View Full Version : $200 Blue Job

02-28-2012, 04:33 AM
In a previous post, a poster wanted to see additional bluing pron. At the Salmon River Custom, we're all about the customer service, so here ya go...

Attached you will find pics from a Ruger Vaquero I just finished. Originally it was a saddle-worn case-colored Vaquero, but the owner wanted it done with a S&W blue job. Notice that the warning label imprint has been 'removed' from the side of the barrel. This is a pretty accurate representation of what you can expect for $200.

Of particular note is the trigger guard. If the grind work is REALLY bad like it was on this gun, this is what you can expect for a final product. If the original metal work is atrocious like it was here, I really can't afford to make a career out of cleaning it up. But this is unusual, even for Ruger. Also, the "Vaquero" roll mark on the side of the frame appears to be partially wiped out. This is a Ruger faux pas; it was stamped uneven and crooked to begin with.

Cheers, Mike

B R Shooter
02-28-2012, 08:13 AM
Seems like an awfully lot of work for $200. Very nice!

02-28-2012, 09:49 AM
Truly beautiful

02-28-2012, 10:40 AM
Whoever you did that for got a bargain. Very nice indeed!

02-28-2012, 10:45 AM
The fact that I can see you reflected, taking the photo on Vaquero3.jpg has sold me!!! :awesome:

02-28-2012, 12:53 PM
I don't think any pistol can look any better than that blue job! Did you have to do any rust blueing? You did a AWESOME job! What would the cost be if a person sent you a Colt 1911 that has all the metal prep done other than the final cleaning, all metal will be ready, I know come people send in things that they think is ready HA HA, I been playing with guns for a long time, and i know what is ready is, what would you charge to do it, I would like to have the deepest blue I can get, back in the 70's they called it Super Blue around here.
If you don't want to post you pm me.

Bren R.
02-28-2012, 01:24 PM
Beautiful work!

Bren R.