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03-20-2007, 08:59 PM
I got casting hot glue boolits down to a science. It's late and I don't have time to post the procedure, but will try to tomorrow afternoon after work. Anywho, I figured out how to cast a hot glue bullet that is a perfect copy of a WW boolit. No flanges, no fins, no bubbles.

Details soon,


G. Blessing
03-21-2007, 07:38 AM
Simple question; Why?

Honest, I've never heard of such a thing, and I'm interested.
Looking foreward to hearing about it and the procedure.


03-21-2007, 12:07 PM
Hello G. Blessing,
As Master At Arms of the NAGS, National Asociation of Glue Shooters, formerly the Glue Shooters Society, allow me to attempt answering your simple question with an equaly simple answer:

Fun, fun, fun:Fire: ..............cheap, cheap, cheap:mrgreen: ............

We all like to shoot, as much as we can , and we all like to save as much money as we can. Shooting glooblits accomplishes both of these goals. Shooting a glooblit takes only a primer, case, and boolit formed of hot glue. These can be shot in the comfort of your den, basement or garage, ( actually anywhere SWMBO is OK with it ), and won't attract unwanted attention even in the backyard of your neighborhood. If you're unfortunate enough to live where you are driven indoors by any type of foul weather for extended periods of time, this offers a relief from cabin fever, needing the barest of supplies, and utilizing an old cardboard box for a targer. Since the inception of NAGS, I have loaded and shot inside my den my SBH, with just a Lee hand primer, and an old piece of carpet hung as a backstop, to enable reuse of all glooblits. Here in Central Texas, I can walk 20 feet out my back door to the end of my own personal 100 yard range, and shoot the real deal anytime I want, but it is still fun just to sit in my recliner and make the cats nervous[smilie=1: , ( would never actually hit one )..........................so G. Blessing, it's back to just the two main answers short form.....................fun, fun, fun, cheap, cheap, cheap............:drinks:

03-21-2007, 12:54 PM
Do remember that most of our primers are based on lead styphnate and also contain barium and antimony (that are about equally toxic with lead.) Shoot 'em only outdoors or with really good ventilation. There are lead-free and completely nontoxic (the residue, that is) primers now, but most of us aren't using them yet. Toxic smoke particles are most excellently absorbed through the lungs, as smokers of tobacco, crack and meth can attest.

03-21-2007, 01:17 PM
......absolutely correct sir, and a very important caveat to my dissertation. I too often assume that folks would have the foresight to have proper ventilation if popping caps, molding, painting, laquering, or anything else with dangerous vapors, indoors, and I appreciate your bringing it to the page...apologies for my omission............ and reminding me not to assume............

03-21-2007, 08:27 PM
A finer Master at Arms will not be found on this planet. I'm proud of you, Sir. You are an asset and positive representation of NAGS. I'll be sure to include this in my report to the president at our annual meeting.

Thanks again for your service and positive attitude!


03-21-2007, 08:30 PM
Gentlemen all,
Please forgive me for not getting the data posted promptly. I came home this afternoon to find that my dog and faithful companion of 6 years had been snake bit.:( I rushed him to the vet and he is going to be OK. It's been a rough day and I'm gonna hit the sack. Again, please forgive me. I WILL get the data posted.


03-22-2007, 12:14 AM
Glad your pup is OK. And I'm completely enjoying this thread, it's very much in the spirit of the Bug Blaster mindset. "Why", was asked; "Joy", was replied. :drinks:

Onward, through the fog!


03-22-2007, 01:57 AM
Gentlemen, as Co-founder of NAGS I have realized that no one has made a shotgun slug yet.

If I had the reloading equipment for it I would have to try some black powder with one of those Lee slugs you use a standard hual and wad with.

That could be very interesting...any takers on casting and loading them?

I have a 12 gauge that will work for this experiment.[smilie=1:

03-22-2007, 02:14 AM
........well Prez.....the thought did occur, but there's already rubber boolits fer scatterguns, and I ain't real sure just a primer would push a glooblit down that long tube.......I feel we must turn to the R&D section for more indepth studies.....and Jim, glad the hound'll be allright...had a black lab got rattler bit..vet said he couldn't do anything ( early 70's ).if he survived he'd be OK, nearly immune....colonel loved to bring us dead snakes after that..trophies I think....
...hay Nueces.......careful there..........you could give yourself away :roll: ..........there could be others here remember the 'ol Austin of the 70's & early 80's:mrgreen: O.W.'s always had such a pleasant atmosphere...........

03-22-2007, 03:24 AM
With the wad protecting the GB slug I think we could pepper the load. Poor mans rubber bullet if you will.

Just the ticket for deer that wont stay out of the garden.

03-22-2007, 06:08 AM
Jones, my buddy, seems to be OK this AM. Limping, swolen and very tender to the touch, but breathing and gums are pink(vet said BIG indicator!).

12 gauge slug, huh, Doug? Pardon me, Mr. President. I forgot you told me first names only when we're at Sullivan's. OK, I guess I'm gonna hafta look into a 12 Ga. Lee Loader and a slug mold for the R&D Dept.. Mr. President, we'll be needing to nominate and elect a treasurer soon. I'm sure this is going to draw mass attention and the finances for research is going to flood in.
I believe a shot sleeve would suffice in protecting the barrel from the "base material" of the slug smearing onto the barrel wall. Also, I've been thinking about trying 4X fine high grade graphite as a tumble type lube. The bullet base material has a bit of a tacky surface to it when it first comes out of the mold. If R&D can develop a process whereby the dry lube is applied and will stick, that could open several avenues of exploration.
Concerning the options of "peppering" a slug with a bit of Unique or Clays or the like, I believe this would be totally dependant on being able to lube the slug good enough for a 28 or 30" ride. So far, R&D is still working on perfecting casting techniques and research for dry lubing is still in the planning stages.
The upside of the base material is, compared to lead, it's virtually weightless. A gluelit cast in a 158 gr. pistol bullet mold weighs in at 13 grains, less that 10%. Within reason, no pressure to speak of. The down side of this stuff is, it requires lubrication like nobody's business because of the softness and high friction factor. I have yet to fire a cast gluelit down the barrel. Chief of R&D feels that casting should be perfected before proceeding to the next step. One bridge at a time.

Mr. President, thank you for the priveledge of this position. Master at Arms, thank you, Sir, for effectively controlling the crowd.

03-22-2007, 11:42 AM
.....dropping the new gluelit directly into the graphite would seem to insure adhesion, makes me wonder if using something like Frankford Arsenal's Drop-Out spray on, or something similar, on the completed pills would work???........this is above my pay grade, definitely R&D territory........who it seems already needs a larger budget and staff to address a growing list of projects............:roll:

As far as secretary treasurer nominations, I submit Ricochet for the position.......he has the acumen for the position, as well as a keen eye for detail, and I feel he wouldn't let us stray into fiscal distress ( if we ever develop a fiscal being! ).

What say all?.............

03-22-2007, 11:54 AM
I 2nd.

Lucky Joe
03-22-2007, 04:43 PM
This is a great board.

03-22-2007, 06:33 PM
well me being one of the young guys on the board, i love R&D. but my thing is time. but one good thing is that the tools required for casting this are please easily taken with you. you guy talk about a lube. what about PAM cooking spray. we are dealing with low temps why not just stray the mold with pam and then that should work for lets say most likey 3 or 4 sets i would figure then just respray. after this is done one could then just drop then into a bowl of hot soapy water to clean then. now to the dry lube. i need to know if you guys are just using a primer to shot these. i have a gp100 that i may give a whirl to. i have a cheap idea for dry lube. what do you think about talc. or maybe even better corn strach. this sounds like a really good and fun way to cpeapy shot, but still get trigger time. maybe we can even make a 3 to 5 yard lague lol. well just some more fuel for the fire.

03-22-2007, 09:23 PM
You guys keep this up and I'll have to hunt up my glue gun. DALE

03-23-2007, 02:11 AM
well i fired up the old glue gun tonight. i started with an old roundball mold and made a few. not to bad except the top of them were not filling out. not sure why. ok pam does work for this. but one thing i did notice was that it takes a few minute for it to cool. so keep this in mind as we do this. the over all shape was not to bad. i really think i need a better glue gun. im not sure if mine can heat up fast enough. ok so i went on to an old lee 38spl 158 swc. well this took a bit of practice to get some good ones. but i did. i only made 10 and got 3 good ones. im thinking that my gun has alot to do with this issue. recovery time. well i put them into the cases and cramped them down. now here is where im hosed i cant test fire anything as i live on an airforce base. they dont take to kindly to that. so i got 3 loaded and cramped no primer yet. i think this may actually turn out to be pretty cool

03-23-2007, 05:59 AM
I'll have some time off this weekend. Let me get this day behind me and I'll get some info up on the latest R&D.

How 'bout it, Ricochet? You up to taking the nomination as treasurer of NAGS? It's a very prestigious postion with absolutely no perks at all! Ahh, well, what th' hay. I'll send ya' some gluelits to test fire or sump'm.:roll:

Like jballs, The time I have to do R&D is limited. We ain't gonna perfect this thing overnight. As for ideas that might lend to this project, please, feel free to submit, regardless of how crazy you think they might be. Papa always said "Two heads are better than one, even if one IS empty!".[smilie=1:

Jballs, as for your problem getting a good cast going, I got that down. I'll post on that tonight(Friday) or early tomorrow AM.


G. Blessing
03-23-2007, 06:19 AM
You guys keep this up and I'll have to hunt up my glue gun. DALE

yeah, me too!

This does indeed look to be fun! I'm in arural area so shootin' ain't no problem, but you hit the nail on the head about the weather; Being able to shoot somthin' like this in the basement when its -40f would be nice... .. or practicing my draw and shoot in the back yard. (been doin' that with full loads anyway... [smilie=1: )

Any probs with the glue leavin' a residue or anything in barrels? or in molds?

Any special glue your using?

do you need to lube them to shoot them?



03-23-2007, 11:36 PM
My son and I tried this idea out in the garage... sweet.

My son shot the group labeled T.man from across the garage (six paces). The other two were where I was playin "hopalong cassidy".


03-23-2007, 11:50 PM
kev please tell us what setup you used. i mean crimp no crimp lube no lube so on and so forth. inquiring minds want to know.

03-24-2007, 01:47 AM
This is how I cast my GB's, I did this in my dorm room a few weeks back. This bullet is for my 1911 45 ACP, mold is a Lee Double Caivty RNFP 255gr lead bullet, glue cast they weigh 20grs.

1. Lube the mold cavity, I used vegatable oil applied with a tooth brush, very light coat this was all we had in our room.

2. With open spur plate shot the cavity full of glue.

3. Turn and put the mold in the freezer right away

4. Take the mold out after about a minute

5. Pop open the mold bullets fall right out because of the oil

6. Repeat.

7. As the mold is in the freezer, I took a utility knife and cut off base at the last lube band.

8. Leave them out for an hour on the country to harden up completely.

Case Prep.

1. Pick out 50 or so cases, mark the case head with a black marker to set them apart.

2. Drill out primer pockets to 1/8"

3. Prime Case, I am using Magnum Large Rifle Primers because we had 2 packs under the bench and no other reason to use them

4. Either hand seat the GB with finger pressure, or just set up your die in your press and seat them like a normal bullet.

This is my method, it works for me, when shooting a GB make sure there is a light coat of gun oil/lube so the GB doesnt get stuck in the barrel, happened to me with my dads Ruger, punched the bullet out without a problem, I have yet to have a problem with my 1911 and suspect I will not.

6 paces in my garage 10 shots

Again these are not toys, I posted this picture a month or so ago when I first started playing with them, it is GRAPHIC/BLOODY, shots were first 5 to 6 yards, after animal was dead I tried point blank just to see GB did punch a hole in his side.


This was with just primers, no powder, 2 shots in the dome an it was lights out on this guy.

Tomorrow I will try a rifle bullet. I wish I had my Savage 340 30-30 in working condition right now would be perfect for this test. Has anyone tried to seat a gas check yet on a GB?

03-24-2007, 03:15 AM
Well I couldnt wait for tomorrow to try to make rifle bullets, when I get an idea rolling around in my head when it is time to sleep I cant sleep, I need to know if it will work.

I cant test these out until I get a few small parts for my 30-30, I dont want to shoot them in my 30-06's to much $ in those.

My plan is tomorrow machine the primer pockets so I can use 209 shotgun primers. That, I think anyways, will give enough to push it out of the barrel with force.


It shall work!

G. Blessing
03-24-2007, 03:25 AM
Well, you got me hooked in Gents. I'm going to be trying to pick up a second .45 mold cheap, and diging out my Parents old high temp glue gun this weekend.


03-24-2007, 11:32 AM
kev please tell us what setup you used. i mean crimp no crimp lube no lube so on and so forth. inquiring minds want to know.

Good point,

I have a 41 mag so I had to cast my Gluelits. I coated my mold with spray graphite but that wasn't working too well. So now between each cast I swab the cavities with a light coat of "PAM" (applied with a Q-tip.)

Glueits were lubed with crisco but I think on my next try I will try tumble lubing them with a few drops of canola oil.

I found that the pistol primers I had on hand were not pushing the gluelit hard enough to reliably clear a 6 1/2" barrel. So I went to large rifle magnum primers and it works great when you seat the gluelits all the way down in the case so that they are firmly pressed abainst the case web (no crimp)

All female types in the house are now convinced that I am crazy.


03-24-2007, 02:33 PM
I use a High temperature hot melt glue gun under the hypothesis that the glue might be stronger/harder (not sure if this is true).

Be forwarned, if you are casting gluelits with said high temperature glue gun and are too busy learing at Liv Tyler on Jay Leno to pay attention, you will hot glue the back of your hand. It burns like heck and leaves a dandy blister.

Be careful



03-24-2007, 09:54 PM
I couldnt wait for the parts for my 30-30 to come in so I grabbed my brothers 336 out of the safe and tried a few. At first I couldnt get the round to chamber, primer was not seated into the case enough so I had to go back in and drill some more. It works now, accuracy was iffy and velocity was slow. I dont know if accuracy suffers because of the micro groove barrel on Zacs 336. You dont hear the primer pop all you hear is the GB hitting the cardboard.

I will have my parts for my Savage 340 this week and will get that back together with any luck it will shoot GB's good.

I did run one through my lee .309 sizer last night and crimped a gas check on the base, but I dont know we are talking about some money now...lol

Bullets are black because there are once fired, the only punched through one side of the box at 10 yards,

03-25-2007, 01:19 AM
so how about those slugs? lol

03-25-2007, 02:08 AM
We have yet to have anyone step up and try it, as far as I know. I would but I dont not have the required equipment.

03-25-2007, 04:58 AM
..........You guys are having too much fun. How about if you dropped a BB in the nose of the mould and then added hot glue? A bit of added weight up front might aid upset due to inertia and also have a shuttle cock effect (potato in the sock type thing)?


03-25-2007, 09:42 AM
Mr. President,
Check the rifle gluelits after firing. If you notice any rifling marks on them, check your bore for smearing. A bore brush followed by a patch with Hoppe's will clean it up all spic and spam.

R&D is formulating a procedure for making 12 gauge gluelits. Right now, we're working on a lubing procedure for gluelits to be used in rifled bores. Give us time and we'll get there. Ya' gotta remember, we're opening doors that no one has ever been through.

Your idea about a weight forward gluelit is also on the drawing board here at R&D. We're thinking that a spitzer point mold is going to be user friendly here as it would locate and keep centered a small round ball of some type. Again, we're working on all these ideas, but we're limited in our time and manpower resources.

By the way, Buckshot, how did we score a 4 star rating on this thread? If that came from you or one of the powers that be here at Cast Boolits, thank you! We appreciate your encouragement and support.

Finally, if anyone actually generates documented results through testing, PLEASE, notify us here at R&D. We can use all the help we can get. Thanks again to all for your participation.


03-25-2007, 05:49 PM
....ineresting idea Buckshot..............poor VP R&D is geting run ragged:-? , and may hafta quit his "regular[smilie=1: " job to concentrate on NAGS:-D .........while we're all earegly awaiting Ricochet's response[smilie=1: to our nomination as Sec.Treas., I would like to nominate Buckshot as 1st Executive Vice President to our esteemed VP R&D chief....you too, sir, have the technical know-how and inquisitive:confused: nature that makes for premier R&D.....what say all???

.....do that four star mean we sumbody??????

03-25-2007, 10:08 PM
As far as secretary treasurer nominations, I submit Ricochet for the position.......he has the acumen for the position, as well as a keen eye for detail, and I feel he wouldn't let us stray into fiscal distress ( if we ever develop a fiscal being! ).
I'd missed this part. As for secretary, I can definitely type out a bunch of words. As a treasurer, I'm short of treasure. :-D

I think my wife has a hot glue gun around here somewhere. If she doesn't, I'm sure my artist kids have one lying around somewhere. I've got to give this a try!

As for fiscal responsibility, I notice that those blackened, once-fired gluelits look ready to go again. I'll bet these things are good for multiple trips down the pipe. 8-)

03-26-2007, 01:42 AM
i may pickup a slug mold in a few weeks as it has been on my mind anyways. if i get it ill send you a few doug.

03-26-2007, 05:33 AM
"By the way, Buckshot, how did we score a 4 star rating on this thread? If that came from you or one of the powers that be here at Cast Boolits, thank you! We appreciate your encouragement and support."

................Up at the top of the page for each individual thread there are a couple boxes. One is to "Rate This Thread". Anyone may go there and vote for the number of stars to put on a thread. It wasn't me, but someone who knew about it decided the thread rated the stars. I do to, I just didn't think about it!

What I need to know is that there doesn't appear to be an agreed upon official name for these semi translucent and somewhat flexible projectiles. Is it Gloolit, Gluelit, Glueblits or something else :-)

So far as R&D goes. Has anyone tried casting these things while the mould is sitting in a pan of chilled water, or does the glue set up too fast in the mould cavity that way?


03-26-2007, 05:49 AM
Has anyone tried casting these things while the mould is sitting in a pan of chilled water, or does the glue set up too fast in the mould cavity that way?


Good question, Buckshot!
It's a bit difficult to cast "gluelits" without actually holding the mold in your hand. The mold halves need to be held together pretty tight to keep the glue from spreading them apart. Also, if the mold is too cold, the glue sets up early, causing serious wrinkles and bubbles in the cast. Just as in casting lead, there's a window of temperature that needs to be maintained.


03-26-2007, 08:38 AM
I can't wait to try the gloobits, however I have a question about using PAM. When baking/cooking with PAM I notice that where there is spray but no food the PAM residue gets extremely tacky and is extremely difficult to get off the pot or baking sheet and once exposed to heat again is almost impossible to get off and it just gets worse as time goes on. would this same thing occur if you use it to cast the gloobits and if so, how much of a problem would it cause to equipment and such?

Just wondering.....

03-26-2007, 09:37 AM
This process of "shooting glue" into the mold - isnīt that called "injection molding", rather than casting where the lead fills the mold by itīs own weight?

G. Blessing
03-26-2007, 04:41 PM
................ but someone who knew about it decided the thread rated the stars.

Guilty..... :o

Its just such a cool idea, and lots of good info here!


03-26-2007, 05:07 PM
You can call it injection molding, casting or just squirtin' glue in a mold, whatever suits you.

Not sure, but I think somebody already brought that up. If the mold is bought and used EXCLUSIVELY for making gluelits, I'm thinkin' it won't be a problem as there's no heat to deal with. HOWEVER, if you were to use the mold for lead and glue, now THAT might be a problem. 'Coarse, there's always carburetor cleaner.[smilie=1:

By the way, y'all, they're called GLUELITS. Got it? Who says? I just said it!:roll:


03-26-2007, 08:30 PM
What I need to know is that there doesn't appear to be an agreed upon official name for these semi translucent and somewhat flexible projectiles. Is it Gloolit, Gluelit, Glueblits or something else :-)

So far as R&D goes. Has anyone tried casting these things while the mould is sitting in a pan of chilled water, or does the glue set up too fast in the mould cavity that way?


If I'm not mistaken, and I'm sure some of my fellow NAGS will let me know if I am:roll: ....I feel that all nomenclature is correct, as long as it leads to fun, fun, and fun, and cheap, cheap, and cheap...and is quite possibly a geographical dialection of descriptive terminology.............they can be ever what y'all are comfortable with:drinks: .......
and if you accept the nomination, I'm sure VP R&D will welcome the assist & information you glean from your efforts..........[smilie=1:

03-26-2007, 08:35 PM
...:oops:............my bad .....I just saw the R&D post..............they be GLUELITS........I stand corrected............[smilie=b:

03-27-2007, 02:06 AM
with the pam i found that the temp was low enough that it didnt get sticky. basically spray, wipe off excess, and drop maybe 4 or 5 sets, then repeat. at teh end all you have to do is to wash it off with dishsoap. then treat them like a normal mold

03-27-2007, 05:45 AM
Now THAT'S the kind of mindset that's needed in R&D! Experiment, document and report. Did I mention we have some openings? The position is very lucrative![smilie=1:

03-27-2007, 08:10 AM
Not sure, but I think somebody already brought that up. If the mold is bought and used EXCLUSIVELY for making gluelits, I'm thinkin' it won't be a problem as there's no heat to deal with. HOWEVER, if you were to use the mold for lead and glue, now THAT might be a problem. 'Coarse, there's always carburetor cleaner.[smilie=1:

By the way, y'all, they're called GLUELITS. Got it? Who says? I just said it!:roll:


ok, gluelits they be!! thanks for the response on the PAM - just would have hated to see peoples molds ruined....I wonder if that carbuerator cleaner would work on my baking pans.....

03-27-2007, 10:29 AM
dont think that would be so well. it seems that the pam only geets really sticky if it heated up, or burned off a pan. but please remember this is just from what i have done in the kitchen. one thing i did notice with one of my molds was a bit of gulling it that is what it is called. but i looked and i have a burr on my spure plate

03-27-2007, 05:46 PM
"But I looked and I have a burr on my spure plate"

A burr on the sprue plate!? That's terrible!! Now, ya' gotta throw the whole thing away! This is horrible!! :(

Send it to me and I'll decomm it for you.[smilie=1:

03-27-2008, 03:24 AM
Ladies and germs,
I've been following this post for about 10 days and got hooked. Problem is , for some reason I could log in but I couldn't post!
I cast some for my .41 mag with my Lee 210 swc, some for the 30/30 from my Lee 170 GC and some for my triple duece from my Bator mould. Haven't tried the 30/30 yet.
I found that if you 'smoke' the mould cavity every 3 times you cast, the bullets come out much easier. Use a small votive candle and hold the mould open, close over the wick until it's all sooty inside. Do the same to the sprue plate, top side. I use the sprue plate just like casting lead.
If you use 2 moulds and rotate to let one set up, it makes it much nicer to do. I just let them room cool.
I HAVE TRIED SLUGS. No joy. I use a high temp gun but the stuff sets up before it fills the bottom of the mould. Oh, it's a Lee 1 oz.
I drilled out the holes on some 41 mag brass and used WLRM primers. I used gun oil (was handy) and just rolled some between my fingers on the gluelit, stuffed it in the case, primed it and at 25 feet, it went through 1 layer of corrugated, and 93 pages of the magazine inside the box!
Same system with the 222. Used WSR primers, lube, stuff, prime, shot through the whole she-bang and stuck to momma's rockin' chair, at which time she came home and caught me! It was NOT pretty! (still alive though)
I used NO CRIMP on any loads, unsized cases.
I found that you need to leave a sprue just like lead, only not as big, otherwise you get hollow-bases.
Hope this helps the R&D Dept.
sledge :mrgreen:

03-27-2008, 10:52 AM
For shotguns cut the case off just below the crimp. Then seat a plastic wad upside down over the shotgun primer. That's all there is to it. On double guns you may notice that the barrles tend to cross and this is normal as there is no recoil to bring the barrle in line.

03-29-2008, 03:12 AM
Hot Glue. I dunno about that one, but it looks like you guys are making it work.

I shot literally thousands of "Red Jet" wax bullets back in my youth. They were cheap fun indoors, especially with the 1/4 inch piece of lexan in front of the TV...

Now, where did the wife leave her damn glue gun?


04-28-2008, 10:19 PM
I've shot wooden dowls,plasic plugs and other stuff out of my pistols with just a primer. The next door people never even look out the window any more when i shoot. MMMMMmmm a glue boolit, sounds fun. How about one with a little lead shot in them for weight and a magnum primer.

05-15-2008, 05:31 PM
You guys got me really puzzled. I've been reloading for fourty years and seen, used and heard of bullets of all kind, lead, copper, brass, zinc, plastic and much more. Forgive my ignorance. What are glue bullets? how are they made? are any special tools needed? I'M REALLY PUZZLED!:confused:

05-17-2008, 03:19 AM
..............Did you read the thread? Do a search for Gluelits, or glulits and you'll get more. ALso check Classics and Stickies.

Basicly 2 ways to make them. One is fire up the hot glue gun and inject the hot glue into the mould cavities. Second is easy if you have a caliber to fit. Hot glue sticks come in various diameters. One is .450". The ones I bought mike about .450" to .452". Use a razor knife or some setup to slice the cold glue sticks into suitable length WC's. Say 1/2" for 45 cal? SPray with moly lube, stick in a 45 Colt case (primer only) and fire.


05-17-2008, 12:15 PM
..............Did you read the thread? Do a search for Gluelits, or glulits and you'll get more. ALso check Classics and Stickies.

Basicly 2 ways to make them. One is fire up the hot glue gun and inject the hot glue into the mould cavities. Second is easy if you have a caliber to fit. Hot glue sticks come in various diameters. One is .450". The ones I bought mike about .450" to .452". Use a razor knife or some setup to slice the cold glue sticks into suitable length WC's. Say 1/2" for 45 cal? SPray with moly lube, stick in a 45 Colt case (primer only) and fire.

You're right I hadn't read the thread carefully, now I understand what it is about. I'll go to the sites You mentioned.:coffee:

05-19-2008, 10:21 AM
Been reading through these "gluelit" threads. I am thinking about trying some. For you guys using molds to cast them, do you use the sprue cutter like normal?
Anyone tried using Lee tumble lube on them for lube?
How far are they accurate in say, a 38 or 357? Would they be accurate enough for indoor Bullseye shooting (50 ft.)?