forget what they are, but it's natural goodies that are just fantastic for you on your outside and inside.

02-28-2012, 09:15 PM
Having suffered a few 2nd and 3rd degree burns I keep a jar of Silvadene ointment on hand. that stuff is great! Unfortunately it requires a prescription.

02-28-2012, 09:15 PM
Ya, don't put raw egg on a burn or any wound. It is a good way to get an infection.

Jammer Six
02-28-2012, 09:32 PM
I'd rather take medical advice from a doctor.

02-28-2012, 09:52 PM
I burned three fingers(BAD) on an exhaust and was in terrible pain. Everything i read said to NOT put it in cold water.. I quickly found out that when submerged in COOL water all the pain went away. I kept it in water for quite a while. Everytime I pulled it out of the bowl my fingers would hurt like heck.. So next time something like that happens I am going to use almost cold water and keep it submerged

02-28-2012, 09:53 PM
I'd rather take medical advice from a doctor.

Doctors cause 250,000 deaths per year.

Jammer Six
02-28-2012, 10:55 PM
Man, talk about confusing cause and effect... the mind boggles.

It's not the water so much as it is completely cutting off exposure to air.

02-29-2012, 08:01 AM
Doctors cause 250,000 deaths per year.

Aw man! You aren't supposed to point that out. People might actually start thinking for themselves.

02-29-2012, 09:11 AM
Honey is great for cuts and so is sugar. Both prevent infection and promote faster healing.
What they said about the egg white was the collagen it has in it.
Yeah, it is hard to trust store bought eggs though.

02-29-2012, 09:15 AM
After you cool a burn down then apply something to keep the air currents off. Burned skin losses it protective barrier. The burned feeling later on is evaporation. You need something to keep evaporation in check. Using neosporin is greasy and stops fluid loss. It also prevents infection. If you need medical care later the silvadene needs to be scrubbed off. It is thick and white. After neosporin apply a clean and dry dressing.

02-29-2012, 09:19 AM
After you cool a burn down then apply something to keep the air currents off. Burned skin losses it protective barrier. The burned feeling later on is evaporation. You need something to keep evaporation in check. Using neosporin is greasy and stops fluid loss. It also prevents infection. If you need medical care later the silvadene needs to be scrubbed off. It is thick and white. After neosporin apply a clean and dry dressing.
Yeah, good idea, I don't want my blood alcy to evaporate either! :bigsmyl2::bigsmyl2:[smilie=l:

02-29-2012, 12:33 PM
The stuff the medicals use is compounded to duplicate the natural treatments. The purpose is to block air, and have a cooling effect. The difference between egg whites and aloe, as compared to the commercial preparations is the price.

02-29-2012, 05:07 PM
I was burned bad on my arm long ago and ran to the tub with a hose. I ran cold water on it for 20 minutes.
I never got a blister and have no scar.
At the least, get the burn cold and keep it cold.

03-03-2012, 01:14 PM
For more years than I care to remember I worked in an aluminum reduction plant. Burns were an everyday occurance. The very best thing you can do for a burn is to immediately immerse it in cool or better yet cold water. Skin continues to remain hot and burn further and deeper even after the heat source has been removed. Immersion in cool water stops this process. A sprint to the nearest water fountain has saved my hide on many occasions. Burns thus treated hurt a lot less and heal a lot faster.

Also worked in a foundry (18yrs / aluminum wheels) don't miss it at all... seen a lot of burns and missing fingers. Best thing is FRC's and as much body hair as you can grow... keeps the cooling aluminum off you, as you run around bobbing and weaving until everything hits the floor. [smilie=w:

http://castboolits.gunloads.com/imagehosting/thum_179414f524f0668a24.jpg (http://castboolits.gunloads.com/vbimghost.php?do=displayimg&imgid=4236)