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View Full Version : Ed's Red Uses?

02-23-2012, 11:21 AM
In "From Ingot to Target" Glen Fryxell modifies Ed's Red solvent to include: xylene, MEK and Dex III ATF. He states that he "uses it for almost everything gun related" as a highly effectie cleaning solvent. He mentions removing powder fouling, petrified greases and removed bullet lubes as well. So besides mould cleaning; has anyone used this for anything else? Cleaning the bore of your firearm? General overall cleaning during field stripping? Getting gum out of carpet? (well that one was a joke :-P ). Any ideas where it may be good or even bad to use? If all else fails I bet it makes a mean Molitov Cockail in a pinch.

02-23-2012, 12:03 PM
My first batch of Ed's Red was used as a "soak". I kept a container (3 lb. coffee can w/lid) on my work bench and used it for cleaning guns, dies, tools, and just about anything metal. I added a bit of marvels Mystery Oil and now use it as a rust remover/preventative too. After a range session, I field strip my gun and place it into the "soak" for a day or two. Guns usually only need a wipe down and a few patches through the bore. I may be wrong, but I believe xylene and MEK were added to help remove plastic wadding fouling from shotgun barrels...

02-23-2012, 12:37 PM
I've used an old Ed's Red recipe for years.
It's like a supercharged Hoppe's #9.
Good stuff.

02-23-2012, 01:31 PM
"Glen's Red" is absolutely destructive to most kinds of plastic, varnish, poly, some epoxies, some countertops, and some synthetic textiles. It's also destructive to the nervous system and liver in a very real and immediate way, so gloves and proper ventilation is a must when handling it. I mixed up a micro batch to test it and it works like greased lightening on caked carbon (like around revolver barrels where they poke throught the frame), grease, cosmoline, boolit lube etc. No doubt it works great on filthy, old guns, but most of the time you don't need something that strong or toxic IMO.

I make Ed's Red by the gallon and use it for cleaning all my guns, presses, hand tools etc, plenty good for most stuff.

I would NOT clean a mould with either mixture prior to casting unless you use it as a pre-wash on a new mould to remove the preservative and follow with hot, soapy water or brake cleaner to get off the residual oil, since the ATF will leave a lubricating film that will cause mould fillout problems until it burns off.


02-23-2012, 02:44 PM
Thanks Gear. Yeah I knew it would damage plastics etc ...thats why its in a glass jug (like he recommends). I agree on your mould suggestion too. Will stick with brake cleaner for new mould. It does smell good though ( I love the smell of solvents..lol..albeit only for athe passing whiff). Definitely do not use indoors or unventilated or near flame...I would guess that the vapors are explosive in an enclosed area with an ignition source. Anyway thanks for the inputs.

02-23-2012, 10:26 PM
Someone on here was using it as an additive to clean the clogged ports in Coleman lanterns. Said it worked wonders. Haven't tried it yet. Don't know the thread./beagle

02-24-2012, 02:05 AM
I read an old book on recipes for stuff, and in there was a carb cleaner that mirrors Ed's Red, without the acetone

02-24-2012, 11:02 AM
I use one wet patch, followed by one or two dry patches at the range, wipe the rifle down and put it away till next time.

The Virginian
01-27-2013, 05:55 AM
I use it on everything gun related or metal that needs cleaning and preservation. I really like it on neglected antique guns as it gets under rust and removes most of it, but still leaves a lot of the patina behind.

01-27-2013, 08:27 AM
I make it without the acetone (I shoot very little shotgun). It's not nearly so toxic without the acetone/MEK.
I use equal parts of kerosene(NOT the odourless), Varsol(oil based paint thinner), and ATF.

It is the best cutting fluid I have ever used for aluminum! Looks like chrome after a cut!
Also an excellent penetrating oil.

I use it for pretty much everything gun related.

01-27-2013, 09:06 AM
I also belong to the CBA and in one of the past "Fouling Shot" magazine,the late Molly had an article about some uses of ATF.Once he tried to lube a mould sprue plate screw while casting and some migriaded into the mould.After just wiping in out,the mould cast better that it ever did before.Kind of like Kroil

gray wolf
01-27-2013, 01:39 PM
xylene ? Men you can have my share of that stuff. Instant headache and dizziness.
Not to mention the target Organs it goes after.

01-27-2013, 03:10 PM
I use it in my ultrasonic cleaner and it works great but will remove paint.

01-27-2013, 03:40 PM
I use the kerosine and ATF only, does a fine job of bore cleaning, except for copper. That gets Hoppes.